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 After Fang Wenbo ate at the restaurant, he went home sullenly.

Seeing him like this, Lao Pan yelled heartily for a while, and asked him why he was so depressed, and asked him if he had met Xie Jinniang secretly.

Fang Wenbo went back without saying a word and began to tear up the book. When Lao Pan saw that a good book had been torn into a mess by him, he was very distressed. At the beginning, he begged himself to buy it back for a hundred pennies. of.

"My dear grandson, what's the matter?"

"I went to guard for so many days, and I haven't even seen a person.

" I can get him."

"If you can't get her, what do you use to take the scholar exam? Don't you need to spend money to buy this ink, paper and inkstone, and don't you need to spend money to go to Fucheng for the exam?" Fang Wenbo expected that Lao Pan would not be willing to take out the pressure The dozen or so taels of silver at the bottom of the box were given to himself, angrily.

Mrs. Lao Pan is really reluctant to give up this money. How can she not know that it costs money to study, pens, inks, papers and inkstones are expensive, and the cost of traveling to Fucheng to catch up with the exam is also expensive. She remembered that her little grandson spent it all at once when he took the exam for a scholar last year. Five taels of silver, this is the money their family has saved for several years, and now it is as uncomfortable to let her take it out, as if being cut off, it is better to find a way to deal with Xie's family, where the money will come faster.

"My dear grandson, when that little slut just returned to Shangyan Village earlier, the two families got engaged, and grandma handed over a bracelet left by your great-grandmother to their family as a token of engagement. If you want to get married at home, at least you have to get this bracelet back first. When I went last time, I was blinded by lard and forgot about it

. It suddenly lit up, and said with some uncertainty: "Grandma, did our family send a token of engagement?" "

Of course, such things are unfounded, and there must be some token."

"Then what token did their family return?"

"Their family is so poor that they can have any good things. It's just a broken hairpin. Grandma will look for it."

Lao Pan went back to the house and rummaged through the cabinets before finding a hairpin made of silver and wood. Fang Wenbo was very happy when he held it in his hand.

"Grandma, I will take this hairpin to Xie's house tomorrow, and ask them to fulfill the marriage they made at the beginning, and take ten thousand steps back, even if Xie Jinniang doesn't want to marry, she has to exchange the original bracelet, and then prepare a generous gift to make an apology Only then can we get rid of the marriage."

"My dear grandson, why are you so smart? How can it be so easy to get rid of the marriage now? There is a Wang Yuanwai in the town. When his daughter was young, he married her with her finger. I wanted to get rid of the marriage, but the man refused to accept it. After a long time of trouble, Wang Yuanwai had to pay twenty taels of silver. Even if the little bitch of the Xie family doesn't want to marry, I will take her skin off. That's fine. I'm going to tell your father now, find a matchmaker and come to the door tomorrow."

Lao Pan said, turned around and went out to find a matchmaker.

When Xie Yan got up the next morning, she heard a knock on the door, and she frowned. For so long, she could already hear who it was from the knock on the door.

Now the yard has been opened again with a thick door, the lock is set on the door, and the door can be closed when entering and exiting. Those who have the key can open the door directly from the outside. On weekdays, the mother and younger brother can open the door with the key when they come back without knocking. Zhuang Wan often came to the door, and Xie Yan also gave them a key.

And the rhythm on the door is like a stranger.

She opened the small hidden opening on the side of the door, and saw Fang's second child, Fang Wenbo and other people standing outside, carrying some festive things in large and small bags, and there was a tall man standing beside him. The rich woman looks like the standard dress of a matchmaker.

Xie Yan felt nauseous, Fang Wenbo actually asked the matchmaker to come to propose marriage!

This man is so shameless! To do such a thing and dare to come to propose marriage.

But how could Xie Yan open the door for them? After he calmed down, he prepared to go back to the house and do his own business, and let the people outside knock on the door. After knocking enough, they finally had to leave.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a cold female voice from outside: "Who are you looking for?"

Xie Yan's body trembled, her stepping foot was retracted, and her ears were pressed tightly against the door.

Outside the courtyard, Xiao Pan saw that it was a female scholar from Shangyan Village. When she was at Cao's house last time, both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law scolded her for being promiscuous and seductive to her son. Beside him, he suddenly became speechless, and his face turned blue and white.

The matchmaker at the side recognized Zhuang Wan and knew that the two families had been getting close during this time, so she hurriedly asked, "Zhuang Xiucai, is there anyone in the Xie family? The Fang family's Saburo has been engaged to Mrs. Jin since he was a child, and he is going to go soon. The county has tried it, and you have to decide on the marriage first, as the saying goes, you can start a career if you have a family, you say yes, cluck cluck cluck."

"No one is here, I went out early in the morning." Zhuang Wan interrupted coldly Matchmaker Wang's words were full of displeasure.

