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While Xie Yan was about to wake up, his whole body felt as if he was being tortured inch by inch in the blazing karmic fire, which was about to be burned to the ground, a touch of coolness diffused from his forehead to his limbs.

Beads of sweat emerged from the head, and then gradually disappeared into the hair. After an unknown period of time, the consciousness finally gradually returned...

only the sound of crying came from the ear.

"...Jin'er...it's all my mother's failure to live up to expectations...for failing to protect you and Gu'er...if something happens between you siblings, mother will die..." The crying was subdued for a while,

rustling After a while, Xie Yan felt a cool towel on his forehead.

Only then did she realize that the coolness on her forehead just now spread from there.

Before she had time to sort out her memory, she opened her mouth subconsciously, and the first word she spit out was "Mother..." The

woman who was on the verge of collapse heard this, her body trembled visibly, and she whispered in a trembling voice: "—Jin'er?"

Xie Yan forcefully opened her eyes, and what she saw was a woman in her thirties, her lips were chapped, her beauty could not be concealed under her haggardness, but her face was full of sorrow.

The anxious expression turned into unstoppable surprise after seeing her wake up.


Cao E hurriedly brought over half a bowl of water beside the bed, carefully lifted her up, and fed her little by little.

Xie Yan just felt as if he was in a sea of ​​flames, his whole body was still hot and his throat was so dry that it smoked, when he saw water approaching, he couldn't wait to raise his hand to grab the small broken bowl, and drank water, but because he was too anxious, he choked again and again I can't stand up straight.

Cough cough...cough cough...

"Jin'er, drink slowly, mother will scoop it up for you..."

After she finished drinking, the woman got up and went to scoop up half a bowl of water, but she just glanced at the boy aside, her eyes Dim again.

The woman's furrowed eyebrows and staggering footsteps made Xie Yan's heart tighten. She turned her head and looked at the little boy lying beside her.

That was Yuanzheng's younger brother, who was just like her now, lying on the bed with steam all over his body, his exposed little face and hands were red, and he seemed to be severely burned.

When Cao E fetched half a bowl of water, Xie Yan took her hand and drank it in small sips, and finally regained some strength, and then said to her: "Mother, I'm not in the way anymore, you go and take care of Gu'er Well, I'll rest for a while."

Cao E stretched out her hand to touch her forehead, and felt that it was really not so hot, so she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Good boy, take a good rest, mother will take care of you Brother."

Xie Yan leaned on the pillow, closed her eyes slightly, and took advantage of this gap to sort out the messy memories in her mind.

In her previous life, her mother conceived before she was married, and she was thrown to her grandma as soon as she was left. Thanks to her ability to endure hardships, she struggled all the way to enter the university. After graduating from university, he responded to the call and returned to his hometown to start a business, engaged in farming, raised chickens and ducks, planted passion fruit, kiwi fruit and Chinese herbal medicines, and made a little money after working hard for several years.

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