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   The road to Beijing was full of ups and downs, but the journey back was unimpeded.

When I went there, the rice had just hung ears, and it was winter when I came back with heavy snow.

It took a full year and a half to go back and forth.

With the emperor's order in her body, Zhuang Wan entered Furong County and went straight to the county government to capture Wang Renshou.

Wang Renshou never expected that he smashed the bandit's lair to save Zuo Xiang's daughter, and reported the matter of raising rice flowers and fish. Not only was he not rewarded, but he almost ushered in prison.

Wang Renshou was greedy and did nothing, but because he didn't do anything special, the emperor was just his official and asked him to leave quickly with his family.

Zhuang Wan took office immediately and was busy familiarizing herself with all matters in the county.

Xie Yan guarded her rear.

The two have known each other for three years, traveling north and back, Zhuang Wan has already seen Xie Yan's ability and courage, and has long accepted her little girl's amazing talent.

Zhuang Wan was extremely relieved to leave the back to her.

In the past, most county magistrates would move their families to live in the county government office after taking office, but in Xie Yan's eyes, the county government office is a place for work, so how could they live there.

So I looked at the land around the Yamen to build a house.

Just about two miles away from the county government office, a wealthy businessman was about to move his family to Zhongliangzhou, and the house was for sale.

Because the house price would cost three hundred taels, everyone was hesitant.

Xie Yan went to look at the yard, the house is three-entry, the price is considered expensive, otherwise it would not have been kept until now.

The house has only been built for four or five years, and it looks like it is still new.

Xie Yan is not short of money now. He earned nearly ten thousand taels of silver in Zhongliangzhou. When he arrived in Kyoto, Xie Yan naturally did not miss this great opportunity. Seven or eighty-eight expenses, she still has three to forty thousand taels of silver in her pocket now.

Of course, those rewards given to Zhuang Wan by the emperor were not counted.

Those gold and silver treasures are estimated to be converted into about one hundred thousand taels of silver, but in the future, if the entire Furong County is to be economically developed and become the number one county in the country, the silver will definitely not be enough.

However, the money was rewarded to Zhuang Wan herself, and had nothing to do with the money used for the development of the county.

How to spend the money at that time depends on what Zhuang Wan thinks.

Xie Yan fell in love with the courtyard at first sight, and directly paid for the deed.

Find someone to erase all traces of the original owner's residence, and then rectify the yard and rooms.

This project will take more than a month, Xie Yan and Zhuang Wan will live in the county government first.

Ying and the surviving coachman Ye San came back together.

Both Ying and Ye San are descendants of the Zhou family army, and their parents are no longer there. They didn't want to go back to the capital, so they followed Zhuang Wan.

After Xie Yan bought a house, the two didn't want to live together, so Zhuang Wan gave them five hundred taels from the emperor's reward.

The two also each bought a house near the yamen, so Ying and Ye San are just Zhuang Wan's personal guards and don't need to be on duty at the yamen.

After the emperor's guards sent the people to Furong County, they left after issuing the imperial edict.

Zhuang Wan will have to shoulder the rest of the work by herself.

Fortunately, Zhuang Wan is backed by the queen, and this status makes her work as a county magistrate unfavorable.

They were busy with work during the day, so on the second night after returning to Furong County, Zhuang Wan and Xie Yan took Ying and Ye San back to Shangyan Village.

After more than an hour's journey, the moon was already hanging in the sky when we got home.

No one knew they had come back. The door of Xie's house was closed, and it seemed that the family members had fallen asleep.

Xie Yan still had the key with her. When the house was built, Xie Yan was afraid of being harassed by the Cao family, so Xie Yan asked a locksmith to design a door that could be unlocked both inside and outside.

She found the key to open the door and walked in first.

Pushing open the backyard gate, she walked briskly all the way.

Over the years, she has regarded Cao E as her biological mother and Xie Yuangu as her own younger brother.

After being away for more than a year, apart from Zhuang Wan, what I care most about is my mother and younger brother.

Now when I get home, I just want to see them at first sight.

Taking advantage of the night, she ran all the way to her mother's room, but when she came to the door, she heard an unusual voice overflowing from inside.

"...a little softer... ah...a little heavier..."

This was clearly my mother's voice.

Xie Yan was struck by lightning in an instant, subconsciously thinking that some wild man hooked up with his mother.

But when she listened carefully, her mother did not seem to be forced, Xie Yan was slightly relieved, but still felt a little uncomfortable.

Just when she was about to evade, another voice rang out: "You still don't forget to rub after being bullied so hard, how much you love these two things." This soft voice floated out from the window, Xie

Yan Suddenly I couldn't move anymore.

Aunt Lan—how could she get along with her mother?

But when she thought that the other party was Zhuang Wan's aunt, Xie Yan felt relieved for no reason, and at the same time, some subtle clues from before also entered her mind little by little.

At this moment, Zhuang Wan's voice from the door of the backyard sounded: "Jin'er, is Auntie asleep? If she falls asleep, let's go to see my grandma first. She is old and it is not easy to fall asleep. I'm afraid it's not right now." Still awake."

Zhuang Wan's voice was not loud, but to the two people in the room, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Cao E in the room shuddered and pushed Lan Xi away.

He lowered his voice and said: "Quick, someone has entered the house, why did I hear Wanwan's voice, God, the children are probably all back, my God - what if Jin'er sees me like this? That's good."

On the other hand, Lan Xi picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on her body, saying, "What's the matter, her mother is not a saint and can't have emotions—hey, why are you crying, otherwise you will Say I forced you, let her drive me out of the house."

