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I wake up smiling, still replaying yesterday's kiss in my mind. Lazily standing up from bed, changing into my robes and brushing my hair I barely notice Imelda standing behind me.

"Did you hear a word I said?" She rolls her eyes.

"Sorry Imelda...I'm still sleepy" I yawn placing the brush back on the vanity table before walking to Winton, stroking his beautiful black fur.

"You're not sorry, you have that stupid face on again. I didn't know weasley could make anyone this happy" she scoffs making her bed.

"Weasley?" I ask confused still petting Winton.

"Yes.. weasley... your boyfriend?" She raises an eyebrow at me, folding her arms.

Oh fuck of course! I've been so caught up with Sebastian kissing me last night I forgot the entire school thanks I'm dating Garreth.

"Oh right, like I said...sleepy" I narrowly avoid making eye contact.

"Right... you're strange sometimes you know that?" Imelda picks up her broom and leaves our dorm.

I kiss Winton on the head and make my way to the common room. Greeted by Ominis and Sebastian deep in conversation by the stairs.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" Sebastian nudges me when I stand next to them.

"Oh behave Sebastian, she's allowed a lay in" Ominis scolds, giving my hand a small squeeze.

Heading up the stairs Sebastian is pleading with Ominis to let him copy his essay on the uses of frog warts. I shake my head, does that boy ever do his own work. Leaving the Slytherin common room, we make our way up the stairs heading for the great hall when I feel a pair of hands on my waist, before I have a chance to react I'm spun around and met with Garreth planting a kiss on me.

"Y/N please tell Omini-" Sebastian turns to face me unaware of what has just happened, I suddenly feel the air change.

"What the fuck are you playing at!" Sebastian has now pushed Garreth off me, he stumbles down a step nearly falling all the way down. Garreths face is a mixture of anger and shock.

"Saying hello to my girlfriend Sallow, problem?" He snaps back.

Sebastian looks at me for a second and I sigh.

"I haven't had a chance to tell him yet.." I wipe my mouth subtly to remove Garreths kiss. He's lovely and I really appreciate what he's been doing for me but... it doesn't feel the same, not anymore.

"Tell me what?" Garreth looks between us concerned. Ominis taps his foot, signaling he'd like to go eat now and to hurry this along.

"Bad luck Weasley, Y/Ns mine how" Sebastian smirks.

Garreths eyes fall on me, I can't help but feel bad.

"Sorry Garreth, I intended on telling you at breakfast, I didn't think you'd ninja smooch me" I chuckle slightly.

"Damn..so you finally stopped being a jerk and admitted your feelings then.. Well I'm glad, I was getting rather bored of her longing gaze at you, moping that you didn't care and after all.. it is hard being everyone's Knight in shining armour" Garreth smiles proudly winking at me, earning a small chuckle from Ominis.

"Hey! That's not true.. I wasn't gazing.." I can feel the blushing in my cheeks already and refuse to look at Sebastian who's eyes are no doubt on me with amusement.

"Well...in that case" Sebastian takes a step down to meet Weasleys gaze,holding out his hand "well played" he smiles proud of himself.

"It was fun whilst it lasted.." Garreth smiles back, reaching out and shaking Sebastians hand "well for me at least, I've not kissed anyone as much as Y/N my jaw was starting to hurt" he starts to laugh when his face changes to pain "OW" he gasps.

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