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    Xie Yan sneered and shook her head: "These two things should not be confused. The two taels is one thing, but it is another thing to go to my house to grab cloth, grab oil and beat people. I can even return the two taels to you in advance according to the agreement. , but the cloth and oil that your Cao family took away should be returned to me, and my brother's face was swollen and swollen and he had to pay for the medicine.

" He was so distressed to pay the medical expenses that he refused without even thinking about it, "When the broom star was still in our old Cao's house, he was beaten a lot. Why don't you ask me for money?" The onlookers heard Cao

Lao When she said that, there were boos all over the place. The old man Cao hated iron but gave her a hard look.

Xie Yan heard her speak loudly about the abuse of Gu'er in the past, while feeling sorry for her younger brother, and hating the old woman's arrogance, her tone became cold: "The family hasn't been separated before, although you will We treat you like animals, but we still think of you as an elder, but now that we have separated, we won't be angry with you anymore."

Mrs. Cao was in a hurry, and was about to speak when she saw her old man holding her hand high He slapped his hands and hurriedly covered his face and hid aside.

Only then did the old man squeeze out a smiling face and said to Xie Yan: "Jin'er, your grandmother has always been impolite, don't be as knowledgeable as her, we will return the cloth you brought in the morning, and let you return the oil pan too. As for Gu'er, this time your grandfather has the cheek to apologize to you, so you don't have to worry about it with your grandma, okay?" "

Then take out the cloth and the oil pan to see if they still work?" Xie Yan sneered .

Old man Cao didn't know that his mother-in-law and granddaughter had cut the piece of cloth when he came back, so he turned around and scolded Cao Xiaotao to take out the cloth, and asked Cao Xingyue, who was twelve years old, to bring over the oil pan that he brought in the morning. Thinking of returning the things in person, the girl will have nothing to say now.

That Cao Xiaotao opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, the old man drank it back. She had no choice but to go into the room and take out the cloth that had been cut into large and small strips, and put it on the table beside her.

And Cao Xingyue, who came out of the kitchen, put the pot on the ground, and half of the pot of oil was spooned out into a hole as deep as the mouth of a bowl.

The lady Xiaohua standing in front had sharp eyes and said with a smile: "Sure enough, the oil was snatched from another house. You can put it in vigorously. Cao's, you put a big bowl of oil in one meal, so you are really willing to add oil.

" When the people heard it, they crowded forward to look at it, talking a lot.

"It's really extravagant. A bowl of oil can last for ten days in our family." "

It's not that I don't feel sorry for spending the money myself." "

The cloth has been cut like this, who wants to go back."

"This family They are really greedy, they take everything, even firewood, rice, oil and salt."

Cao old man didn't expect that what he took out would be such an effect, and his old face couldn't hold back, but he had already spoken, so he could only look at Xie Xie helplessly. Yan, as long as this little girl doesn't pursue this matter, it will be fine.

But today's Xie Yan would not accept his tricks, and said coldly: "This piece of cloth was brought back by the cloth shop in the town for my mother to do embroidery, it is not the cloth we bought ourselves, if the cloth has not been touched, I will take it for you." Just go back, but now that the cloth is cut like this, we can't do business with the cloth shop, so you have to pay the money." After

saying this, there was no room for maneuver, and the old man Cao slapped his wife hard. Glancing at it, he asked with a burst of anger, "How much is this batch of cloth?" "

This is white and soft, high-quality cloth, and it costs two hundred cash per piece."

"Stinky girl, why don't you snatch it—— "The old lady Cao couldn't help but yell.

"If you don't believe me, I'll take you to Buzhuang to ask, and I'll accompany you twice for one point less." Before

Mrs. Cao could say anything, the old man Cao was already disturbed by this incident, his veins bulged, and he turned and walked towards her He kicked her to the ground, picked up the shoulder pole beside her and beat her fiercely, and the screams of Mrs. Cao crying for her father and mother could be heard unanimously.

Seeing this, everyone was discussing. Some people thought that Mrs. Cao deserved what she deserved, some thought that the family was playing a show, and some thought that the old man was taking the opportunity to win the sympathy of Cao E, mother and son, and wanted to erase the money.

With the sound of wailing on the ground, Cai Chu certainly knew the intention of the old man in front of him, but this matter couldn't just be so vague and shouted: "Cao Qing, if you continue to beat like this, your wife will be killed. It has to be dealt with, if you kill the cloth, it won't be able to be stitched back, so just pay for it."

Then the old man Cao stopped and said, "But where do I go to ask for money, the family is poor and poor, and they can't afford one. Copper plate."

At this time, a cold voice came from beside him: "Didn't Xie Jinniang just say that she would pay you back the money in advance, and just deduct two hundred cash from the two taels, what's so embarrassing about it."

Zhuang As soon as Wan's voice came out, the Cao family was dumbfounded.

"There is still a pot of lard. I bought seven catties of lard for fifty renminbi. Big ones, ten cents for the medicine, always have to be paid, and it adds up to a total of two hundred and sixty cents."

At this time, Mrs. Cao was lying on the ground and groaning in pain, and she didn't have the strength to get up to refute.

