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    On the second to third day after the indica rice was soaked, Xie Yan estimated that the time would be about the same. He set up a stone mill on the stone table in the yard, covered the pulp outlet with a cloth bag, and then put the cloth bag into the wooden barrel. .

The rice milk flows into the cloth bag from the pulp outlet together with the water and the rice pulp. After the water is drained, the rice milk in the remaining bag will be used as the main raw material of rice noodles.

Because it was just an experiment, Xie Yan only soaked five catties of rice. This small stone mill will be finished soon after grinding by hand. She sealed the cloth bag and pressed a large stone slab on it to help drain the water powder as soon as possible.

Since the day when her hand was injured, Xie Yan has overbearingly asked Zhuang Wan to report at her home on time every morning, and she can only write within the scope of her own supervision, so Zhuang Wan has been staying at Xie Yan's home to write scripts for the past few days , I will go out of the house for a walk soon, Xie Yan also saw it when she was grinding the rice milk, she stood by and stared at it for a while and asked: "The restaurant you said to open earlier is to sell this product, isn't it Is it made by repeatedly pulling it out by hand like noodles?"

Considering that Shangyan Village is located in the northern part of the Central Plains, people at this stage have not widely mastered the fermentation technology of making southern rice noodles, and almost never produced rice noodles. It is no wonder that Zhuang Wan has such doubts.

Xie Yan thought for a while and said: "It's different from noodles. Noodles are made of white flour, and they are kneaded repeatedly to make them tough, but the rice milk made from rice is thin, even after repeated beating. For the toughness, rice milk needs to be filled into a mold with holes, and the strip-shaped vermicelli is squeezed out, which can be solidified and formed after being placed in boiling water, and it is pressed immediately." The words are very abstract, and Zhuang Wan seems to understand

. She understood and said: "When can I eat it?"

"Put a stone on it and press it, and it will be ready in half an hour."

After Xie Yan finished speaking, she scoured another bowl of rice and put it in the pot to start cooking. After the rice was cooked Then put it into a stone mortar and mash it into a paste. She mixes the freshly mashed paste with the drained rice milk, decides whether to add water according to the stirring state, and finally mixes it into a thick paste. Made with rice milk.

Although the process seems cumbersome, if it is a mass production, it is not particularly troublesome to replace manpower with animal power, and throughout the ages, any delicacy that can be called a name has not been tempered through several procedures. Achieved.

Simple, cheap and delicious food often only appears in dreams!

Xie Yan has strong hands-on ability, and she also feels full of interest when doing these things, and she is completely immersed in it, completely ignoring Zhuang Wan who stood by with her hands behind her back and watched for a long time.

These jobs are very detailed, and she doesn't need to ask for help, she can keep busy with her hands and feet, and she can sweat all over in the cold weather, without even noticing that a strand of long hair on the side of her cheek has fallen off. Until a warm hand reached out and sent that strand to Bie Dao.

Only then did Xie Yan raise her head. The fifteen-year-old's skin was pink and tender, and her face was slightly red because of her busy work. She looked young and attractive.

Zhuang Wan, who helped her brush her hair, saw that she looked up and met those clear eyes. For some reason, she quickly withdrew her hand with her fingers, and explained a little uncomfortably: "Your hair is loose, and you are afraid of touching rice milk. Cai——"

Seeing that she was so caring, Xie Yan smiled sweetly at her, like a blooming flower, and she said softly, "Well, thank you scholar.

" Stung for a while, stood up awkwardly, patted the dust that didn't exist on her body, coughed lightly and said, "I'll go back to my room to write a script."

Xie Yan watched her slightly chaotic footsteps, bit her lower lip lightly, His eyes were thoughtful.

Seeing that it was getting late, minced the meat and cooked it as an ingredient, then boiled a pot of bone soup and a pot of water, boiled the noodles in a pot of water, and used the soup water as a noodle soup for raw rice noodles. Xie Yan added the needed ingredients according to modern memory. The seasoning sauce, of course, the ingredients used in this step are also extremely critical.

I found a small cloth bag that had been prepared before, and made a few holes in it. I scooped two tablespoons of rice milk into it. It is squeezed out from the small hole in the cloth bag and falls into the pot, forming a strip of vermicelli.

Squeeze as much as you eat, squeeze as you eat.

After the vermicelli was cooked for about ten seconds, scoop it out with a colander, put it in a bowl, add the cooked minced meat, add the adjusted sauce and salt, sprinkle with a little green onion and a few peanuts, and finally pour the hot Hot bone soup, a bowl of authentic freshly squeezed rice noodles is ready.

At this time, Cao E brought Xie Yuangu back from the field. Xie Yuangu invited Po Yu over under the arrangement of his elder sister. They sat at the table, smelling the delicious food, and waited for Xie Yan to come. pink.

The hot rice noodles came to the table, and after making a big bowl for everyone, Xie Yan also made a bowl for herself, and sat down to eat with everyone.

It has been many years since I helped out in a relative's store, and it was in another time and space. Before Xie Yan tasted the powder, she didn't know if the powder she made was still the same as before.

The chopsticks are delicate, flexible and not easy to break, but the vermicelli is not as thick and hard as the pork knuckle noodles they ate in the town before, it looks smoother, tender and slender, and it smells sour food before eating. It is so exciting that it makes people salivate, and after taking a sip, the vermicelli is tender and sour, and when it is neutralized by the delicious soup, it is simply delicious in the world.

Three words, so enjoyable!