Cao E was anxious and annoyed, she was not afraid that her daughter would know that she was with Lan Xi, but she would slowly and slowly Tell her that she never expected her daughter to come back at this time, but the woman beside her is still talking nonsense.

She couldn't help but hammered Lanxi's shoulder, and said with a blushing face, "You didn't force it, I was willing, but Jin'er—" "Don't worry, the voice is in the outer courtyard,

maybe Haven't come in yet, go out soon and say that I'm just sleeping in the same room with you for one night, don't mess around."

The matter has come to this point, so they have no choice but to put on their clothes and open the door, only to see that the yard is empty. no one.

Cao E raised her heart suddenly, vaguely saw the light of the torch outside the house, and hurriedly chased it out.

Seeing that her daughter and Zhuang Wan were about to go out to the dealer, she hurriedly opened her mouth and called out: "Jin'er—"

Xie Yan turned around with a look of surprise: "Mother, you woke up and thought you were going to sleep I'll go to Granny Yu's house first."

Cao E finally put her heart in her belly, and saw her daughter running to hug her with a smile on her face.

My heart is soft and my nose is sore. This is my dearest daughter. She was born in October and is my first child. It is the first time I have been away from me for such a long time. I usually worry about her safe return. Now When the child came back, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Mother, don't cry, I won't go out in our county when I come back this time."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Cao E hugged her daughter with mixed feelings in her heart.

"Mother, you smell so good." Xie Yan couldn't help but said, could it be the perfume smell from Aunt Lan's body?

Cao E's heart skipped a beat, and her ears felt hot in an instant. Fortunately, it was too dark to see clearly.

Just when her face was full of blushes, Lan Xi behind her came out in neat clothes, and said with a smile: "Our female number one scholar is back. It's dark in the middle of the night. Which county magistrate will go home so low-key." Cao

E Hearing that Zhuang Wan is actually the newly appointed magistrate, she would kneel down as soon as her knees softened.

Kneeling officials is already the most basic consciousness of this era.

Zhuang Wan hurriedly pulled her up and said: "Auntie, don't do this great gift, Wan'er is still the same Wan'er before, don't let her out."

The woman in front of her is the mother of her little girl, Zhuang Wan dare not accept her kneeling.

After speaking, Zhuang Wan turned around and looked at Lan Xi to change the subject, saying, "Auntie is here too, no wonder I asked Ye San to look for you during the day and didn't find you."

Lan Xi yawned and said, "Today when I came back from the escort, I happened to pass by In Yancun, I came to beg for dinner when I was hungry and thirsty, and I didn't bother to go back and sleep when it was dark." After speaking, he said

: "What are you doing at the door, come in quickly, I'll invite Granny Yu over "

Lan Xi went out calmly by herself, Cao E hesitated for a while before returning to her usual posture, turned around and lit up the oil lamps, and boiled water to make some tea.

After all, Zhuang Wan's status is different from the past. Although she is only a seventh-rank sesame official, for the villagers, the county magistrate is the biggest official.

What's more, Zhuang Wan was still a family of generals, and now she has the special care of the emperor.

Zhuang Wan didn't have any official airs, she smiled lightly at Cao E and said, "Don't be too busy, aunt, I'll come back to see you and my grandma, I have something to do early tomorrow morning, so I'll leave after a while."

"Why don't you just sit for a while and leave, is this going back to the Yamen or somewhere? It's been a long time since your grandma has seen you——Jin'er won't go with you either." Xie Yan hurriedly said: "Mother, what are you worried about

? In the county town, I will be there in more than an hour, and I will come back to see you in two or three days. If you want me, go to the city and find me in the yamen." Cao E has never been to the yamen in her life, but whenever she goes to the

yamen If you don't commit a crime, you will go to seek justice, and no one will think about going there when you have time. I didn't expect that now I have to go to the Yamen to find my daughter.

"Jin'er, Wan'er is an official who only got the exam, and you didn't take the exam, so why did you go to the Yamen?"

Zhuang Wan said: "Jin'er brought the mimeograph machine to the palace, and she came up with rice flowers to raise fish." The emperor also knew about it, and the emperor still wanted to keep her as an official in the capital, but Jin'er wanted to be closer to home, so the emperor authorized her to work with me in the future, responsible for farming and business affairs, and the Yamen cannot do without her."

Cao E did not expect that her daughter would still be able to see the current emperor and be rewarded. She said in disbelief, "Jin'er, is this all true? Could it be that you are lying to your mother to be happy?

" What, the words of the county magistrate can't be false."

After receiving a definite answer, Cao E believed that all this was true, and couldn't help but knelt on the ground, kowtowed several times, and couldn't stop saying: "Mr. God bless, this child is promising, this child is promising—"

At this moment, Granny Yu's cheerful voice came from the door: "Da'ezi is so happy, it seems that Wan'er and Jin'er have gained a lot from going to Beijing this time. "

The author has something to say:

. Thanks to the little angel who voted for me to be the overlord or to irrigate the nutrient solution during 2022-04-05 20:06:30~2022-04-06 20:45:57~ Thanks to the little

angel who voted for the bazooka: Qi Qi is not irritable y2 1; littlekate 1;

thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Tired of listening to the wind and rain 2;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: Xiaoyi 1;

thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 100 bottles slowly; 30 bottles of abducting girlfriends; 5 bottles of Uncle Underpants; 2 bottles of Situ Yi; Xiao Yu, Hee Hee, Yu Mo Mo Jing, Yixin Xiangyang, I am a bookworm, 24313231, and 1 bottle on Ice Blade; thank you very much for your support,

I Will continue to work hard!

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