The Undercroft.

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It's been over 2 weeks since the potions class where Sharp presented the class with Amortentia.

Sebastian hasn't spoken to me since, I've barely seen him. Whenever I try and talk to him he manages to get away. It's like he's avoiding me. Whenever I see him he looks stressed and tired, I'm worried about him.

News of Sebastian dumping Ella after the class spread fast. Everyone having a different opinion on why. Some think he dumped her because she couldn't smell him in the potion, some say its because Ella could smell Professor Sharp which is even more ridiculous.

All I know is I could smell Sebastian. So clearly it was like I'd buried my head into his neck and inhaled.

I'm sat in the common room by the windows when Ominis joins me, handing me a cup of tea.

"Thank you Ominis" I smile, taking a sip of the tea and looking out into the lake. The beautiful blue hue illuminating the room, colorful fish swimming past and long seaweed swaying from side to side.

"You looked like you could use it" he sat opposite me.

"I'm okay... I'm just..worried about Sebastian" I sigh. I see him move uncomfortable in his chair.

"Why?" He asks before drinking some tea.

"I don't know... he's being very strange with me. He won't speak to me, he's hardly in class and when he is he looks exhausted" I frown.

"I believe he's just having some trouble at home.. try not to take it personally" Ominis gives me a small smile.

"It's hard not too when he seems to bolt the second he sees me" I shrug sipping my tea.

Ominis sighs slightly, continuing to drink his tea.

"So... you like Poppy then?" I ask suddenly.

Ominis chokes on his tea.

"W-what? Why would you think that?" He stutters.

"I spend a lot of time with her vanilla and hippogriff feathers? That's Poppy all over" I giggle slightly as I see his cheeks fill with color.

"Yes well.. I.. I haven't told her yet so.." I can see him panicking.

"Don't worry Ominis, your secret is safe with me.. I think its a good match though" I smile as I see him smile to himself.

"Thank you Y/N... maybe we'll find out one day" he blushes more.

I giggle and look around the room when I notice Sebastian at the end of the stairs to the common room, he looks around the room but once he sees me he runs his hands through his hair and starts to go back up the stairs.

Oh hell no, you're not escaping me this time.

"Thanks for the tea Ominis" I blurt out as I put the tea down and hurry after Sebastian not giving Ominis time to respond.

As I leave the Slytherin common room, I look round and catch a glimpse of Sebastian turning the corner, I hurry after him.

He seems to be heading for the dark arts classroom. I can barely keep up. As I reach the bottom of some stairs I see him turn down to a hall that I know is a dead end. What is he doing?...

I rush to the hall hoping to see him stood there arms crossed. But there's nothing? Where the fuck did he go. I saw him go down here..

I look around confused, all that's here is a decorative cupboard.

Wait... I look at the cupboard. I mean it can't hurt to try? I flick my wand and I hear a click and the front of the cupboard opens revealing stairs leading down.

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