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 Xie Yan was pushed against the wall by Zhuang Wan, seeing that the woman was different from the usual desolation, but now she was quite timid but her heart was beating like a drum, and she felt the warm breath of the other party so close and so hot, right on her face. It is near the ear, but it seems to be everywhere.

The heavy breathing beat the sensitive ear tips, and the body was dominated by a secret stimulation, trembling slightly.

No matter what you lose, you are also a person from the future world. Xie Yan propped up her two weak thighs, raised her chin, and opened her eyes to meet the woman's gaze.

Under Zhuang Wan's piercing eyes, she suddenly smiled charmingly, and then with a forceful arm, she hugged the woman's neck and pulled it closer, a wave of warmth swept across the other's neck, leaving a trace of wetness.

When had Zhuang Wan ever been teased like this, she just felt her body constrict and her heart beating violently.

boom! boom! boom!

"Your heart is beating so fast, I - I heard it all."

Xie Yan's crisp voice became a little hoarse, and her fingertips raised up, unconsciously circling around the opponent's heart, wanting to touch or not, but raised A strange longing in someone's heart.

In the dark room, there was silence in private, except for the seductive breath, which was particularly clear, Zhuang Wan's throat moved slightly, her originally dark eyes became deep, and she only felt itching at the tip of her teeth, wanting to bite desperately.

The soft body in her arms moved back and forth restlessly, causing ripples on the calm water. Finally, she lowered her head uncontrollably and bit the little girl's delicate neck.


First there was a burst of heart palpitations, Xie Yan couldn't help snorting, until the tingling sensation on her skin made her scream in pain, raised her head and patted the woman's slender waist gently, cursing softly: "You are a dog, He can even bite people."

At this time, Zhuang Wan, whose blood was surging, didn't listen to her words, and still buried her head in the little girl's neck.

Although Xie Yan is a modern person with advanced and avant-garde ideas, she is still a big girl after all. In her previous life, she was a straight girl who didn't understand style. Now she has finally opened her eyes, but she is also a chick. Treated, the body leaning behind the door quickly weakened and was defeated.

At this moment, a rattling sound came from far and near towards her room, and Xie Yuangu's voice quickly rang outside the door: "Sister, are you drunk? Have some hangover soup, why don't you open the door."

At this moment, Xie Yan, who was being pulled by Zhuang Wan in front of him, was startled, and subconsciously wanted to push him away, but who knew that the woman in front of her didn't care, she turned her head again and again. Changed the place and continued to make trouble.

"Get up quickly, Gu'er is here, I'm going to get some sober tea." Xie Yan's voice was low with an uncontrollable moan.

"I'm sorry." Zhuang Wan said vaguely, rubbing the tip of her nose against her neck.

Hearing Xie Yuangu call out again, Xie Yan pushed the man's hand away, and pulled the door open, Zhuang Wan really didn't rush forward again, but hid behind another door, holding Xie Yan's little one. belt.

Xie Yan's clothes belt was being pulled by her, and she didn't dare to move it. The door only dared to open a small gap, revealing a face, breathing a little unsteadily, and said: "I heard the sound of you running all the way, so I'm afraid all the sober soup has been spilled."

Xie Yuangu looked down at the bowl in his hand, and sure enough, there was only half of it left, but he stretched out a hand from the crack of the door, took the bowl, and said in a somewhat eager tone: "Come on, half a bowl is enough, go find your mother."

After speaking, the door slammed shut.

Xie Yuangu didn't know why sister was in such a hurry, and she hadn't asked elder sister Xiucai if she wanted to drink too, but it seemed that sister was not too drunk, so she figured it out, so she scratched her little head and went back to the kitchen to find her mother.

Xie Yan hastily closed the door, fearing that the children would see that his respected elder sister, a scholar, was grabbing his sister's belt at this time, let alone the other hand was also messing around at her waist.

"Be quiet." Xie Yan said angrily.

"Anxiety, you tease me while eating, and you deliberately seduce me after you return to the house. You really think that I will do nothing to you like that big rock." Zhuang Wan's voice was slightly hoarse, and she had no intention of letting go.

"Then you have to let me finish this hangover tea."

"You're not drunk, but you can drink it if you really want to." After Zhuang Wan finished speaking, she grabbed Xie Yan's hand and took the half bowl in her hand. The tea was drained in one gulp.

Xie Yan was about to speak, but the man turned her body around, and a pretty face came over, kissing her lips, and the next second, Xie Yan tasted the sobering tea.

"Is the hangover tea delicious?"

Xie Yan didn't know that the ancients could play like this, let alone Zhuang Wan who always had a paralyzed face.

When she realized that the bodily fluids of her sweetheart were mixed in the hangover tea, her heart beat wildly, and the hot feeling also climbed up her neck. Seeing Zhuang Wan's unruly clothes in front of her with a calm look, a wave of A prank welled up in his heart, he reached out and grabbed Zhuang Wan's shoulder, and shared this fragrant tea with her.

Little did he know that it was a sheep that was in the mouth of a tiger, Zhuang Wan was extremely bold at this time, and she couldn't ask for it.

Looking at the blush cheeks of the little girl in her arms, she tightened her arms and pressed them against her forehead, her dark eyes were mixed in the night, extremely deep.

