#OO2 - Opponents

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"Ohma!" You yelled, in front of the abandoned building that he had called his home. Some time had gone by since your last visit to his place, and to be honest you've been seeing him a lot less too. The both of you were already close enough for first name terms these days.

A moment of silence passed by.

"Oh whatever i'll just come in." You decided.

"Hey." Ohma had noticed you. He was covered in blood, like he usually was. Your heart skipped a beat from the sudden shock.

"You scared me. You should stop creeping up on people like that." You clicked your tongue and crossed your arms, like a disappointed mother. "I don't mean to." He said.

You sighed. Your eyes scanned the place. "F/N L/N." "Yeah? Also you don't need to call me by my full name all the time. It's weird, dude." "I have a towel upstairs, I need to wipe my face from all the blood." He ordered you.

You sighed once more and carried your lazy, heavy body up the flight of ruined stairs to get the towel in whatever he called a bedroom.

You found it. Hung on some sort of pipe that had escaped from the walls of the old room. Grabbing it, you made your way downstairs.

"Ohma, i've got your-"

A scream. You were cut off by a loud scream. But it wasn't yours. You were behind Ohma, his tall figure hiding whatever had made the noise.

"O-Ohma! You're badly injured!" The voice said. It sounded like a middle-aged man. "This isn't mine. I was removing blood from that." The man screamed once more. You laughed to yourself. This had been your reaction the first time you came here too.

You tapped Ohma from behind. He turned to face you. "Oh, hey." "Hey." You smiled. "I've got your towel." You said, extending your arm that was holding it. He took it and nodded his head.

"Ohma? Who's this? I didn't know a guy like you would have a girlfriend!" The man said. Since Ohma had moved, you were finally able to get a good look at him. "She isn't." He said.

"Yeah, i'd never date this walking chunk of meat." You remarked.

"I'm going." Ohma said. "O-Ohma? Where are you going?" The man asked. His eyebrows raised over his big glasses. Unfortunately, Ohma had already left the building.

"He's probably going to the nearby lake to get cleaned." You said. The man sighed and nodded. "I'm Kazuo Yamashita. I'm his manager." He introduced himself. "Nice to meet you. L/N F/N, I just happen to be Ohma's friend. I work as an office assistant at **** Corp. It is not fun." You chuckled, reaching into your pocket for a cigarette to smoke.

"You want one?" You asked, he declined politely. Shrugging, you lit one for yourself.

Ohma had returned. He brought his cooking supplies and began cooking the meat from the boar he slaughtered.

"You guys want some?" He asked. Both you and Kazuo declined.

You never really realized how well-built he was. He looked like a Greek God. That's top tier anatomy. Oh, fuck, you were staring. You wanted to poke your eyes out. You quickly looked away, a slight blush creeping onto your cheeks. You don't have that kind of preference, you preferred cuter guys. Meanwhile, Kazuo's face turned redder than a tomato.

"Oh, by the way. Kazuo, You said you were Ohma's manager. What kind of work does Ohma do? I thought he didn't have a job." You asked. "Ah, he's a fighter. He, uh, fights." Kazuo said. He seemed nervous, but you shrugged it off.

"I'm heading home, you two stay sa-" you were stopped. You were sitting next to Ohma, whos arm had pulled you down and pushed you underneath the staircase when you were getting up.

You were about to protest, but a loud crash had interrupted you. There was banter. Ohma had stood up.

Kazuo talked about some Ivan guy. Kickbox? Reaper sickle? What the hell was going on?

You heard shuffling, punches being thrown, and finally, a punch being landed. Or was it a kick? You couldn't tell. Suddenly, the sound of blood splattering and a man falling down on the floor was heard. You were scared.

Was Ohma a criminal? He's a fighter right? But isn't it in like- rings and stuff? Like WWE or something?

Lihito? Who's Lihito? He said he was going to be Ohma's next opponent in the upcoming kengan match? What the hell is a kengan match?!

After a moment had gone by, the man left, and there was silence.

"You can come out." Ohma said. You didn't come out. You were scared. You heard him sigh before walking over to you, crouching down, and reaching out his hand. You took it and came out with his help. Tears were in your eyes and your hand had been covering your mouth the whole time, fearing the smell of the dead boar you were next to and of making a noise that would alert the intruders.

"Don't cry."
"I'm not."
"He lost because he's weak."

Suddenly, you noticed the blonde man on the floor. He was bleeding. Was he dead? Did Ohma kill him? "Ohma didn't kill him, L/N. Don't worry!" Kazuo spoke up. You were shocked. Purely shocked.

"What the hell is a kengan match, Ohma? What are you involved in?" You said. Both anger and worry in your voice. He's strong, you know that, but he could have been the one dead and bleeding on the floor. Tears welled up. You couldn't help yourself from overthinking, imagining him losing whatever fights he was involved in and dying or injuring himself severely.

"Dont cry."
"I'm not!"
"I'll explain it to you if you stop crying. I hate it. It's weak."
"I told you, i'm not crying."
"Don't deny weakness and act strong when you aren't."
"Okay, fine. Whatever, nerd. I was crying a little bit. But that was only because I was dragged into this mess and I was scared for you. I'm not crying anymore, so just explain."

He gestured to Kazuo to explain everything, and you were left shocked.

"So- Ohma is one of the fighters for these organizations?" You asked. Kazuo nodded. "Ohma has a fight in 2 days. He's going up against Lihito." He added.

You looked at Kazuo, then to Ohma. You wanted to hug Ohma, but you knew he wouldn't like that.

"You can handle yourself, right?" "Easily."

You were a little less uneasy now.
"I'm going home." You said. "So am I. We take the same bus, L/N." Kazuo added. You nod. The three of you walk out, and finally, you were back at home.

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