#O24 - Resign

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The two of you had dinner at the restaurant, soon taking a stroll together in the late evening. Ohma was a little bit odd.

He sometimes had trouble responding and walked slower than usual. His breathing was hoarse. He also looked like he was constantly out of breath.

"A-Are you okay?" You asked him. You tried not to sound too worried, but it slipped out.

"Yeah." He replied. His hands held yours, his scars visible and his wounds were barely healed.

"I love you." You whispered. He looked at you.

"I low-uv you too." He replied. You wore a confused look on your face.

"Eh? Why do you say it like that?"
"Say what like what?"
"Didn't I say it right?"

You laughed, sighing as you two stopped beneath a tree. You sat down besides one another before taking in the view of the dimly lit night sky.

The stars glistened afar. The moonlight reflected against your faces as a cool breeze swept by.

You were lost in your thoughts. 90% of them were regarding the Kengan association and Ohma, the 10% were of your life outside of these bounds.

The dark haired fighter looked at you, breathing in the cold air. His heart felt heavy.

"Just three more rounds." He thought. He only needed to survive for three more rounds.

It was a direct punch to his soul. He wanted to finish the tournament and win, yet he knew it would cost him his presence on this Earth.

You turned your head, causing the two of you to meet eachother's eyes. It only killed him more to see the tears lacing your bottom eyelashes. Your mouth opened, motioning as your voice began to speak.

"Ohma, I want you to resign from the tournament." You asked, desperation in your voice. It was pure silence as both of you knew the answer. You knew the kind of guy Ohma was.

"I'm sorry."

The only time he'd ever sincerely apologized was during that moment. He wanted to say more, but he couldn't.

"Please." You begged, lowering your head to touch the floor as you bowed deeply.

"Please." Your voice broke as you began to cry.

"Put your head up."

You didn't listen. The shore waves splashed and tossed, filling his ears with its deafeningly quiet sound.

"I said put your head up." He demanded. You complied, revealing your eyes red, swollen and tired from all the crying you had done these past few days. You had bottled up years worth of tears and the events on the island had caused everything to explode, leaving you a sorrowful mess.

He stared, his lips parted at the sight of you. Did he really mean this much to you? He contemplated.

"I'll think about it." He finally said after observing you in silence for a minute or two. You started to feel angry. This wasn't enough.

"What is there to think about, Ohma? You will die if you continue to fight. What the hell is the point?!" You sobbed, slightly raising your voice at the end of your sentence.

"I don't lose. I don't cower away in fear of dying." He replied, seriousness echoing in his low voice.

"It's not cowering away, for fuck's sake. It's called not being an idiot, fighting to the death. Your life is worth more than an arena match of violence."

"Worth? Since when has my life ever had worth outside of fighting?" Ohma's cold voice raised in defense.

"It's always had worth, Ohma! Everyones life has worth! You have worth outside of what you're good at, be it fighting or being a hard headed walking chunk of meat! people love you even for what you're bad at! And for you to throw your future away- for you to throw our future away is selfish! You're selfish!" You panted, practically yelling at this point. He stared at you, his gaze tense.

"People love you, Ohma! Not just because you're strong, but because you're you! I love you!"
"Okay, quiet down-"
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Ohma! You can't decide to throw your life away just to win-"

His palm covered your mouth. Turns out Sawada from Murder Music and his manager were taking a late stroll around the island and had walked in to the situation.

"Ahh, a lovers quarrel! How envious!" Sawada swooned, his manager's face turning red.

"W-We are so sorry! Come on, Sawada!" She panicked before scurrying off.

You were too angry to even feel embarrassed, immediately ripping Ohma's hand away from your face.

"Ohma, don't- Mmph!" You couldn't continue your sentence. He had roughly moved to cup both your cheeks with his hands, squeezing your face as his lips kissed yours.

You tried to pull him off of you but to no avail, soon giving in as your body limped from relaxing your tensed up muscles.

You two didn't kiss that often. You both hadn't realized how much you had missed this lingering burning feeling in your hearts as your mouths intertwined with eachothers.

There are many kinds of kisses. The hot one, A.K.A a makeout session, the sloppy one with lots of saliva, rather gross by the way, and the one where it somehow felt so special that time seems to stop and the whole world falls silent.

The two of you were in a public area, many people go on late night strolls around the island yet you didn't care anymore. You just missed the feeling of him.

Your lips made a subtle clicking noise as you and Ohma pulled away. Looking into eachothers eyes, he used his thumb on his right hand to wipe away any residue tears. He showed you a sad smile.

Did he really need to win this tournament? Was it a neccessity? This woman loved him enough to plead him not to end his own life. Not hers, his.

She cried, yelled, demanded and begged for him. A guy like him only living to become the strongest within the world of Martial arts. Yet whether he was strong or not, Y/N wanted him.

"Please, Ohma. Resign. Let's live together, get married, grow old." You whispered, softly putting your hand over his that clasped the side of your face.

He stared at her. In his thoughts, that didn't sound so bad.

"I'll learn to cook what you love, i'll work hard to help provide, i'll give you everything I am and I will be."

He fantasized, daydreaming about that kind of life with you. He could take a hiatus to heal, then get back into fighting. Your words began to get to his head, softening his rock of a heart.

Your eyes gleamed, teary and desperate. You waited for his response. You would wait and bargain until the end of time if it meant he would agree to your demands.

He sighed.

"I'll resign."

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