Portkeys & Vaults.

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My hands are sweating as I struggle to hold onto the broken carriage,holding the edge of what used to be the window so hard glass and wooden splinters pierce my skin. I can feel my racing heart beat through my entire body, my ears still ringing from the dragon screech, my eyes glued to the beast before us.

Oh god, what aboutGeorge?! My eyes are scanning the wreckage of the carriage sitting inthe mouth of the dragon and before I can make anything outthe dragon snaps his jaws, crushing whatever was left of thecarriage and I fear.. George. My heart is beating so fast I feelsick, reluctantly I look over to the driver of the carriage god knowshow he's still keeping us ahead of the dragon.

The second I lookin his direction I notice something forming in front ofhim; Thestrals... I can see them.
It would of beenfoolish of me to have any hope George survived the attack,for all that matters we're next, I can't believe this is it, abloody dragon attack of all things.

Isnap my eyes forward as I hear a loud rumble, the dragons eyespiercing my own, bright red and angry. His black scales shining inthe sunlight, his horns long and pointed and something around hisneck...metal? whatever it is it seems to be glowing red andblack.
The dragon is slowly opening his mouth, a red and orangeglow forming up his throat, I wince at the idea we are about to burnalive, I look at Fig unable to speak, he locks eyes with me "Jump!"He screams.

Without a second of thought I leap with Figout of the carriage just as I feel the heat from the firescorching where I was just sat, great now we're plummetingto our deaths instead. I feel helpless, spinning around as my bodypicks up speed hurtling towards the ground from who knowshow high.

That's when we both see it! The key!

I think Figshouted something but I can't hear a thing with the windblowing past my ears and the dragons roars getting closerbut he's reaching out his hand towards me.
I start to reachmy hand towards his, glimpsing up to the Dragon that's become soclose I can see my reflection in his eyes as he opens his mouth onceagain. I squeeze my eyes shut, bracing for my fate as I feel Figshand on mine.

Nauseais the first thing I feel followed by pain, so much pain.It's quiet or at least a lot more quiet than it should be for adragon eating me. I open my eyes slowly to be greeted withthe walls of a cave, its damp and smells like salt water inhere. Rocks, moss and old pots scattered around and lightcoming from the entrance illuminates Fig looking down at meconcerned.

"Areyou alright? You're hurt!" Fig says and he's right.

I let out asmall groan and hold my right leg between the dragon attack, thespeed we fell and the sudden impact of floor I have no idea whatinjured me.

"perhaps a bit" I reply with a grimace.

Figreaches into his jacket and pulls out a small vial filled with aglowing green liquid "Take this. It's Wiggenweldpotion. That stuff'll right you in a second" he gaveme a reassuring smile.

I take the vial from him and drink it quickly,it tastes sweet but bitter somehow, it tingles as it runs down mythroat and I feel a strange sensation run through my body and thensuddenly the pain is gone.

Figis pacing "poor George... I can't believe he-" hedidn't finish the last part of that sentence, sadness filling hiseyes.

I didn't know George but even I felt sad about hispassing, not a pleasant way to go. Figs sadness suddenly changedto anger and his brows furrowed in confusion "what thehell got into that damned thing?! Attacking a carriage mid-air? Atypical dragon would never-" he let out a breath offrustration.

I look around the cave more "Sir.. whereare we?" Guess it would be too much to hope this is somewhere inHogwarts.

"I'm not sure.. but that key you discovered wasclearly a portkey" he replies.

Sure dragons and portkeys whynot, that would explain the nausea I've never travelled via portkeybefore but apparently its a common symptom for first-timers.

Istand myself up and give my ankle a small roll around to make sureall is in order, feels fine and I look at Figwho still seems lost in thought.

"I'm feeling betterSir - if you'd like to look around a bit" I can'treally think of anything else we can do right now so itmakes sense to investigate.

Fig gives me a small smile"I would, but stay close. We've no idea who made thatportkey or why...".

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