The heat on Xie Yan's face has never been lowered. All the actions today are taboos that have never been broken before. They are beyond the usual desserts. This dog show is so brave that he skipped the first kiss and went straight to In other places, it is indeed a person with strong learning ability who skips a grade directly.

The two hugged each other silently like this, and the surging mood gradually subsided until the sky outside became dark.

After an unknown amount of time, Granny Yu's voice came from outside, calling Zhuang Wan to go home.

For a moment, Xie Yan felt reluctant to part with her, and couldn't help but hook her fingers, Zhuang Wan's eyes were filled with nostalgia.

"Otherwise...won't you go back?"

Zhuang Wan, who received the invitation signal, couldn't help feeling flustered in her heart. She wished she could stay at this time, but now that the two of them are getting closer, they can't restrain their true feelings when they get along. This will definitely make Cao E and Yu Po suspicious. Now that they are both women, they must not go too far before they think of a good way out.

"I'll go back first, and I'll come back to you tomorrow."

Although Xie Yan felt reluctance in her heart, she also knew that everything should be done step by step and restraint, so she reluctantly walked up to her and left a soft kiss on her lips before letting go She: "Go, I won't let you go if it's a little later."

Zhuang Wan stretched her brows, squeezed Xie Yan's wrist vigorously, and then opened the door and went out.

But before Zhuang Wan came over the next day, Xie Yan was busy with another important matter.

It is now April, and the seedlings were just planted last month. Xie Yan attaches great importance to the paddy field she used for the rice flower fish experiment. She specially bought 300 small carp and small grass carp. Chang'e rested, and the mother and daughter carried the fish fry to the field for stocking.

The fish raised in the field will devour some pests and weeds in the rice field. At the same time, the feces excreted by the fish become the fertilizer for the rice seedlings in the field, nourishing the rice field and the ecology of a small field. The system is thus balanced.

This is the principle of rice flower fish farming.

In order to ensure that the fish can swim freely and at the same time pay attention to the fact that the water level should not be too high so as not to affect the growth of rice, Xie Yan specially dug several deep water pits in the relatively low-lying places in the rice field to ensure that when the water level in the field drops Sometimes the fish can swim to the puddles, and they will not die due to lack of water.

It was the first time that the villagers came to watch this farming method.

Xie Yan didn't stop her. She also hoped that her acre of land could be more competitive. When the autumn harvest comes, there will be a bumper harvest of rice and rice flower fish. At that time, the other villagers will surely want to follow along. Food can be harvested in abundance.

Gradually changing the lives of the villagers by increasing the grain yield per mu is a decision Xie Yan had made before.

This was also Xie Yan's perception in the days when the restaurant opened, and it was an important direction she thought of as a time traveler to realize her self-worth.

Of course, there are also people who question her approach, thinking how fish can be raised in such shallow water, and there are mixed opinions for a while.

But there are a few families in the village who don't think so. They have witnessed Xie Yan's success during this period of time, and they firmly believe that when the harvest comes, it will surprise people.

Cai Chu and Zhuang Wan watched from the side of the field when the fish fry were released, and the old man who built the house joined them.

"Brother Cai, girl Jin's method of raising fish in the field looks very novel, do you want to put a few fish in and have a look?"

Cai Chu said with a smile: "I think it means that the land at home is rented out, and the remaining The mu of land can't store water, so even if we want to do it,

we have to reap a few mu of it next year." Lao Zhang rubbed his chin and said, "I can't hesitate this time. It's not easy for a girl."

Zhuang Wan listened to it and couldn't help reminding: "Uncle Zhang, Jin Niang only took one mu of land to plant, so you can plant five mu of land at once, I'm afraid it's not right, in case If it doesn't work, it will be a big loss."

The old Zhangtou was very stubborn, shook his head and said: "Didn't you listen to that girl, it was her mother who didn't bother her so she only took one acre to plant. Believe her this time."

Zhuang Wan looked at the frenzied look of old Zhangtou, and she was both happy and worried. The happy thing is that Xie Yan used to be an ominous person who was shouted and beaten by everyone, but now gradually someone has begun to treat her She was convinced and became her supporter. What worries her is that if someone blindly follows the trend, what will happen if the planting results are unsatisfactory.

After Lao Zhangtou made up his mind, he went to talk to Xie Yan about this matter. Although he had experienced the planting method of rice flowers and fish in modern times, after all, he hadn't tried it himself. Xie Yan said that Lao Zhangtou agreed to talk to her In the same way, I first took an acre to do the experiment, and then taught her the precautions and the selection of fry, and then happily went back to mess with my own field.

After releasing the fry, the spectators also left one after another. Only Xie Yan and Zhuang Wan were left by the field. The two of them squatted on the ridge of the field, looking at the endless green fields in front of them. For the first time, Xie Yan felt that after coming to ancient times, So relaxing.

Zhuang Wan looked at her with her eyes closed and the breeze blowing her long hair, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The author has something to say: Look, my novel is always closely following the policy. First, I actively responded to the call for rural revitalization and construction. Then, college students started their own businesses, and then started planting and breeding under forests. Yes, our Jinniang is the leader of getting rich in the countryside, hehe~ Let's

talk about what else we can do~

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