The old man Cao had no choice but to smirk and say: "We didn't eat much of this oil, so you can just go back, don't forget about it, and Gu'er, I'm really sorry, but the child is playing around, and the grandmother taught me a lesson. Isn't this human nature, how can we count the medical expenses?"

"Master Cao, it is clearly written in the deed that after the three of us, mother and son, are separated, we will have nothing to do with the Cao family. , the two taels of silver will be regarded as future maintenance expenses, now don't fool me by the way the elders teach the younger, we are two families now, the well water does not interfere with the river water, you touch my mother and brother, according to the law of the court The law is the crime of intentional injury, and I can go to the Yamen to sue you."

In fact, the Cao family didn't take the deed seriously, but now Xie Yan used it over and over again, and the three representatives in the village who had the right to speak Here, I couldn't say a word that I wanted to refute.

Old Thirteen said displeasedly: "Cao Qing, you are too outrageous, since Lizheng and Xiucai have come forward to guarantee the writing of the contract, if you can't even keep this point, what's the point of living in this village If you don't want to live and move out, no one will stop you."

These words are not serious, it is simply driving people away in disguise.

The villagers couldn't help talking about it.

The old man Cao panicked. Their family has been living here since fleeing famine. There is no other place to go, but if they want to settle down in the village, the three people in front of them must not be offended. With a bitter face, he begged Cai Chu: "Brother Cai, please do me a favor and make a deal for me. The cloth will be fine, and it will be deducted after two hundred cash, but we only scooped up the lard. The bowl, it's good to be bitten by a mouse, as for Xiaogu'er, there will be no next time, do you think it's okay?"

In fact, the cloth was only bought for a hundred coins, and Xie Yan just had a heart to mention it. The price was doubled, and she knew that the lard money and medical expenses would definitely not come back, and the cloth side could make up for it if it was a little higher.

Sure enough, Cai Chu turned his head to look at Xie Yan after hearing what he said.

Xie Yan said: "Originally I didn't want this pot of oil anymore, but this pot was borrowed from the scholar's family, so I have to take it back. As for Gu'er's medical expenses, I don't have to pay. Let the violent person and my brother Apologize, let's leave it at that."

Old man Cao hurriedly said: "Succeed, I'll ask your grandma to apologize to Yuan Gu."

After speaking, he turned his head and scolded: "Stupid woman, don't hurry up."

Granny Cao was beaten just now Seeing her husband scolding her, how could she dare to disobey, so she dragged her sore body to Xie Yuangu, unwillingly said: "Yuangu, your grandma accidentally beat you this time, I'm sorry "

Xie Yuangu looked at the face of the old woman in front of him who looked completely different, with the same superior posture as before, snorted, and hid behind his sister.

The matter of apologizing came to an end here, Xie Yan counted the scraps of silver in his hand and said: "Except for the two hundred coins, the remaining one or two or eight will be returned to you, and there will be no relationship between our two families. From now on, don't take a step on our land, if you have nothing to do, you are not welcome in our family. In the future, whether our mother and son get rich or go begging, it has nothing to do with you. Don't regard yourself as our elders. You are not worthy. From now on From now on, the two families will settle the matter." After

Xie Yan finished speaking, the people around her were impressed by her courage and articulateness, secretly admiring her.

Seeing that the dust had settled, the old thirteen said to the old man Cao: "Since the money and goods are not owed to each other, we will be strangers when we meet in the future. Don't make eye contact with yourself. Show some face, okay. Alright, scholar, grind and write the deed." Bookstore, I was not there when the family was separated that day, so I will write a new one, including today's matter of two taels of silver, so that no one will repay the debt in the future." In the past, Zhuang Wan was naturally in charge of the paperwork for major events in the village, so

here When I was there, I brought my pen and ink, and I started to write with a reply.

In a short while, a large contract was written, signed by both parties, and the guarantors Cai Chu, Lao Shisan and Zhuang Wan also signed together, and then broke into two copies from the middle, and kept them separately.

In this way, the dust finally settled, Xie Yan hurriedly thanked the three speakers who came to help, and covered the oil pan for her mother to carry back.

Cai Chu had previously discussed with Lao Zhang about the construction of Xie Yan's house. Taking advantage of the fact that everyone in the village was here, he quickly found people who usually build houses together and talked together. Those people heard that Now that I have work to do, I am naturally very excited, so I asked when it will start.

There are still more than two months before the Chinese New Year, and it would be good to take this opportunity to buy one or two pieces of clothes for the child with the entire hundred and ten coins.

As soon as I heard that the wages were 30 Wen a day, and I was working in my village, I was very motivated, and I just waited to start working as soon as possible.

The author has something to say: Play it all at once so that you won't cry again.

Small Theater

Xie Yan: Do You Love Me or Not?

Zhuang Wan: Xie Yan who loves you

: Then why is it almost 100,000 words now, the number of times you have met me can be counted with a single slap.

Zhuang Wan: I love you more and more day by day. The author is the dog who has locked me in. I can only copy books at home every day and cannot go out.

Xie Yan: But I miss you.

Zhuang Wan: Good boy, wait for me.


Dog Author: 嘤~_

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