chapter 9: food and murder

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"I'm getting hungry, how about we see if we can get some food somewhere?" Jake said after getting hit by another water balloon.

"Eeh, I'm not really hungry." Amber shrugged before disappearing under water.

"Fine, we will try to get some garlic bread." Amber came back up in seconds.

Jake smirked knowing he got her attention but forgetting that there was another person with a big love for garlic bread. "Garlic bread, garlic bread!" Krystal began to chant, and Amber joined in.

"Oh god what did I do?" Jake was regretting ever mentioning garlic bread.

"I think you summend the demons." Linnet looked at her two new friends chanting in the water now jumping like frogs in the shallow part of the water still chanting.

"Amber, you're only getting the garlic bread if you also eat something else." Amber ignored her brother, "Do it for me." He tried but still they kept chanting about the garlic bread. "I can't believe I'm doing this," he groaned before putting a very over the top fake smile on his face. "Do it for the garlic bread." Amber stopt for a second nodded and continued the chant.

"Hello you beautiful ladies, would any of you be interested in this body right here?" A voice said from behind the group.

"A body? where?" Axel asked excitedly before realizing the stranger hadn't mend a dead body.

The girls looked at the stranger. He was small and had weird purple hair and was wearing something that looked like an oversized diaper. The girls looked at each other and nodded.

"So about that garlic bread." Krystal asked as they were all walking away from the bloody body in the sand behind them.

"He just wasn't dead enough to be a body, but now he is. Nice." Axel said.

After about an hour of walking they finally found a cafe. "Are you sure it's safe to be out here? There are a lot of demons here." Krystal was right, they had wandered into a small village.

"I'm sure it's safe, if the prophecy is real it will come to pass." Jake put his hand on her shoulder making her relax a bit. They picked a table and sat down.

Amber stood up as soon as she rechecked the menu for the third time. "Where the fuck is the garlic bread."

"I got garlic bread for all of you." a waiter came up with enough garlic bread for all of them. Amber and Krystal cheered. They eagerly ate the delicious garlic bread.

"Is it even physically possible for you guys to sit straight?" Linnet asked, the rest of them were sitting in the weirdest positions.

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