The Room Of Requirement.

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She stops in a hallway and turns to face me.

"Professor?" I ask, looking around confused.

"Think of Hogwarts, what is it you need the most?" She asks with a questioning eye.

I look at her a moment, is this like a test or? I think for a second. At Hogwarts what do I need the mind starts flashing with thoughts of Sebastian.

For fuck sake.

I shake my head slightly, besides the obvious what do I need. After a moment of pondering I give her an answer.

"I suppose I need help catching up with my studies, it's nice having extra assingments but finding the time and place todo them isn't easy sometimes" I look at her half stating and half asking. Hopefully that was what she was looking for.

She smiles at me, a faint glow appears on my left on the wall, the bricks moving to reveal a door.

"Follow me" she heads through the door.

Walking inside I'm greeted by the smell of old books and a musty smell. The room is huge, going as far as I can see. It's like a very large storage space. Books, tables, chairs, lamps and everything else you could possible think randomly stacked upon eachother everywhere.

"Professor..where are we?" I ask looking around at some flying books above our heads.

"This Y/N, is the room of requirement" she smiles taking it all in.

That really doesn't tell me anything, I raise an eyebrow at her.

"The room of requirement appears when one is in real need of it. Ordinarily students stumble across it entirely by chance, if ever" she begins to explain walking further into the room, I follow after her.

"I planned on simply suggesting to you to think of what you needed and if your heart was true. The room would appear, I'm glad it did" she gives me a genuine smile.

We walk further down the path the room has created amongst all the clutter.

"We're looking for Deek, the house elf. I sent him in here to prepare to help when we arrived" she looks at a bag on a table "Merlin!" She stops alongside it.

"My old school bag...still intact" she has a big smile on her face as she starts looking through her old bag. Old text books, honeyduke sweets and a photo of her with her friends.

It's cute seeing her relive old memories, she tells me a few stories of her time at Hogwarts as we continue on through the room of requirement.

We come to a stop where a house elf is at the top of a stack of boxes and cupboards, rummaging through a box. He's throwing things out of it, I narrowly dodge a pot he's thrown.

"Jeez,careful!" I call out.

"Hmm?" The house elf murmurs. Turning around.

"Oh hello, Deek will come to you" he smiles, climbing out of the box holding a big bag, he snaps his fingers and appears infront of us on the floor.

"Is this the student?" He smiles up at me, he's adorable. Most house elves look cute anyway but he has extra large ears, white sprout like hair across his head and long white hairs coming out of his ears.

"It is indeed, Deek this is Y/N. And Y/N this is Deek" Professor Weasley introduces us.

"It's an honour to meet you" Deek gives me a small bow. I give him a big smile.

"Deek has been a friend of mine since I was a second year" Professor Weasley smiles at him adoringly.

"We discovered this room together, when I mentioned you to Deek we agreed you could benefit from this room as I once did" she continues.

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