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    At night, the mother and son were enjoying the cool air in the yard. Xie Yuangu tugged at Xie Yan's sleeve and said, "Sister, when can we go to the city again?" Speaking of going to

Furong County, Xie Yan wanted to sit down The carriage felt sore all over, but the paper used for printing books had also been used up. The town had some, but it was not as good as the ones in the county.

Looking at Cao E who was stretching her body, she suddenly had an idea in her heart.

"Mother, why don't you take Gu'er to the city, and bring me some white paper back, will it work?" When

Cao E thought of letting her take her son to the city alone, she subconsciously shook her head and said, "How can I do that?" , I don't even know the way."

"If I don't know the way, we can still ask the way. Aunt Gao said that she can't go to the store to ask for leave on weekdays, but you are the one who collects money and fans. If you can handle it, what are you afraid of?"

Cao E showed hesitation in her eyes, but she shook her head: "Where should I go? There are plenty of

jobs at home." "What else can I do at home? "Xie Yan thought for a while and said, "Isn't there an old man Li in Taohua Village who usually drives an ox cart to pull people to the county town, and every time he comes back, he goes to our restaurant to eat noodles. Everyone is very familiar. Let's go with him later Come back together, you don't have to be afraid."

Cao E didn't speak, but looked a little moved.

Xie Yan winked at Xie Yuangu who was at the side, and the little guy hurried forward and hugged his mother's arm to beg, Cao E couldn't help being persuaded by the two together.

Xie Yan hit the iron while it was hot: "Besides, I don't feel comfortable in the car. You went to help me buy the rice paper. Isn't it all for family affairs? Mother, please help me." Cao E thought and thought to the

end Only then said helplessly: "Okay, okay, just go, you child." Seeing her mother agreeing, Xie Yan smiled and said, "Maybe there is something from

Wanwan for you to bring to Aunt Lan."

Hearing the mention of Lanxi, the appearance of those two meatballs popped up in his mind instantly, and his ears warmed up for no reason.

"Okay, since we're all gone, let's help her take them there."

The next day, Xie Yan took Zhuang Wan to Taohua Village to find old man Li, and told him to go to the city tomorrow to pick up his mother and younger brother. When old man Li saw a passenger in the car, he naturally agreed.

When he came back, he really brought a letter to Cao E to send to Lan Xi.

When Cao E took the letter, she never expected that the letter was Zhuang Wan asking Lanxi to send someone to follow the mother and son, because it was the first time Cao E brought the child into the city alone, and she was afraid that they would get lost and be deceived.

On the third day, Cao E got up early in the morning and took Xie Yuangu to Ningxikou to wait for Old Man Li's car.

Cao E was a little excited and a little apprehensive, but the excitement had surpassed everything, and the courage of the early years seemed to have returned at this moment. She was not born cowardly. Greeting her, she has no reason to feel inferior.

Thinking this way in my heart, my back was straightened, and the pedestrians who passed by in the morning saw her, and everyone they knew greeted her one after another.

Cao E raised her face and responded with a smile. Xie Yuangu's sweet mouth knew how to call people.

Old man Li's bullock cart quickly rushed over, beckoning the mother and son to get on the cart quickly.

The bullock cart can hold six people, and there are already two people sitting on it. After Cao E and Xie Yuangu got on the cart, the old man Li said: "Ms. Gu Zi, do you want to hold the little guy or let him take a seat.

" If you give money, if you occupy a seat, you will pay an extra person's money.

If it was in the past, Cao E would definitely save the ten Wen without hesitation, but now the family is really not short of that little money, and she has two taels of silver on her body today.

"Gu'er is old now and doesn't want to be detained, let him take a seat by himself."

After speaking, he handed over the twenty coins.

Old man Li knew that the Gujin Restaurant was owned by Cao E's family, so he was not surprised to see her so generous, but the couple who were sitting in the car didn't recognize her, seeing how generous she was to ask for a seat for such a young son , couldn't help but look at her differently, and moved closer to chatting.

