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It has been tough weeks, after the injury. Leah had to attend many appointments and eventually got her surgery. She hasn't been the same since. She used to snap at me for helping her, being on her phone next to me instead of spending time with me. Sometimes she left to visit her mum without even telling me. Since the night it happened, I have been the one who gave her space, the one who was patient. Even though, I was tired. I still put everything in this relationship. Is she falling out of love? I dreaded the answer to the question that has been most present in my mind.

I was convincing myself, that she would tell me if she lost feelings, but after a while I started questioning myself. Today was one of those days, where I would wake up in an empty bed. Although, it happened quite a lot of times recently, I was worried until she arrived back home. Not once it had crossed my mind, that she was cheating on me. But that day, I doubted everything.

About 2 hours later, I heard the front door, being unlocked. I thought Leah would walk past me and do whatever she has done the past couple of days. But she stopped in the door frame to the living room. "Have you been crying?" she asked, her voice being softer than previously. "No." I croaked, obviously lying. Like I hadn't been crying since she left. My face was probably red from all the tears. "Don't lie, Soph."

She slowly moved closer, as fast as she could with her crutches. "What happened?" She carefully sat down in front of me, putting one hand on my knee. "Are you cheating on me?" I asked, just above a whisper. "What?" She asked surprised. Her hand moving away. "Why would you ask that?"

"You tell me, Leah. This has been the third day this week, that I woke up next to an empty bed." I sobbed. "I – I don't know what you are talking about. I was meeting up with my mum." she answered, offended. She had no reason to raise her voice at this point.

„And you don't think it would've been a good idea to tell you worrying girlfriend this?" My voice was more confident now. There was no way, that I was letting her make a fool out of me. I wasn't weak at all. „Why are you making such a big thing out of this?"

„Are you saying I'm overreacting?" I huffed. „Yeah, kind of. Do I have to tell you, every time I visit my mum, or?" She snapped back. The softness from the beginning of the conversation was long left. During the argument, Leah had created more space between us. „You do not have to tell me anything. Safe it."

I was waiting for her to answer, but instead she got up and took her crutches in her hands. As she was walking into the hall, I slapped myself for saying the next sentence. „Have fun meeting your mum." I said sarcastically.
The last thing I heard was a angry „Fuck you." Before it went silent.

Silence was the worst of all.

Leah's POV:

„Have fun meeting your mum." Sophia let out a sarcastic laugh. Before I could calm down, I shouted back at her. „Fuck you." I regretted it, the moment after I closed the door. Going back was no option though.

I went to the place, where I felt most understanding at the moment, wishing it was Sophia.

„Could I talk to you?" I asked.

We don't have an appointment today, have we?"

„No — but I'd like to talk to someone."

And that someone isn't you girlfriend?"

„We kind of had a fight."

We walked into a different room, where I sat down on a sofa.

What was the fight about?"

„Me being absent — I kind of lied to her."

What did you lie about?"

You belong to me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now