chapter 14: lost the woods but it's hell part 2

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"We are so totally lost." Jake groaned.

They took a break while Ash tried figuring out where on the map they were after Amber had given up.

"Ash will figure it out, but until then." Krystal paused. "Yes we are lost in a forest somewhere in hell."

"I'm bored, how about we play a game? Can we play a game? Can we? can we?" Amber asked excidetly. Since they didn't have anything better to do they played it for a few minutes until they ran out of things to spy.

"What do you want to play next? Mystery murder island? Cannonball fury? Oeh how about saky sak?"

"How about a nice calm, save nap?" Jake sugested making Amber pout.

"Yea good luck doing anything save and or calm with this company." Krystal nudged him laughing.

"I got it!" Ash called.

"Oh thank god." Jake sighed in relief.

"We're here!" Amber heard as they arrived at their temporary house after a fifteen minute walk. It was a small wooden cabin, but the wood was rotting away, the roof tiles were either missing or broken. The windows were filthy but not broken.

"Fenestrae melior ibo manere sicut ista." Linnet mumbled to herself.

"Oeh do you guys think this place is haunted?" Amber asked, pushing open the creaking door.

"Amber," Linnet said, getting the attention of the hyperactive demon. "We are dead." she continued. Amber didn't understand.

"Ghosts are dead." Jake continued.

"Yes." Amber was still confused.

"Nevermind." Jake sighed.

"What are we waiting for, let's go explore, oeh can I eat this?" Amber asked, pointing at a jar with a fiery red substance.

"Let's try it out!" Axel said, taking a different jar.

"Pretty sure someone was or is collecting rain, and I think that is blood so no you may not eat it." Krystal walked over to Amber and took the jar she was currently holding. Then proceeded to take the jar Axel was holding and trying to pry open.

"How did this person get so many rain jars?" Jake asked, confused.

"Rain jars?" Linnet asked, talking about the one she was now holding.

"The only kind of jar capable of holding anything. They're called rain jars because the rain in hell can be anything." Krystal explained quickly while putting the jars she took from both Amber and Axel back on the shelf.

"They're very hard to come by, but there must be at least 20 here." Jake said, looking at all the different jars.

"Let's get some sleep before the universe decides to take the possibility of sleep away from us again." Ash rubbed his eyes.

"You mean the writer." Axel corrected him.

"Sure, buddy."

At about three in the morning they were awoken by a crash.

"I swear to god either this universe hates windows or I'm cursed." Linnet groaned.

They all went downstairs until they heard voices. Krystal continued but signald the others to stay put and stay quite. They couldn't see what was going on but they could hear a couple thuds then it was quiet again. Krystal suddenly appeared behind Ash, almost giving him a heart attack to which she quickly apologized. "We need to go."

They where slowly walking through the living room. "Phew, it was just a vase." Linnet sighed in relief when she saw the shards of a vase on the floor.

They had made it to the back door but couldn't open it, it was locked. then something was thrown threw one of the windows. "Oh come on" since the lights where still of none of them could see what was it was. But they could smell something.

"knockout gas!" Axel and Linnet exclaimed recognising the smell at the same time. This however was a very fast working gas, giving them no time to escape before the where all knocked out.

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