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Finally, it was matchday. I was incredible excited, couldn't sleep properly the last night. We would play Brazil in the 'Women's finalissima' today. Luckily it was a home game. Sarina hadn't told me yet but I probably would only play the second half of the match. I wasn't complaining though.

I started the day with a long hot shower, mentally preparing for the game. Breakfast would start soon and shortly after we would have a team meeting to go through the game together. Between the meeting and the game, we would have 1 hour to prepare on our own and get ready.
It would be my first game and to say I was excited was an understatement. This is different then my Arsenal debut. I'm representing my country, my home.

A few moments later, I made my way to the dining room. My hair was still a little wet from the shower, I took before. Ella had left early this morning, apparently going on a walk to clear her head before the match day.
The girls in the dining room were chatting loudly. Then my eyes found the familiar blue ones. The ones I can't get enough of. My lips immediately turned upwards, smiling at my girlfriend.
I still can't believe it though.

"Good morning, guys"

"Hey, you" I sat down next to her, looking at the girls. "Hi" she replied, smiling. "You are always the last one coming here. What are you doing that long?" Beth raised her brows at me as I started eating. "I took a shower, as you can see" Pointing on my wet hair. 

"Without me?" The blonde next to me whispered into my ear, smirking. Causing me to blush. I decided to ignore her comment, to tease her and focus on today.

"This game today is really important for us." Beth said, sighing. "Not everyone has the chance to win the Women's Finalissima after winning the euro's." She was right. We had to win this.

"How are you?" Leah turned her face to me. "I'm pretty good. Excited mostly, maybe a little scared too." I just had to remember that Sarina chose me because I am good. "You really don't need to be scared. You will do great, love." She kept her voice a little down not wanting the others to hear the nickname she gave me. "It means a lot coming from you, Le." I wish I could've given her a kiss right now.

"Meeting is in 20 minutes, we should go" Lucy said, getting up. "Yep" Georgia answered and slowly everyone left the table. Together we walked to the little conference room. Sarina greeted us with a smile before pulling me to the side.

"Sophia, can I talk to you for a moment?" I nod.

"I decided that you will play later. But you will come up in the second half because I think 90 minutes are a little to soon for you. But I have seen that you get along with the team very well and have found your place here. Next game we can talk about the 90 minutes."

"Thank you, Sarina, for believing in me." Nearly all of the girls were gathered around the room, as Sarina walks to the front. When she had everyone's attention she started telling us about her expectations for the match. Leah had asked me what the conversation was about, with a worried look on her face. But I quickly told her, what Sarina had told me, and the blonde immediately hugged me. "I am so proud of you!"

Between the meeting and the match, we had a one-hour break, which some of the girls used to sleep or shower. My table decided to sit outside and enjoy the yet good weather.

"It's time to go in the changing room" Leah said in her captain voice.

"Ai Ai, captain" I joked as everyone listened to her immediately. "Ey, don't be mean. It's my responsibility." This caused me to laugh even more. "I'm messing with you Leah."

The mood in the changing room was different then the one before Arsenal games. Everyone was a little more focused and by themselves.

After I had changed into my jersey and made my ponytail, I sat down, and my eyes wandered to Leah. She was putting her captain armband on. And it made me proud. Really proud. How many people can say their girlfriend is the captain of England. None.

You belong to me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now