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  The ecological breeding model of "rice-fish-mushroom" was quickly spread throughout Shangyan Village. Now every household has fish in their fields, and everyone has found that the rice grows faster after raising fish. It was always good in previous years, so Xie Yan's family was full of praise, and other villages also came to observe and see if this was the case.

Of course, there are exceptions in the village. For example, the Cao family and the old sister of the big and small Pan family, Mrs. Pan's family, didn't grow any crops. They didn't go to see when Xie's family and Lao Zhangtou's fished last year. What if all the fish farmers in the fields die, the fish fry will not be able to earn back the money, and all the hard work has been done in vain.

Too bad no one cares about them.

Until later, when I saw that every family harvested fish, harvested rice, and mushrooms in autumn, they were full of harvest, and I was greedy, but I couldn't bear this face to find Xie Yanjiao, and the Cao family was too lazy, just growing rice was already very hard I feel that it is even more impossible to raise fish again. This is another story.

Since Xie's new house was built and moved in, Xie Yan followed Zhuang Wan to the state capital.

A day or two after Xie Yan had just left, Cao E felt panicked. Xie Yuangu went to school, and the house was quiet. In the past, Zhuang Wan would come over, but now, apart from Po Yu, few people came to visit.

After ten or so days, the restaurant was still operating normally as before, no different from when Xie Yan was there, so Cao E felt relieved.

Besides Yu Po, Lan Xi will come to see her soon. Cao E has no way of convincing herself about her overtures. She just feels that such a thing is against ethics. Between two women, how can this be possible!

So he hid his thoughts, if Lan Xi came, he would only treat each other with courtesy, and he would only treat each other with courtesy.

Lan Xi seemed to be aware of Cao E's indifference, so she also kept the rules a lot, and didn't do any weird things to her, but she still had to eat and drink, and sometimes Cao E dared to order her To do some work, she also went to help without saying a word.

Sometimes people have double standards, and they only allow themselves to be indifferent, but when they see that others are no longer pestering themselves, they start to feel sorry for themselves.

Moreover, once some thoughts arise, how can they be eliminated if they want to be eliminated!

Looking at Lan Xi's calm and indifferent face, Cao E was agitated and a little disappointed. This woman was clingy like a dog before, but now she behaves well. Could it be that she was just looking for her to make fun of before? That's all.

Thinking of this, Cao E couldn't help feeling angry, and when Lan Xi came for the third time, she said: "There is nothing serious at home now, and you are tired every time you come here, why don't you come here again next time? "

Lan Xi, who was lowering her head to bury her rice, showed a surprised expression, a hurt look appeared in her eyes, but she quickly adjusted her posture and said: "It's not hard, I'm riding a horse, which is different from a car. They need two Time, I'll be there in one hour, not far away."

Cao E put down her chopsticks, hesitated for a moment and said, "It's okay, I have to entertain you if you always come."

Lan Xi's expression changed slightly at this time Yes, let out a hmm, I don't know if I agree with her words, I lowered my head to scrape up the rice in the bowl, put down the bowl and chopsticks and said: "Then I'll go back first, the Escort has something

to do later." He got on the horse, kicked his two slender legs hard, and the horse ran towards the road with its hooves, and soon disappeared.

Cao E leaned against the door in a daze, feeling a sudden pain in her heart.

Since she grew up, she has never pushed someone away like this, because no one has ever been so close to her heart before, even if someone really wants to take her by force, she can only be slaughtered.

But this woman, she is good-looking, smells very good on her body, even sweating in summer is a comfortable smell, she is the one she wants to be close to most among the people she has come into contact with.

However, he drove her away.

So I went back to being alone again.

Cao E was thinking wildly all afternoon, and she didn't remember to cook the rice until Xie Yuangu came home from school, waiting for Granny Yu to come over for dinner.

Going to bed at night, Cao E was sleeping alone on the bed in the dark, tossing and turning but unable to fall asleep, she regretted what she said this morning, she was really worried that Lan Xi would never come again.

She closed her eyes, and remembered that summer last year, when Lanxi pressed Qiao for her in the room, her slender and powerful hands wandered between her shoulders and backs, light and heavy for a while, and Cao E, who was half asleep and half awake, felt as if someone Right next to her, fingertips were stroking every inch of skin on her forehead, shoulders and the back of her hands, making her light and floating as if she was in the sky.

Cao E was intoxicated by such tenderness.


and suddenly there was a pressure between the shoulder blades and the spine, a white light flashed in Cao E's mind, and she shrank suddenly. The same feeling hit her heart that day, and she felt that her body seemed to seep out. sweat.

Bang-bang-bang, the heart is beating.

not enough!

not enough! !

At this moment, she felt that her whole body was like a dry land that hadn't drunk the sweet spring for many years, her mouth was parched and she was so thirsty, could it be that she didn't drink water before going to bed?

The feeling of emptiness hits me in bursts, and the arms are so empty.

It's a feeling I've never had for so many years. I really want to be with her. She's always been very delicate. She's never even cut rice. The skin on her body must be smooth and tender. I don't know how it feels when I touch it with my hands. .

Various images flashed through his mind, and his eyes blurred for a while.

who is she! Who do you want to hang out with!

Cao E was shocked, and she came to her senses.

Lan Xi's coquettish smile broke into her heart forcefully.

