chapter 2: well, i'm dead

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"HIIII, it's really, really nice to meet you. You are amazing. Well, I don't really know you, but I'm sure you are amazing. You want to be my friend? Wait, if we're going to be friends then we need to know each other's names. My name is Amber but some also tend to call me the bone crusher, or just run away screaming. What's your name?" The hyperactive demon was still jumping up and down while Linnet was still trying to process what happened to her windows.

"Holy shit. I'm dead." Linnet said after finally processing.

"Oh, you where still stuck on that part!" Amber finally stopped jumping. It was only now that Linnet took a good look at the creature in front of her. She had pretty long dark brown hair with red at the tips, her hair was almost as bouncy as the girl herself. She looked like your typical teenage girl, except for the small black horns that poked through her fluffy hair. And she was pailer

"Who and what are you again?" she asked, taking in everything that happened .

"Right, let me start from the beginning. Hi, my name Amber but they also tend to call me the bone crusher or just run away screaming. I'm a demon. And you are?"

Linnet looked Amber up and down "Well my name is Linnet," she started, "but could you go back to the whole bone crusher and screaming part?"

Amber just smiled and shook her head. "Oh don't you worry about that now. I think they're just really happy to see me." she added with a giggle.

"I can positively assure you that it's not her exclamation of distress, instead it is theirs." a voice said.

As Linnet looked around for the origin of the voice only to see a figure slowly appearing from the shadows right behind Amber. It was a boy who looked similar to Amber. He had short fluffy dark brown hair. he had a spot of scaly skin on his neck.

"Hey! We were supposed to wait until Amber gave us the sign that we could eat her." two other demons appeared.

One of the demons was a girl wearing a long sleeved orange t-shirt with a pegasus. She had brown hair tight in a bit of a messy bun. Some parts of her face had thin lines surrounded by small scales

"For the last time, Axel, we do not eat humans or demons." She said to the second demon whose name was Axel. he was wearing sunglasses and a black leather jacket. He had dark curly hair.He had multiple small horn-like structures covering his face."My name is Krystal and these two idiots are Axel and Ash." Krystal introduced

Both Axel and Ash looked deeply offended. "Hey we're not idiots!" they both exclaimed at the same time.

"You're boys of course you are." Krystal said, smirking and crossing her arms.

"Well she isn't wrong." Linnet snickered. That was until she realized that she was dead and talking to a bunch of demons."Oh fuck, I really am dead aren't I?" she grabed her head as all eyes were now on her.

"Yes but No it's a very complicated question that we do not have the time to answer right now." Ash said.

Krystal suddenly disappeared before Linnet heard her voice behind her. When she looked behind her she saw Krystal standing between her and Axel holding back his hand which held a knife. "Ahw, you never let me have any fun." he pouted.

His knife was swiped out of his hand. "This is a really cool knife, hey you guys are already dead right. Cause I need to let out some frustration." Linnet said, twirling the knife in her hand.

Axel looked at her for a second before giving a wide toothy grin and pointing at the girl holding his knife."Oh I like her, and luckily we can still die."

"Well, yes and no. First of all it is not lucky that we can still die. secondly, yes in theory we could die, i would preferably avoid to test that theory" Ash corrected him

Krystal held her hand out for Linnet to give her the knife, which she did. "Which you will if we stay here any longer."

Amber jumped to action "We can't leave yet Jake isn't here yet." the moment Amber said that another demon appeared. He has auburn hair. He was wearing an orange hawiën short with blue flamingo's and a bright pink shirt. He was als wearing red crocs with neon yellow socks. (this fashion is sponsored by my friend/ editor the fashion world thanks you XD)

"Speaking of the devil," Krystal said, "how did you do that?" she laughed.

"Plot convenience I believe." Axel said, causing him to get a confused look from Linnet.

"Wha-"she started but Jake stopt her

"Don't even try to understand, believe me we tried and we failed."

"Yea guys This is really entertaining but I don't think that that is what they are here for." Ash pointed behind the group where three strong, dangerous and rough looking demons were coming their way. 

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