There were still two seats left in the car, so old man Li didn't panic. It would take several hours to get to the county town, and there were many people on the road who wanted to get on the car, so he whipped his whip and started to leave.

At this moment, a panting voice came from behind: "Wait a minute, wait a moment."

Cao E looked back, her face darkened, because it was her second brother Cao Hong and two nephews Cao Xingnian and Cao Xingyue brothers who were here. During those years in the Cao family, the mother and son of the Xie family were pissed off, of course these people were indispensable.

But this bullock cart is not his own, and Cao E has no choice but to let people get on the cart.

Old man Li looked at the three of them and said, "There are only two seats left. You can only get on two people. Otherwise, you wait for the car behind?

" He squeezed out a greasy smile and said: "Yes, yes, we want two seats, and I will hold the little one."

Old man Li's face was not very good-looking, and he said with some displeasure: "Second Cao, your kid They are already fourteen years old, and they are heavier than you if they are so well-raised. Even if they don't take up a seat, the weight is too heavy for my old cow." Cao Hong rolled his eyes and saw that there was a seat alone in the car

. The child, who didn't expect it to be Cao E's mother and son, was stunned for a moment, but soon smiled twice on his face and said, "Look, isn't this my little nephew? It weighs only a few catties, and it just offsets with this kid from my family."

This is true. Although old man Li is unhappy, people from the village next door often meet each other, so he is not easy to drive people away.

"Forget it this time, if you don't have children next time, you can't do that, but I don't care what your relationship is, this kid just paid for the car, and that seat is his, so you can't sit in his seat." Cao Hong

hurriedly Said: "I know, I know, I hug me."

Standing aside, Cao Xingyue, who was as tall as Cao Hongkuai, was full of displeasure, but when he came, he was told by his father and elder brother that the three of them could only have two seats, which would save ten cents. Yuan Gu's eyes are dark.

Xie Yuangu also felt the ill intentions in Cao Xingyue's eyes, but when he thought that his sister is so powerful now, how could he be afraid of them, raised his chin and snorted, leaned against his mother with his arms folded, and didn't give a damn. They save face.

When everyone was assembled, Old Man Li's bullock cart started to creak.

It takes more than two hours to get to Furong County, the road is full of bumps, and it is uncomfortable to sit alone, not to mention hugging such a fat guy. Cao Hong is a man, and he can bear it all the way, but sitting on his lap Cao Xingyue felt very uncomfortable, and the weather near July was hot, and the young man loved to sweat, and soon the father and son who were sitting together were sweating profusely.

Seeing Xie Yuangu who was sitting comfortably, Cao Xingyue finally couldn't hold it back, and said in a low voice, "Hey, little broom star, get up and sit for me." When he said this, the couple who got on the bus were a little

surprised Looking at the three of them, father and son, their faces were full of puzzlement.

Although Xie Yuangu was angry when he heard the words, he ignored him, because his elder sister had taught him that when he met the Cao family, he would treat them like dogs, and the more he talked to them, the more energetic they would be.

Cao Xingyue couldn't bear it when she saw that the little boy who was once despised didn't give him face. She half stood up and pulled Xie Yuangu's arm and said, "Are you deaf? Let me give up your seat." Cao Hong hugged Cao

Xingyue I also felt very tired, and I didn't stop seeing my son like this. If I can get to the seat, then the next journey will be much easier.

Seeing him making a move, Xie Yuangu shrank his hand back, and then turned back and said: "Why do I give you my seat, this is the seat I asked for for ten Wen, if you want to sit, then you can give me ten Wen How

is it possible to pay, Cao Xingyue gritted her teeth and said, "Have you forgotten how it feels to be beaten?"

Cao E said bitterly when she heard this: "It's still reasonable for you to beat someone. This is our position, why should I give it to you?

" Is it right?" Cao Xingnian, who was on the side, had long been jealous of seeing Xie's mother and son living a prosperous life these days, so he followed suit at this time.

