☆ New Recipe

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A liquidy soup boiled over a hot stove as F/N Tokita stirred it whilst the dish cooked. You turned the fire off, beaming to yourself as you set the table for four.

"No, not like that. Twist your hips and-" Ohma's instructions had been interrupted by a calling yell

"Ohma, boys! Dinner is ready!" You yelled. The two 12 year olds sighed at the relief after their father put them through yet another day's work of training.

"Oi, don't get too ahead of yourselves. I still need to wipe you two down. Your mom doesn't like it when you both are sweaty and shirtless at the dinner table." Ohma scolded, his hands on his waist.

The two kids were finally sat after they threw their shirts back on. Ohma entered the dining area shirtless and sweaty, forgetting to take care of himself after the boys.

You clicked your tongue at the sight of this, approaching him. You grabbed the towel from his hand.

"Tsk, you know I don't like it when you stink of sweat and walk around the house shirtless, Ohma. Ah ah- Atsuko, don't eat until everyone's seated! Haruto, mind your manners!" You said, truly sounding like a mother at this point.

Alas, everyone sat down to eat. You smiled widely.

"I made a new recipe myself! Tell me what you guys think of it." You beamed. The three looked at eachother in worry, urging eachother to take a bite first through intense stares.

Finally, Ohma held his breath as he swallowed a spoonful. He did his best to keep a straight face to not hurt your feelings, but persobal recipe's have never really been your strong point.

"I-It's great." He said in a monotone manner. Afraid of showing even an inkling of negative emotion, he decided he wouldn't show any at all just in case.

"Really?! I'm so glad!" You clasped your hands together happily. Your two twin sons took the plunge, swallowing their share.

Atsuko coughed, beating his chest as he tried to catch his breath. Haruto's eyes were laced with tears of endurance and a little bit of pain.

"It's so good, mom. I could cry." Haruto said, shakiness in his voice. You smiled happily.

"I'm glad you three like it! Maybe i'll try it as well..-"

Your eyes went wide. Your throat refused to accept the soup. The rotten taste of it lingered in your mouth, making you feel uneasy and nauseous. You spat it out violently.

Wiping your mouth, a deathly stare from the (H/C) mother showered your husband and kids.

"You three are pretty great actors, huh?"
"Not another word, Ohma."  You growled.

That night, they ordered fast food delivery whilst Ohma received yet another dose of his wife's grumpiness.

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