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That night I was happier than I have ever been. Leah likes me too, which is the best present the world could give me. We had spent a little more time on our blanket watching the stars. Our fingers interlocked with the each other, my head was resting on Leah's chest, hearing her steady heartbeat.

Later we walked back to her car, rain started to pour from the sky we were so mesmerize moments before. Soft music played in the backround. The blonde next to me was focused on the road, smilingly. She is truly the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on.

We soon parked in my drive way. „Le, why don't you spent the night here?" I asked shyly, since I didn't want to overstep the boundaries.

„Only if its alright for you? I don't want to intrude" She stopped the motor, now fully turning into my direction. „You would never intrude.. let's go"

When we got out of the car, I grabbed her hand and lead her to the door.

„Here, a spare toothbrush. Towels are in the cabin over there, and give me a moment so I can give you fresh clothes." with my finger I pointed on the cabin, and left to grab her clothes. A few minutes later I came back with a white shorts and a oversized t-Shirt. Leah thankfully took the clothes, before I gave her some privacy.

I quickly changed into a shorts and sport bra and knocked at the bathroom door. „Can I come in?" Instead of an answer the door was pulled open with Leah standing there already in my clothes.

„I like you in my clothes." my eyes going up and down, memorizing the view in front of me. „It's quite comfortable, I have to admit"

Standing in front of the sink, the two of us brushed our teeth. When we finished doing so, walking back into my bedroom. Slowly laying down under the covers. „Can we cuddle?" I whispered, not sure if Leah already slept. „Yes. Come here" Not waiting a second I shifted to her and she hugged me from behind, spooning me. „Good Night Le"

„Good Night Soph"


Soft lips kissed the side of my face. When I opened my eyes I was greeted by the wonderful view of the girl I felt so much with. „Hello you" I smiled widely as she placed her lips on mine. „Hi"

„Did you sleep well?" Leah asked me while cuddling back into me. „Yeah! So good" running through her hair with my fingers. „Did you?" she immediately nod.

We remained in this position a little longer, before I had to pee. Being in the bathroom I heard the door bell. Suddenly I heard a key turning in the front door. I quickly finished and walked downstairs, hearing a well known voice.

„Who are you?" I heard Leah ask with a curious voice. „None of your business" the other voice said, raising her voice at the your. „Is Sophia here?" before this could go out of control I stepped into the hall. Seeing the person that caused me the most pain. Cassie. She still has my key?

„Hey baby. I came back" The only emotion I felt was disgust. Seeing Leah watch me in disbelief. „Sophia?" she slowly says. I gulped. I was not in the state to face this right now, so I ignored the blonde. Her eyes staring at me waiting for answer. „Cassie? What the fuck are you doing here?" anger build up inside of me. She had not right to come into my house. Leah. I almost forgot about her standing here not knowing who she is.

Just as I was about to explain it to Leah, she moved and started to slip into her shoes. „Leah? Where are you going?" She started putting on her jacket. „Im not needed here. It seems like you two are good without me." there was some sort of annoyment in her voice. „Let me explain-" she cut me off roughly. „Sophia don't." with that she walked out of my door, leaving me behind with Cassie.

„So.. it's rude to let your guests outside, and not ask them inside." everything about her made me vomit. Mostly her tone when she spoke. Her perfect styled blonde hair. „Since you have your own key, I don't think that's necessary." I said bluntly. „So tell me. What do you want?"

„Sophy. Last time you were begging me to stay, and now? Did that blonde mess with your head?" how dare she to speak like that about Leah? „Don't put her into this, it has nothing to do with her" My voice got louder with each word. „Sophy-"

„Stop with that name! You have no right to call me that. You have no right to burst into my life like that." all the anger that was inside of me all these past months, came out. „give me the key!" I ordered. „What?"

„The key!" I held out my hand, waiting for her to give it back. Rolling her eyes she handed it to me. „Leave now." Before closing the door I pushed her a little so she stood outside of my doorway. „it's not over, Sophy"

I sighed as the door closed.

Leah. Fuck. In panic I grabbed my phone, seeing if she texted me. Nothing.


Are you okay?

Any chance I can explain it to you?

For the rest of the day I was worried. Its unlike Leah to ignore my messages. Especially on Sunday? Where she has nothing to do.


She finally read my message. My heart was pounding in my chest. Hands sweaty waiting for her to answer.

Give me space Sophia. You put me into a really embarrassing situation. I don't know if I can handle you right now.

My heart sank to the floor. Processing what just happened. Shortly after tears started to stream down my face. Is Cassie's favorite thing, to ruin my life? Well she did, second time in row.

With puffy eyes I had stayed in bed the whole day, cuddling with the left over smell over Leah. Tomorrow I had to face her anyway. Before more tears started to stream down my face I closed my eyes.

This is just a nightmare. This is just a nightmare. This is just a nightmare.

I'm so not happy with how this turned out but whatever. Thoughts?

You belong to me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now