"It doesn't matter if I don't see it, I still have to look at your faces in my life, so what if I look down on you if I have money!"

People in the village now give Cao E a three-pointed face when they see Cao E, and Cao E has gradually Adapted to the days of being respected by people like this, now being choked by such a big guy, his anger flares up, and he scolds Cao Xingnian.

"Auntie really forgot the look of the dog that was kicked out by the Xie family back then. If

your mother's family hadn't taken you in, you would still be alive today!" Your family drove our mother and son to work in the field on a rainy day. My two children got sick in the rain and burned to death. They also sold our mother and son to a brothel. Do you want me to be grateful for such a mother's family? "

It's Uncle San's idea to sell you, so it's none of our business."

"You're all scumbags, it's too late if you want to get rid of it at this time." The confident Cao E also became eloquent in cursing others.

Cao Hong, who was on the side, was a little ashamed by the couple, and said to Cao E with some complaints: "Fourth sister, it's all in the past, why do you care about these things?

" My good son even threatened my son to give up his seat, or he would beat him. Why do you let me not care about it? Besides, when we separated, we agreed to make a clean break, so don't make relatives with me at this time." "

You—— "Cao Hong was angry, "Yue'er was just talking, how could he beat your son, besides, Yuangu is so small and sits in such a large seat, so it doesn't matter if Yue'er sits a little bit, no matter what, it's you Nephew."

As soon as Cao Hong finished speaking, the couple sitting inside couldn't stand it anymore, and the woman couldn't help but said: "You are so unreasonable, the owner of the car said you can't be bullying when you got in the car just now. The position of the child, you only got in the car after agreeing to it, why did you regret it just halfway, could it be that what you just said doesn't count." Seeing the

woman interrupted, Cao Xingnian glanced at her and said: "Our family's affairs are not related to yours. Why do you want to worry about it?"

The woman said, "People say that the family is separated, but you are shameless and insist on posting it, who is still a family with you."

The couple are also from the surrounding villages. I didn't know Cao E at first, but after a quarrel with Cao's father and son just now, I remembered an incident in Shangyan Village a few months ago, and recognized Cao E as the wife of the owner of a noodle shop in Ningxikou. Dear, and the Cao family father and son are too weird, so they speak up to help.

Cao Xingnian was speechless, and was about to yell back when the husband of the woman next to him stood up and glared as if warning him to shut up.

This scene has long been heard by the old man Li in front. He didn't make a sound just now because he was afraid that Cao E still had a soft heart for the Cao family. He might not be able to please him if he made a sound. Now that the matter has developed to this point, he stopped the bullock cart He turned his back and said, "Second Cao, what's the matter with you, do you still want to take the car? If you look down on me, Old Li, and don't want to sit, just say, I can refund all the car money to you when you get off the car now, as if you didn't take it." Forget it."

Cao Hong panicked now, there are not many people pulling oxcarts in the nearby villages, and those people often walk together and have a good relationship. If this old man is offended, it may be difficult to ride a car in the future. He smiled flatteringly and said, "No, no, the kid was only joking just now, and he sat down."

After speaking, he turned around and scolded Cao Xingnian, "Did you tell me to talk? Why don't you sit back quickly."

He grabbed the younger son again Sitting on his knees, he shut his mouth and dared not say a word.

The author has something to say: The Cao family was dead at first, and I wanted to give Boss Lan a chance to save the beauty and let them die again, don't worry.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me to be the overlord or to irrigate the nutrient solution during 2022-03-14 21:57:00~2022-03-16 20:59:49~ Thanks to the little angel who voted for the bazooka: Qi Qi is not

irritable , Tired of listening to the wind and rain, more or less 2; thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade

: 4 littlekate ; Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 40 bottles of a pencil; 20 bottles of azr; 777, 10 bottles of fish in hand; 3 bottles of Yixin Xiangyang; Thank you for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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