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 When he just crossed over, Xie Yan didn't pay much attention to these people in this time and space. They were just mountain and field villagers in the past era. , the advantages of standing on the shoulders of the giants of the times, through those texts and remakes of TV movies, from the ideological point of view through the ups and downs of the development of dynasties, and absorbed the essence of each period, I thought I could crush it every minute with my IQ Overwhelm these people of this era.

But now it seems that some people's intelligence and emotional intelligence are not as vulnerable as she imagined, but at the same time they underestimated the shamelessness of some aborigines in this era.

Today's changes made her very frustrated and extremely disappointed.

Sitting on the head of the bed slumped, his shoulders drooping and he looked powerless.

Zhuang Wan took the water basin out to pour water, looked at her when she came back, and asked, "Are you okay?"

Xie Yan nodded, then shook her head again.

Zhuang Wan was not a talkative person at all, she stood there hesitated for a long time before uttering a word: "Wait a minute, I'll come when I go." Xie Yan watched the door open and close, unwilling to

blink After a while, about ten or twenty minutes later, the door creaked open again.

I saw Zhuang Wan holding a stack of rice paper, with an ink tray and a writing brush in her right hand, her breath was slightly disordered, and she seemed to be walking in a hurry.

She put the things on the table, and said to Xie Yan: "You may feel uneasy staying alone, I took the scripture book and wrote it, I wrote some after I came back from the market yesterday, and I wrote a few more pages this morning The paper, I can barely read the beginning, you can read it first, if there is something wrong, you can point it out, and you can change it now." Xie Yan said before that she can read the characters,

Zhuang Wan didn't think much about it, After all, Cao E was driven back to Cao's house, Xie Yan was already ten years old at the time, and it was not impossible to learn how to read and write at Xie's house. Zhuang Wan didn't ask too much, and just handed over a few pages of scripts.

However, affected by those incidents just now, Xie Yan is still a little impetuous at the moment. After taking a look at the manuscript handed over by Zhuang Wan, the neat and tidy font is comparable to printing, but it is not so rigid and looks neat. It is comfortable, with a little bit of chic and elegant, without affecting reading, and all of a sudden the messy, frizzy emotions are calmed down.

In terms of appreciation alone, it has already defeated many other books. No wonder the owner of the bookstore smiled when he saw Zhuang Wan.

Xie Yan became interested in an instant, and started to read the content. After reading the first two pages, she felt refreshed, and even the feeling of being dizzy from being irritated by Cao Laosun and others disappeared. Only this manuscript.

When they went to town yesterday, when Xie Yan told Zhuang Wan the story of "Xin Shi Shi Niang", she narrated it in chronological order, but Zhuang Wan's few pages started directly from the most exciting part, I was hooked in an instant, and then used flashbacks to insert and expand the content of the story before the earliest, one by one, interlocking, which is more exciting than watching TV.

"Wonderful—" Xie Yan couldn't help but praise.

Zhuang Wan was sitting at the table rubbing ink and began to write, when she turned her head to see her beaming face, she couldn't help but smile softly on her lips.

"Looking at it this way, I think I took advantage of the fifty-five points I told you earlier." Xie Yan said a little embarrassedly.

If you just copy and retell directly based on what you said, that is a simple writer, but now Zhuang Wan uses her own story as a blueprint to expand and polish, adjust the narrative structure, enrich the character traits and images of the characters, Describing in details increases the readability of the whole story. This kind of behavior can already be regarded as creation.

"No, I have been trapped in the village all these years. I have never read thousands of books, nor traveled thousands of miles. What I have seen, heard and felt is not enough to form the materials needed for these stories, and I have no way to come up with various stories. Such an interesting and fun storyline."

When Zhuang Wan said this, Xie Yan opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to refute, this person is too sincere, if it was someone else, he would have already gone down the slope to get an extra 10% It's done.

"Your writing is really good. I have a hunch that our story will definitely be popular."

Zhuang Wan didn't have much reaction when she heard her say this, and said indifferently: "Your story is good, and it should be popular." Thank

you Seeing that she was so indifferent, Yan was no longer surprised. He lay down on the bed with a few manuscripts and continued to read carefully, but the more he read, the more frightened he became. Unexpectedly, Zhuang Wan's writing style and plot construction ability are so good , the more I think about it, the more I feel that this person is simply a piece of rough jade.

Xie Yan has always had a strong sense of empathy, and in just a few pages, the lingering sentimentality can be seen.

While raising his head to look at the woman who was writing earnestly in front of him, he saw that she was facing him sideways, with a pointed chin, a straight nose, and a beautiful figure. Coupled with the bookishness all over her body, she felt that she was so beautiful.

The scene at this time revealed a little warmth, and Xie Yan was not willing to break this atmosphere. She lay slumped on her bed, glanced at the manuscript in her hand, and flew to another place in her mind, the next one was to be written What, when the time comes, whether to sell it to bookstores or directly take it to teahouses to trade with people, if we can research the printing method, we can further increase the output of scripts, and no longer need to find someone to copy one by one, and the handwriting is not neat Not to mention, typos and omissions can easily affect the pleasure of reading.