Several members of the Fang family looked at each other, followed by the old lady of the old man Li's family in Shangyan Village, who was also the old sister of the Laopan family, and said unhappily: "Xiucai, are you talking nonsense with your eyes open? I have been watching all morning. Cao E led the donkey and took her son to the restaurant early in the morning, and Xie Jinniang was still in the yard." "

If you don't believe me, just keep guarding." Zhuang Wan lifted her legs and left after speaking.

The people at the door heard what she said, especially Fang Wenbo, who immediately lost their composure: "Mom, if she doesn't open the door, do we have to wait at the door?

" Several people waited at the door for a while, and their hair was already wet.

The matchmaker is also from the village next door, so how can she not know what happened between these families before, but she has always been in charge of money, so she can't control so much, but if Xie Jinniang really made up her mind not to open the door, then they must He couldn't get in either, so he came up with another way and said: "It was old man Cao who advocated marrying Xie Jinniang back then, and the bracelet used for engagement was also given to his family. Why don't you go to Cao's house and let them come together Come out and beat and beat, and the two groups of people urged together, the little lady of the Xie family can't bear the pressure, so she has to go out and respond." After hearing this, several

people had no other choice, and walked towards Cao's house with their things go.

As for the Xie family, Zhuang Wan, who had just left, turned back and opened the gate of the yard with the key.

Just when she opened the door, she saw Xie Yan standing behind the door. She was stunned for a moment and said, "You were behind the door just now?"

Xie Yan didn't answer, but from the expression on her face, it could be seen that the answer was definitely.

In fact, Xie Yan knew that she should have entered the door a long time ago, but a trace of anticipation in her heart made her feet feel like taking root. Sure enough, it didn't take long before she heard footsteps getting closer and closer, and then the sound of the key turning on the door, her heart ached. He jumped up uncontrollably.

Sure enough, the woman turned around and came back to look for herself, but she had to suppress the throbbing in her heart and stared at the other person coldly, for fear that if she couldn't hold back, she would reveal the emotions in her heart.

Zhuang Wan felt that Xie Yan had been indifferent to her since yesterday, and now she is still like this after one night, her eyes could not help being a little sad, but soon returned to normal, she turned around and closed the door, looking at Xie Yan Wet shoulders, I knew that this person stood here for a long time, maybe it was before I came, but he didn't wear a coat, and his whole body looked very thin. When he pulled her hand, his fingertips really touched. Arrived in a icy cold.

So I couldn't help but took her hand and walked to the kitchen, and pulled the stove. After Cao E left, I added some firewood to the stove. There were still sparks, so I added some firewood to blow on it, and it ignited again. .

"Bake it on the fire first."

Before the fire ignited so quickly, Zhuang Wan wrapped her hands in her palms helplessly, exhaled a few breaths, and then rubbed them gently until her fingertips felt slightly warm before letting go.

"Have you had breakfast?" Zhuang Wan asked, after thinking about it, she said, "It looks like you haven't eaten anything." "

I'll go to Ningxikou and make you a bowl of noodles."

Just as she got up, Xie Yan But he grabbed her hand and said: "Don't go, I'm not hungry."

"It's cold and exhausting, how can I not be hungry."

Zhuang Wan turned around and was about to go out, but she heard Xie Yan trembling slightly from behind The voice said: "I told you not to come here, why do you still come here so attentively, I don't care for people asking about your health and well-being."

Zhuang Wan sighed.

Turning around and walking in front of Xie Yan, he reached out to hold her hand, but Xie Yan shrank his hand behind him so that she wouldn't touch it.

Zhuang Wan said helplessly: "What's the matter with you, what did I say yesterday that made you feel unhappy?" "You did

n't say anything, it was me who was unhappy." "

I told you yesterday that I was designing Fang Wenbo Could it be that you think my methods are not upright and despise me?" Zhuang Wan said sadly, "But if I had to choose again, I would still do it." "It's not because of this matter—I did

n't Angry, did you hear me, I just want to be quiet, just don't bother me." Xie Yan seemed to be holding a breath in her heart, feeling almost out of breath, and her voice became a little uncontrollably sharp.

Seeing her like this, Zhuang Wan finally stopped insisting, but the hurt expression on her face was engraved on Xie Yan's heart like a knife, making her heart ache terribly.

Xie Yan was even sadder than she was. She didn't know what this person was thinking, whether she was a straight female dress girl, or if she was just an elm-brained person, but why her ears turned red when she couldn't move, what happened behind her back? What's going on, and how long ago did you bite your ear last time—would a normal girlfriend do such a thing? However, this person often makes such and such misleading actions, and the external conditions are so good, who in this world can withstand such lethality.

In the future, Zhuang Wan may still be able to cover everything as usual, but she can't just ignore it and continue to accept it, because once she lets it go, she will definitely want more.

Just like now, the other party's simple holding hands is far from enough. She even wants Zhuang Wan to hug her. What's more, seeing Zhuang Wan's lips—— Xie Yan covered her head, wanting to put the Messy thoughts thrown out.

The author has something to say: Oh, I can't write it yet, it's coming soon, it must be sweet before the weekend, okay, okay, coquettish_

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