#O23 - Attack

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You stared at Ohma's injured body, machines and needles attached being the only things keeping him alive.

You couldn't bear to stay in that clinic room. The beeps and the suffocating silence made you feel nauseous.

Your lover was in a coma, for God knows how long. He could die whilst in it given his critical condition. This thought haunted you, making you feel utterly ill to the pit of your stomach.

You hid in your hotel room, only going outside to feed yourself. Your heart felt voided, empty and at a state where you weren't sure if it even still beated.

Other fights alongside Makio Yamamoto, your old bestfriend from your school days, did her best to comfort you. Despite the support you received your state of depression hadn't dissolved even a little bit.

You didn't watch any fights, the days felt slow and never ending. You were no more than a walking corpse.

Eventually the day came.

Hayami Katsumasa had attacked the island including the whole of the Kengan Association. You were unaware of the event as you were cooped inside your room, until you heard a knock on your door.

You sighed, getting out of your bed and walking to your closed door.

As it creaked open, it revealed Haruo Kohno before you. The two of you had never spoken before but you recognized him from his Kengan Match.

Suddenly, before you could speak he had picked you up and dashed away.

"W-What the hell?!" You panicked, wiggling in struggle.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Tokita! The island is under attack and we need to get you to somewhere safe!"

Your eyes widened and your blood ran cold. You were in disbelief, staying silent as the giant hid you in a storage room with Kazuo Yamashita alongside the two slumbering fighters, Ohma Tokita and Mokichi Robinson.

"Y/N! I'm so glad you're okay!" Kazuo said, pulling you to a corner of the room. Chaos, yelling and violence occured outside of the tiny safeplace.

"What's happening?" You asked, fear in your voice. Kazuo looked at you, his eyes widening and his face going pale.

Confused and perplexedly turning your head around, you saw the situation.

Haruo Kohno, a giant of a man, bloodied and injured had collapsed, revealing a smaller and more lean man in white standing behind him.

Suddenly, there was motion behind you.

Ohma had woken up from his coma. Your eyes widened as Kazuo gasped in surprise. You were frozen. It felt unreal to see his eyes open and his body standing upright like nothing ever happened

"Kazuo Yamashita, what happened while I was asleep?" He spoke.

His voice penetrated your ears, tears swelling in your eyes from the shock. Kazuo stuttered a short briefing of the situation before Ohma looked at you.

Your hands covered your mouth, eyes glistening with tears as they held wide in shock. He gave a worried expression as he observed you.

Turning his head back to his opponent, he spoke.

"Let's finish this quickly. I have my wife waiting on me." His voice was rough, having experienced vocal rest whilst in his deep comatosed state.

You watched them fight, Ohma of course emerging victorious, knocking the enemy unconscious.

He turned around to look at you, who had been staring him down endlessly without making a single sound.

He smirked.


His voice saying your name rang throughout your head. Tears flooded down as he walked closer to you, approaching.

A panicky Kazuo worried for him, stuttering and jittering around the fighter who only had one thing on his mind.

He extended his hand to help you up from the ground on which you were sat on. You felt his rough hands pulling you up and aiding your figure to stand upright.

He caught you, stabilizing your legs that wobbled. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a hug as he hid his face in your hair.

You listened to his pounding heartbeat, basking in the feeling of his embrace once more. Oh, how you'd missed this.

Eventually, you two had to break out to evacuate to a safer area in the island. Your fingers were intertwined, locked within eachother's with no key to separate the two of you.

As the situation had settled down and the buildings were once more safe to occupy, you and Ohma immediately went to see Doctor Hanafusa.

The white clinic door creaked open as you led a pouting Ohma inside. He said there was no need to visit for a check-up since he felt fine, but you insisted anyway.

The blonde professional greeted the two of you with the natural smug look to his face.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Tokita. What a day it has been." He spoke before walking towards the two of you, his brown shoes quietly clacking on the marble white floor.

"Indeed, Doctor. Please check him up, he had just woken up from his coma and already fought." You said, pushing Ohma to sit on a chair.

The doctor had you leave the room so he could run a body check on Ohma. You sighed, resting your head in your hands.

"Alright, Hello Tokita Ohma."
"Hi." Ohma greeted back.

He ran checks on Ohma, observing his body and rates.

"Mr. Tokita..." he began, sitting back on his chair.

"You don't have much time left. Your heart will soon collapse, right now it's almost at its breaking point."

He gazed strongly at the dark haired fighter.

"I recommend taking further special treatment for your condition after forfeiting-"
"Nah. Three rounds, right? I only need to last three more rounds." He interrupted, getting up before Hanafusa Hajime could finish his sentence. His face gave him a serious look before he spoke.

"Mr. Tokita, you have a wife and people who love you-"

Once more, he was interruped.

"Yeah. I'd rather not disappoint them by pussying out and forfeiting. Thanks though." Ohma replied, beginning to leave the room.

"Oh, and by the way, don't tell her." He concluded, exiting through the door. The doctor smirked.

"What an interesting individual."

"Ohma! How was it?" You beamed, sparkles surrounded your excited self.
"It was alright. He said I was okay and allowed to fight." He lied, avoiding your eyes that gleamed with enthusiasm.
"Oh, that's awesome!" You smiled before taking his hand.

"Let's go have dinner."

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