chapter 10: it's raining acid, Hallelujah

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After thanking the waiter for the garlic bread they decided that it would be best to start moving again. They were on guard while they were walking through the village.

"IT'S STARTING TO RAIN EVERYBODY TAKE COVER!" Someone yelled, resulting in complete and utter chaos. People were pushing and pulling each other to try and find cover

In the chaos someone had grabbed Linnet by the wrist. "You and your friends have to come with me now."

Before anyone could respond she started dragging Linnet through the crowd. The rest of the group followed getting quite some burns from the acid rain hitting their skins.

After about 7 minutes jake—who had gone last— entered the living room too.

"Make yourselves at home dears, the rain should clear in a few hours, i'll go get you something for all those burns." It was an old but sweet looking lady that had dragged them all inside.

"Acidum?! Why would rain be made of acid?" Linnet layed down on the floor to catch her breath.

"This is hell, you can't even trust the rain. You never know what it's gonna be falling down." Ash rubbed his arm that had gotten particularly badly burned, he hissed at the pain this caused.

"Yea this time it was acid but we've also had boiling water, fire, lava, fish." Amber listed some of the rains she had seen. "Yea I don't get the fish on either." she confessed.

"They were piranhas," Jake reminded her.

"Oh yea that was a fun time." Amber chuckled at the memory.

Ash kicked her "I got one of those things stuck on my but, I couldn't sit for a week there was nothing humorus about that." But judging by the look Amber had on her face Linnet guessed that that was exactly what she found so much fun, which she totally understood.

"Where are our bags?" Krystal looked around to see none of their bags were here.

"We must have lost them in the chaos, and according to my calculations they are probably either destroyed by the rain or stolen because this is still hell." Ash groaned realizing that they would have to go shopping once the rain cleared.

"Our clothes have holes in them and the bags with our spare clothes are gone?" Amber crossed her arms but hissed when the burnes started to hurt.

"Yea I wouldn't know what not having spare clothes feels like." It took a few seconds for them to realize that Linnet had been wearing the same clothes since she got to hell.

The old lady came back holding a bowl with something that looked like puding. She applied the substance to every burn on their bodies. "What are you kids doing all the way out here? We don't get many visitors?"

Axel told her that they were here for a prophecy, while grabbing a cookie that was on a plate on the table.

"That's interesting, I don't know anything about a prophecy like that. And I know a lot of prophecies." The old lady said, confused.

"Wait, if all our stuff is gone, how are we going to buy new ones?" Jake suddenly asked.

"Tillie? Who are these people?" A girl carrying a small holographic purse said.

"These are just some strangers in need of a little help." Tillie smiled. "This is my niece Leli." Leli gave a nervous wave before leaving to another room again after getting some cookies.

After the rain had cleared the kind woman had given them enough money to buy everything they needed, before wishing the group good luck.

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