#O18 - Mother

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The day peaked through the window, shining soft sunlight on the two sleeping lovers.

You two had slept in, it was now 12 in the afternoon. Ohma groggily opened his eyes, blessed by the greeting of your sunkissed face. His heart pounded as he unknowingly let out a smile for you to wake up to as well.

You grinned back sweetly. Ohma's smile to you was priceless. You would never trade it away, not even omnipotence.

You greeted eachother a goodmorning before preparing for brunch. You met outside in the hallway as Ohma's heart skipped a beat seeing you walking towards him.

"I'm hungry, let's go quickly." You said, beginning your walk to the lunch area. You wanted to talk more about last night but you felt too shy to even speak up.

"So, uhm..." You began. He looked at you as he waited for you to continue your sentence. You looked away, your heart and butterflies in your stomach refusing to return his gaze. You wonder where all the boldness from last night went off to.

"Is this about last night?" He spoke. You nodded in reply as Ohma looked away from you to watch his steps ahead.

"Well, I think we both enjoyed it so there isn't much to talk about."
"I guess so..."
"But..." He began once more. You looked at him as he averted his gaze. You two had switched roles.

"You are my girlfriend now- or whatever the hell they call that shit, so if you want to talk about it then i'm fine with it. I don't really care." He covered his mouth, attempting to hide the red on his cheeks. Your heart fluttered as your eyes widened in joy and surprise. A blush painted onto your face, you smiled.

"Mhm!" You hummed, taking his idle hand and intertwining it with yours. He cracked a smile. Not a smile of cockyness or pride, which were usually the kind of smiles he gave, but a smile of love. A sweet smile that could paint the world as if it was nothing but rainbows and joy, as long as it had you.

"Ohma, today is a free day and the fights would take place in the evening. Plus, the pool is opening afterwards too!" You chatted.
"Really?" He replied, sounding kind of uninterested. You knew he wouldn't be into in these kinds of events though.
"Yeah! Would you go with me? I don't want to be on my own there..." You requested. He hummed.
"I'll think about it." He said. You felt a little bummed out, but you couldn't force him to go anyway.

You two arrived at the buffet, grabbing your food before making your way to an empty table. You both sat and ate while chatting. You were the one who mostly did the talking though. Ohma stared and listened the entire time you talked. He replied in mere nods, hums or muffled sentences since his mouth was always full of food but he paid attention.

"Hm, we haven't seen Kazuo-san lately have we? He's been so busy." You said. He nodded in agreement.
"Hopefully we see him soon. What'll you be up to the entire day today?"
"Mo idewa. Juft wif yew I gesh." (No idea. Just with you I guess.) Ohma said, his mouth stuffed. You clicked your tongue in annoyance.

"You know, you better chew your damn food properly or else you'll choke. I can't have you dying on me." You scolded him. He hummed in reply.

You waited for him to finish eating before the two of you went for a walk to help get rid of the feeling of a stuffed stomach. You two were close to eachother, his arm around your waist.

"F/N, are you okay?" He asked out of the blue.
"Hm? I'm pretty good, why do you ask though?"
"Did that asshole do anything to you?"

Oh, right. Your thoughts about Kiryu Setsuna had been drowned out from all these happy moments with Ohma.

"Well, as long as i'm with you i'll be okay." You said. He smirked.
"Damn right." Replied Ohma.

Suddenly, your phone rang in your slingbag. Ohma had been carrying it for you so without warning, he opened the bag and immediately picked up the phone call.

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