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                    Sebastians POV.

Heading into potions class, I can already tell this is going to be hell.

It's bad enough I haven't been studying recently, Anne has been getting worse and I'm not closer to finding a cure, I don't have time to do pointless potion studies unless it benefits Anne. But not only that everytime I turn a corner I'm greeted with Garreth fucking Weasley all over Y/N.

She told me they were just friends, what a load of shit. I've been spending time with Ella, I thought it would make myself feel better or at least get a reaction from Y/N but she doesn't seem to even care.

I sit at my assigned seat in potions, Ominis at the same table.

"You're late" Ominis states.

"But I'm here before Sharp so I'm actually early" I snap back proudly and he shakes his head, smiling a little.

I look around the room, Sharp has left a potion brewing on his desk, probably something to do with the class. I hear Y/Ns laugh ring through the classroom, I glance over and see none other than Weasley making her laugh.

I sigh annoyed.

"Everything okay Sebastian?" Ominis asks concerned.

"I can't believe she didn't tell us" I snap, slamming my potions book on the table getting a few looks from other students.

"That.. who didn't tell us..what?" Ominis asks even more confused.

"Y/N.. about Weasley, she told me they were just friends. She lied to us" I hiss.

"Sounds like someone's jealous" Ominis smirks.

"As if, she's better than him that's all. Besides I'm seeing Ella" I try to deflect. I look across the room at Ella who is already looking at me, figures. I give her a small smile before turning back to Ominis.

"I just think she's trying to hard to impress someone she's better than anyway. She's halfway across the room and all I can smell is her stupid perfume, what did she do? Bathe in it before meeting Weasley" I'm getting more irritated.

Ominis sniffs then shrugs.

"I can't smell it" Ominis says unbothered.

I can. Its like she's stood right next to me. All I can smell is a mix of her perfume, pine and coconut. It's overpowering my senses.

"Okay class quiet down, gather around my desk please" Professor Sharp enters the room. We all stand around his desk, Y/N stands infront of me and Ominis beside me.

"On my desk is a potion, I'd like some of you to come forward and tell me what you smell" Sharp points at the cauldron on his desk "Mr.Gaunt, would you do the honours of going first" he asks.

Ominis takes a few steps forward, sniffing the air.

"Hmm I can smell vanilla...freshly cut grass..and...Hippogriff feathers?" Ominis hums confused at the mix in aromas.

Sharp nods "interesting" his eyes scan the students as Ominis returns to my side.

"Hippogriff feathers?" I whisper too him confused.

"You can't smell that?" He asks.

"I can't smell anything over Y/Ns fucking perfume" I whisper angrily back at him, she turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm not wearing my perfume right now Sebastian.." she whispers, she sounds offended and confused.

"Sure you're not" I roll my eyes and she faces the front again.

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