Xie Yan closed her eyes slightly, it was so delicious. Compared with the taste in the store in her hometown, the taste was even worse, and the heart that was still hanging at the beginning finally fell down.

"Is it delicious?" Xie Yan recovered from the intoxication, and asked the people in front of him with a smile.

"What do you think—" Zhuang Wan finished speaking, and pushed the sea bowl that she drank all the soup to the front.

Xie Yan had never seen this person with such an expression of unsatisfactory intentions, and he was so straightforward, he couldn't help laughing, just about to tease her, but found that there were two more empty bowls in front of him, mother and Po Yu put down their chopsticks, almost Both eyes looked at her together.

"Sister, is there any more?" Xie Yuangu burped slightly after drinking the last mouthful of soup.

Xie Yan was shocked in an instant, a simple raw rice noodle, how could it make these people feel like a delicacy, but the reaction of the few people also instantly boosted her confidence.

Looking at the few people who were still full of enthusiasm, Xie Yan didn't care about anything else, and got up and continued to press out a few bowls of noodles, so that they could eat to their satisfaction.

It's no wonder that Zhuang Wan and the others ate with so much relish. After all, in Shangyan Village and the surrounding counties and counties to the outside of the state capital, this area to the north is mainly pasta, and the diet is a bit rough, while the soft soup noodles in the south It can make the local people have a novel attempt, and there is no sauce in the ancient diet. If you can add enough salt, you are already Amitabha. But in this rice noodle, Xie Yan added sauce when making minced meat. Even The soup is also filled with soup ingredients such as grass fruit and licorice, which makes people feel so fresh that their tongues will fall off. "Mom, how does it compare to

the pork knuckle noodles we ate last time in town?"

If you are hungry, that noodle tastes like a delicacy, and even if you are full, you don't dare to care about what it tastes like." "

Our rice noodles can satisfy both gluttony and hunger, and it is not greasy or greasy. It is easy to accumulate food and has a good taste, so there must be no comparison."

Xie Yan soaked five catties of rice milk, usually one catty of rice can serve two to three people, because it is a small batch test, sticking to the pot and sticking to the stone. After eating some, the remaining rice milk was enough for seven people to eat. She made another big bowl and added a piece of bread for her mother and Po Yu to send to Old Man Tian in the field.

"Mother, I'll ask Mrs. Hua to try this noodle too. I bought these rice from her."

When Cao E came back last night, she saw her daughter bought two big bags of indica rice, so she couldn't help but tell her about it. After a while, she didn't expect that this kind of aged indica rice could make such delicious food. She couldn't help but regret that she blamed her daughter for being too hasty last night.

Hearing what she said, he hurriedly said: "Go, go, the eldest lady has secretly helped us a lot in the past few years, if she wants to come over, let her bring Huniu and Gouwa over to eat."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xie Yan got up, she heard Zhuang Wan rubbing her belly and saying, "I'll go with you."

Looking at her appearance, she must have eaten too much and wanted to go out with her for a walk to digest food.

Xie Yan suppressed a smile and said, "Sure, I'll add some fire to the stove and warm the soup before going."

It's rare for Zhuang Wan to eat like this for the first time, and she is afraid that her stomach will hurt if she walks too fast, Xie Yan is not in a hurry, Slowly, one after the other, she walked towards Lao Gentou's house.

"Your cooking skills are really good."

Xie Yan couldn't help but smile when he heard the person behind him say this abruptly, he could get the compliment from this stupid piece of wood, although his tone was still so dry Yes, but the feeling of being praised is inexplicably exciting, she thought for a while and replied: "I will also have many other foods, and I can cook them for you in the future."

Zhuang Wan turned her head and looked at her in surprise, Then he said with some hesitation, "Your mother doesn't even know how to make these delicious things, how do you know how to make them?

" Coughed and said: "Actually, I didn't create this rice noodle by myself. I met an old man who was selling goods in the town when I was picking up mushrooms. He came from the south. I bought him a rice noodle when his money was stolen. Baozi, in order to thank me for telling me how to make steamed rice noodles, I made an inference and made it like this, but I didn't expect it to be done." After Zhuang Wan heard this, she gave her a suspicious look and said, "

Then you It's really beautiful."

Xie Yan saw that she looked like a dog again, but when she thought of this person who didn't know how to cook, she immediately put her heart back in her stomach, and replied with a smile: " Are you praising me for being smart and beautiful?"

Seeing her shameless appearance, Zhuang Wan rarely showed a meaningful expression on her face, then turned around and walked past her with her hands behind her back. .

The author has something to say: Zhuang Wan: It's really good-looking and delicious.

Xie Yan: Did you mean rice noodles?

Zhuang Wan: Otherwise, do you think what I said, could it be that you can eat it too?

Xie Yan: Guess.

The next morning,

Zhuang Wan ate and drank enough: it really was delicious and beautiful.

Xie Yan still has more meaning: I also want to give you the same words.

Zhuang Wan: Well——thanks to the little angel who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2022-02-03 18:26:23~2022-02-04 19:01:26~Thanks to the little angel who voted for the

bazooka : more or less 6; littlekate 2; Tired of listening to the wind and rain 1;

thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Xiaozhu, read, read, read, write, tomorrow Sunday, pig, passing by, Xiaoyi, little orange, ddd Ding Ding Dong, さかなちゃん, Uncle in Underpants, Zhuang Ni t1;

thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 22 bottles of bad dragon; 10 bottles of reading, reading, writing, and dd; There is no such fish, Laobai, Shipo Nanqiang 1 bottle;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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