A Girls Day Out.

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"Oh uh.. Good morning Y/N" Sebastian smiles at me and his cheeks start to turn bright red.

"Early morning?" I raise an eyebrow looking at his wet hair and flustered face.

If its even possible he's even redder.

"Uh yeah, couldn't sleep, how was your night? I'm so sorry Peeves told on us. I hope you got away okay" he holds his neck as if it was hurting.

Is he.. nervous?

"I got away with no problem, thanks to you. You shouldn't of taken the entire blame for me Sebastian.." I smile shyly remembering how he didn't hesitate to protect me from getting in trouble.

He smiles back at me.

"Don't be ridiculous, it was my fault you were there in the first place. I was going to protect you no matter what, from charmed books all the way to pesky peeves" he rolled his eyes.

I smile, I can't wait to tell him the news.

"Well...whilst you were off playing my Knight in shining armour.. I found something" I'm practically beaming with excitement as I reveal the very book we were searching for last night.

His eyes widen in shock, he takes the book from me before flicking through some pages then meeting my eyes with his.

"Wait how? How did you-" he can't seem to form a proper sentence and I giggle.

"Whilst you ran off after Peeves I thought I might aswell quickly search the last bookcase, I figured you'd buy me enough time I could manage it. It was well hidden but I have a good eye obviously" I smirk, proud of myself.

He's looking between me and the book, his face a mixture of shock and genuine happiness.

"Y/N have I ever told you, you're fucking incredible" he smiles at me before suddenly wrapping his arms around me, giving me a big hug.

It took me by surprise but I hug him back tightly, giggling slightly, his scent is so comforting and he's holding me so tight I feel.. safe.

"Ugh I haven't even had breakfast yet and you're making me want to vomit Sallow. Get a room you two" a tired annoyed voice of Imelda scolds us.

We pull away from eachother, I start to blush slightly and he clears his throat.

"Oh shove off Reyes" Sebastian snaps back, giving her an angry look.

She returns the look before leaving the common room, seemingly to the great hall for breakfast. I know she's kind to me but I can see why she has a reputation of a bitch.

"Anyway... thank you so much Y/N.. I can't thank you enough" he gives me a sweet smile before heading back to his dorm.

I watch him walk away a little longer than I probably should of before heading up to the great hall for breakfast.


I'm joined at breakfast by Natty, Poppy and Ominis. We've been laughing for the past 10 minuets at Natty's impression of her mother when she's mad in Divination class.

Looking at my friends laughing this hard I feel incredibly lucky that I've found them, starting late and with all the chaos of ancient magic and my family situation, I'm glad they've taken me in so easily.  I feel home here.

"What are we laughing about?" Garreth asks sitting next to Poppy.

"Nattys impression of her mother" Poppy giggles sweetly.

Garreth starts digging into his food, clearly hungry.

"So are you guys going to the party tonight?" He asks shoving more food in his mouth.

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