The old lady Cao and Cao Xingshou, who were driven away by Xie Yan and others, ran out of the small courtyard of Xie's house in a panic. Cao Xingshou didn't even dare to go back to pick up his shoes after they ran away. Blood was dripping all the time, and the passers-by on the road couldn't understand what to say when they saw it, but the intriguing look on their faces was enough to make the grandparents and grandchildren embarrass themselves to their hometowns.

After running halfway, the three of them stopped. Mrs. Cao looked at Cao Xingshou with one bare foot, and then thought about the contemptuous eyes of the villagers on the road. She was really angry and annoyed. With a slap on the face, he said: "Thanks to you eating so much, you are a head taller than that little bitch, why are you so useless, not only was she put a knife on your neck, even your own sister I can't protect you."

Cao Xingshou couldn't help being wronged and said: "That bitch looks like a nightshade, isn't it frightening for you, why did you accuse me instead?"

"You are a big man anyway. The other people are as old as you, and they have two or three children. Not to mention others, even A Nian's son is almost one year old. What else do you want? What can't you do? Your father He's gone, who else do you want to count on."

Cao Xingshou was unconvinced: "Isn't Third Uncle still single? He's already thirty-five years old. Aren't you and Azu also raising him? Why can't you come to me? Grandma is too eccentric!"

"I am eccentric, am I not eccentric enough for you? Look at you, you are almost twenty years old, who gave you food, shelter, and clothes all these years , Which of the children from other people's families doesn't work in the fields, look at how many days you have been working in the fields? You also said that I am partial, I think I am too partial to you and the third child, so I turned you two into waste."

While talking, the old lady Cao picked up the branches on the ground and greeted Cao Xingshou, beating him so loudly.

"At first I wanted to find you a place to live, but now the old Cao's family has too many children and the house is not enough to live in, so I let you live with your sister-in-law. They now have three rooms. That little bitch Xie Jinniang will marry sooner or later, and your sister-in-law He is a soft-eared, young one who doesn't understand anything now. If you go to the top and bottom, this house will not be yours in the future, but you can't even be a little bitch, and you are treated like a stray dog. After being kicked out, you said that if people know about you in the future and don't know what to say about you, who would want to marry their daughter to you!"

Granny Cao scolded her while beating her, feeling heartbroken.

Cao Xingshou was beaten so loudly that he had no choice but to run away with his other shoe in his arms.

"Grandma, don't beat me anymore. It's not all my fault. You see that little bitch Xie Jinniang's face is bloodstained. She looks like a ghost from hell. She said that whoever gets blood will kill anyone. Could it be that you don't want your eldest grandson to live anymore?"

"Who can kill you, your life is too hard to kill you, your damn father started to get sick before your sister-in-law was born, just because she cried a lot after she was born, Your father was so noisy that he couldn't sleep well, and he said that she was born to restrain him when he met everyone. At first, he just talked about it, but he didn't know who it was. gone."

Cao Xingshou didn't expect his little aunt Cao E to bear Brother Ke's affairs for so long, and the reason behind it was like this. He was taken aback, and asked with his head in his arms, "What about my little uncle, and what about Fang Wenbo from the Fang family?

" Who knows if it's a coincidence, I have a good aunt in Wutong Village, she secretly told me a few days ago that the Fang family had long wanted to ask us to withdraw the marriage, but I didn't expect that the dead ghost of the Fang family would go first. You said that if you really quit, what is the relationship between the surname Fang and that little bitch? How can it be considered Kefu? Your third uncle thought that they had a bad reputation, and no one would say that they were sold in the Goulan Courtyard. A lot of money, but this little bitch messed up it, and now you are asked to take the house and you can't take it, you are really an idiot." "

Since my sister-in-law can't beat her brother, why do you still want to beat and scold her?"

"Family work always needs to be done by someone else. If she doesn't do it, your father has to do it, and your second and third uncles have to do it. Since you were born as a loser, you will belong to someone else's family when you get married. Why don't you work it out at home? , I don't know how to work at home, and if I get married, I will be disliked by others, I just let her learn how to do things earlier!"

Cao Xingshou listened to the old woman's words, and did not dare to say anything, drooping his head for a while before he said with lingering fear: "But now when I think of her appearance just now, I am afraid. Although my father's death may not have anything to do with my sister-in-law, but my sister-in-law is indeed dead, and even if Fang Wenbo wants to withdraw from the marriage, he has not yet. It's still the little bitch's fiancé, everything has something to do with her, I won't go to that house, you can go by yourself if you like, I'd rather squeeze with third uncle, if it rains, just bring a bucket to pick it up "

You coward, you are as lazy as your third uncle, you deserve it because you can't get a wife, I don't want to worry about you so much, just now your bedding and clothes were thrown out, hurry up and get them back, I have no money I'm buying clothes for you." Mrs. Cao was really going to explode with anger.

"I won't go. I won't come near their house for five miles. If you want to take it, I won't wear it. I will always wear this one. Otherwise, you can give me money to buy a new one. Anyway, those The clothes are old, and the quilt has been covered for many years, so there is a smell, I don't want any more."

When Mrs. Cao heard what her grandson said, she was so angry that she picked up the willow stick in her hand and beat him hard. Cao Xingshou screamed after being whipped, and ran directly to the direction of Cao's house, ignoring the constant voice of Mrs. Cao cursing behind her.

The author has something to say: How can I appease you?

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