19. Hospitals

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 - Rylie Miller - 

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 - Rylie Miller - 

I tapped my foot anxiously on the gross, tiled floor, as I had Noah resting his head on my shoulder, falling in and out of sleep. We waited as patiently as we could for whatever would be coming for the little girl that I had missed out on her childhood. 

I was supposed to be the father figure that she never had because our father was always too busy trying to find the newest drug to make our mother love him. To only love him and not the children that they had made through their love. 

"Guardian of Skylar Miller?" I jumped up at the sound of the girl that had used to always glue herself to my leg. She always seemed to make my life easier just by coming to talk to me or even just to sit with me. There was just something about her that brought me to peace. 

I had always considered her like my daughter, as I was almost 20 years older than her. "That would be me" I walked over to the doctor, seeing concern written all over his face. For once, I had no clue as to what was wrong with the little girl in the room just down the corridor and that scared me. 

After everything we were going through, this was the most unprepared I had ever been. "I need to speak to you in private for a minuet" I followed him wordlessly down the corridor so that we were standing outside Sky's door. 

"What's up?" I tried to keep up the act that I knew everyone knew me by - cool, calm, collected - but right now, I was anything but that. 

"Your daughter, has she ever said anything about chest pains? Tightness in the lungs? Trouble breathing?" I had never had a problem with someone else calling Skylar my daughter, but for some reason, the way this doctor said it suddenly made reality hit me in the face. 

"No, never" I took a anxious look back at the rest of my siblings, seeing most of them passed out. That put some of my worries to ease. "Well, I took an X-Ray and it looks as if her hurt has been over-pumping blood around and into the lungs due to a rib puncturing one of her lungs"

It all just hit me then and there. My little Skylar had been in pain for god knows how long and no one knew until she was coughing blood up on the side of the road. She really had been to hell and back with a smile on her face. 

That was how I had always known her. No matter what happened to her, whether she grazed her knee or ended up in a tousle with her brothers, she always had a smile on her face. "We are going to need to do surgery. It will cost a lot of money and she may have to be put in a medically induced coma after so that her heart can stop pumping blood up into her lungs" 

That was what everyone said to me. 'It will cost a lot of money' or 'You may not be able to pay the full amount now, but we can set up a fund' just because they took one look at me and my family. Normally they were just looking at me, but now I knew it was my entire family. 

"I'll give you all a minuet" I didn't even have to turn and look to know that Luke and Noah would be there, standing on the edge of the hallway, having heard everything. "You can't let this happen. You can't let her go this early" Luke grabbed onto the front of my sweater, tears streaming down his face. 

As much as I knew that Luke wanted to push Skylar away from him at school, he loved her dearly and wanted to be her favorite just like we all used too. She really had become the sole attention in our family. 

"Ryl, don't let them do it to her" Noah muttered, clutching onto my arm, as I just stood there, not knowing what to do. It wasn't about the money or even the surgery, it was about the cons to the pros. That she could be gone all in a heartbeat. 

"If we don't, she won't survive much longer, so, if we have to live with the fact that we tried to help her, then that is better than letting her suffer" Blake was quick to appear, almost tearing up at the sight of his younger brothers clutching onto me. 

"It's for the best" I muttered, wrapping an arm around Luke's back as I could hear him sobbing his little heart out. "It's for the best"  Blake muttered right back, before he walked away. 

"It's for the best" I looked between the two, seeing hatred in Rylie's eyes while she looked like she was smiling too brightly. I didn't like this, but I was here with Luke and that was all that mattered. "It's for the best" and with that, Blake had turned his back on me, just like the rest of them had always been taught  to do. 

It was for the best. She would be able to keep smiling and she wouldn't be in any pain and that was all I wanted for her. To not be in any sort of pain. She didn't deserve pain; none of us ever did but it was always what we got in the end. 

"Come on" we then turned into the room, seeing our little sister with tubes coming in and out of her as she lay there peacefully, not a care in the world. That was how I wanted her to be living the rest of her life, so if this surgery would save her from that, then so be it. 

I would give my life for her just to live a little longer than I had, because my life wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth it when my little sister was in pain. 

It wasn't worth it to keep them from her, because in all reality, we hadn't been running from Shane and Gray, we had been running from the people we had called our grandparents when we were all to naïve to know what they would be like as we got old. 

As I watched everyone else pile into the room that held a sleeping Skylar, with Summer sleeping in the bed next to hers, Luke ever so gently climbed into bed with Skylar, wrapping his arms around her. 

It was then and there that I knew Luke would always protect Skylar if need be. 


thoughts? xx

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thoughts? xx

sorry for being so slow with updates and not being active, I have just had a lot of sports commitments and I need to get my shit together with school cause it's starting to matter, but I will never forget all of yours support and will update when I can. Thanks xx

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