Final Episode

26 5 12

[GRAMS: Musical sting]

[FX: Int. Captain Io's spaceship]

CAPTAIN IO: Quick, Buddy! Strap yourself in! The neutralite charges that I set are going to blow soon. They'll send this asteroid - and all of Emperor Gorvak's troops - to Kingdom Come.

BUDDY: Okay, captain.

CAPTAIN IO: Take-off positions! Atomic batteries to power! Turbines to speed! 'Wage gees - and ...

[FX: Whining turbines, followed by rocket take-off]

[GRAMS: Spaceflight theme]

ANNOUNCER: Captain Io and his sidekick Buddy blast off from Asteroid X, escaping in the nick of time. But, unbeknownst to them, in the hold of Captain Io's space cruiser ...

[FX: Dynamo hum]

EMPEROR GORVAK: Come, my warriors. It is time we reveal ourselves.

GORVAK TROOPER #1: But, Emperor? What about our people on the asteroid?

EMPEROR GORVAK: They are all dead. We are the only survivors. I shall weep for them - the sleepers killed by Captain Io, the warriors who defended them. There is nothing left of our noble culture but ourselves. Never fear! For as long as we endure, we can rebuild. But first - !

GORVAK TROOPER #2: My Emperor?

EMPEROR GORVAK: First we shall eliminate Captain Io!

GORVAK TROOPERS: All hail Gorvak!

[Fadeout FX]

[FX: Int. Captain Io's spaceship]

[FX: Hammering on metal door]

BUDDY: Captain Io! Somebody - something is trying to break into the bridge!

CAPTAIN IO: Don't worry, Buddy. We've been in worse situations than this.

[FX: Metal tearing. Running footsteps coming closer]

EMPEROR GORVAK: Captain Io! Once again! But this time, you shall die!

CAPTAIN IO: Not so fast, Gorvak! Remember, we have our ray pistols!

[FX: Raygun blasts]

CAPTAIN IO: My raygun blasts? How could you withstand them? You're meant to die!

EMPEROR GORVAK: Dead? Why should we be dead, Captain Io? Or should I call you Mister Paul Collins? That raygun of yours is just a pathetic prop. No more than a child's toy. Whereas this - !

[FX: Atomic rifle blast]

BUDDY: Aargh!

EMPEROR GORVAK: This is not!

CAPTAIN IO: Oh God! No! Please! I'm just an actor! Don't come any closer! I'm sorry. I'm sorry ...

EMPEROR GORVAK: If only you knew what you have done.

[FX: Atomic rifle blast]

GORVAK TROOPER #1: My Emperor! You have killed Captain Io.

EMPEROR GORVAK: His death. It was unfortunate, but necessary.

GORVAK TROOPER #3: What now, my lord?

EMPEROR GORVAK: We need to secure this communications facility. We can use it as a base from which to -. Wait? Is this microphone live?

GORVAK TROOPER #3: I think so, lord.

EMPEROR GORVAK: Shut it down!

GORVAK TROOPER #2: At once, Emperor Gorvak!

[FX: Atomic rifle blast, which is cut short]

[FX: Silence]

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