I hate her, if it wasn't for her appearance, I wouldn't have such shameful thoughts like this, Cao E cursed Lan Xi in her heart, but the word Lan Xi was squirming on the tip of her tongue and her lips wriggled, but it became extraordinarily strange. Sticky.

The more she thought about it, the more unbearable she felt. She raised her hand and lightly touched her waist. On that day, that person was hugging here, tightly, and talking nonsense. What did she say? She is so shameless to say that she is a little black dog, why her mouth can say such embarrassing words.

Cao E closed her eyes, trying to imitate the way Lan Xi wrapped her arms around her waist that day, but when she grabbed it with both hands, it was only her, and a sense of loss came to her heart.

Lanxi Lanxi, you shameless woman, you were so thick-skinned in the past, why did you say a few words by yourself today and then just left, why didn't you continue posting shamelessly like before.

Cao E tossed and turned, in a daze, she seemed to see that woman, and she greeted her with a playful smile, as if she had long forgotten that she had driven her out of the house today.

She couldn't help but feel happy in her heart, and reached out to hug her, but Lan Xi smiled at her ambiguously: "I know what you want to do, you need my hands, shhh, don't talk—" Lan

Xi Holding her hand with her left hand, she put her own right hand into Cao E's hand and said, "Take my hand, it will take you to any place you want..." Cao E almost said nothing

. Unable to say it, she took her hand and gently placed it where she had been that day, palm to palm, and then went down step by step.


In a daze, the rooster crowed countless times, until there was a knock on the door.

"Mother, are you sick? If you don't feel well, I'll find someone to call a doctor."

Xie Yuangu has been living in a room by himself since he moved to the new house. On weekdays, when he wakes up, his mother has already cooked pancakes for him. Let him take it to school, but today, after getting up and washing, my mother hasn't gotten up yet.

Thinking of his mother's hard work every day, he also felt very distressed at such a young age. He was afraid that she would get sick, so he patted on her door.

Cao E was awakened by the knock on the door, woke up from a big dream, opened her eyes, and didn't know where she was for a while.

It took a long time to sit up, but I found that there was a wet feeling between my legs, and the dream from last night flooded into my mind, and my whole face turned red in an instant.

The knock on the door continued, she opened her mouth and was about to make a sound, but found her throat hoarse, so she had to clear her throat and said, "Gu'er, mother slept a little late last night, you go to the store to have breakfast I'll send you lunch later."

Xie Yuangu heard that his mother was fine, so he relaxed and said, "Mother, I understand, then I'll go." After his

son left, Cao E sat on the bed in a daze for a while, Then I got up and changed clothes.

Yesterday Yu Po said that she would accompany her to see a doctor for a follow-up visit, so she took a day off and didn't have to go to work in the shop today, otherwise she would have lost time if she slept until this point.

The new house also receives the stream water from the back mountain, so you don't have to go to the river to wash your clothes on weekdays, you can wash them at home.

Cao E washed the obscene trousers that she had changed in the morning, and the slippery feel made her ears red to the point of bleeding.

I spent the whole morning in this mess of thoughts, but when I went out to Yu Po's house, I saw a small tree next to the door. It was the place where Lan Xi usually came to tie the horse. When she exited, she untied the horse rope from here, and her head would not go away.

Cao E suddenly felt a basin of cold water poured down her head, making her completely cold.

She suddenly felt that she was so shameless, she drove people away viciously during the day, but at night she had such shameful dreams about this family.

In the chaos of his mind, he didn't know how to get to the dealer, and saw Po Yu just coming out of the yard.

"Da'ezi is here, and I'm going to find you."

Cao E quickly put away her thoughts and said with a smile: "I got up late and didn't make pancakes. Let's go to the noodle shop to eat noodle first. Slow down Walk slowly to the town, do you think it is feasible?"

"Sure, let's go." Yu Po said with a smile.

Cao E took Po Yu's arm and walked slowly towards Ningxikou.

"What's the matter, I didn't sleep well last night, and your eyes are swollen like this."

Cao E's eyes flickered, and said: "Cough, that little female cat at home kept barking all night, making me so noisy that I didn't sleep well. "

Granny Yu knew in her heart that before Xie Yan and the others went to the state capital, they picked up a little wild cat on the mountain and brought it back to give birth.

"Throw it in the old house at night—you don't put an egg on it in the morning, such a juicy little face with such two swollen eyes, it doesn't look good." Cao E's expression became gloomy after hearing this

: "At this age, the children are about to get married. I still care about what you look like." "

You are only in your thirties. Look at the kings in the town. They can still have children at the age of seventy. What are you in a hurry for?" Lock yourself at home, you haven't had a good life before, now we have this condition, don't find someone to take advantage of."

The author has something to say: Thanks in 2022-03-25 20:14:50~2022-03 -2620:21:21 The little angel who voted for the overlord ticket or the irrigation nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for the bazooka: 2 obediently; 1 littlekate, Qiqi not irritable y;

thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade : 1 pair of scissors, tired listening to the wind and rain;

thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 generous uncle in pants; thanks to the

little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 66 bottles of Xiao Xiankong; 35 bottles of onirin; 15 bottles of autumn; 080613 bottles; Sibusisa, 10 bottles of cabbage; Izeta and Irena, Ruoshui 5 bottles; 33558753, Uncle in Underpants, Dubu Xunhua 2 bottles; Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work

hard of!

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