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(short a/n: this chapter is really short but upon chapter 3 the chapters have more than 2000 words!)

The sun shined through the big windows of the Arsenal Training Centre. Big halls with photos from previous years, old or new players and awards. It was silent for a Saturday afternoon, when I walked through the building. No signs of people. In hectic; i put my phone out to see if i eventually messed up the date.

„You lost?" A sweet voice, coming from a woman asked me from behind. I slightly jumped at the sudden noise, turning around. In my view, came a woman with blonde hair and a huge smile on her face. She didn't seem to wait for me to answer and instead reach for my hand. „I am Beth Mead, who are you?"

Obviously, I knew her. I mean its the Beth Mead. "Hi. My name is Sophia. Sophia Jones" while introducing myself I held out my hand as well which she friendly grabbed. "Nice to meet you, Sophia. Are you new here?" Beth asked me.

"Yes, I'm the new signing, I suppose."

Her face seemed welcoming to me, the smile still on her face. "That's so cool. I am looking forward to get to know you little better. We will be great friends." I let out a laugh at her planning our bright future. "Well, me too. I have to meet Jonas now though." The two of us said goodbye to each other and left into different directions.

At the end of the hall there was a big door, with a sign saying Jonas Eidevall. Before I opened the door I let out a deep breath. Here we go, this might be the beginning of something great.

The meeting went better than expected. Jonas was kind and gave me all the information needed. After I finally signed the contract he gave me a new training kit and some papers. He then told me I could watch the training for today, so I am not overwhelmed as if I would take a part immediately.

I was excited to be honest. Meeting my new team, hoping they would accept me. Worst nightmare to be come true that they wouldn't like me. Jonas showed me the area a little before we then finally left the building to join the other's on the pitch.

"Guys come together, please" he shouted, waiting for the girls to come over. I noticed some familiar faces but some new ones too. Vivianne Miedema stood next to me smiling at me nicely. "So as you can see, I want to introduce you to your new teammate. Meet Sophia Jones. She just moved here from Liverpool."

The girls were coming over, hugging me. My eyes found a certain blonde. It wasn't Beth. I didn't knew her.

"Hey, Im Leah" she said as she stood in front of me. "Hi. Im Sophia"

It was silent, she looked me into my eyes then hugging me quickly. The hug was a little weird, as if she wasn't very comfortable during the hug.

"Okay. Let's start now." I let myself fall on one of the free sitting rows; watching the girls running around.

After Training ended, I was about to leave when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, seeing Beth. "Hey Sophia, I was wondering if you would like to come over to my place tomorrow night. The girls and I are having a girls night to celebrate you as a new member. Would you like to join us?"

"Sure, can you send me your address then?" We exchanged our numbers, then saying goodbye. This day has been great. I could watch their whole Training session with knowing what Jonas is expecting me to do. And the girls were so kind and welcoming, I still felt new though but at least I know, I would build up some amazing friendships.

When I arrived home, I sunk into my bed real quick. As soon as I was cuddled into my bed and turned off the lights my phone vibrated. Annoyed, I grabbed it from my nightstand seeing Beth had sent me her address. My thoughts drifted to the upcoming night, I would get to know them even better which made me excited. I really hoped we all get together well.

Then thinking that I would see Leah again which made me excited too. I have just met her but I have to say she is gorgeous. Seeing her on the pitch was mysterious. Without noticing I opened Instagram and went on Leahs profile. I scrolled through her pictures a bit, when my phone accidently slipped to the side landing on the floor. I sighed crawling out of bed to get it back.

That's when I saw I had liked the picture. I liked the picture. My eyes went wide. It wasn't her newest picture, no. It was from a year ago. I slapped myself at the thought of her noticing this. But she would probably not see this as she had 770 K followers. I truly hoped so.
After this shock I put my phone away and drifted into a deep sleep.

The first chapter woooow I'm excited what you think!! Let me know. Its a bit short but the next one will be longer!

You belong to me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now