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7 came around the corner pretty fast, and soon I was making my way to Leah and Beth's room. The other girls had been really kind and helping since I arrived here. Still I felt a sort of anxiety creeping its way to my mind. On the other side I had Leah, I knew she would be there, always.

After a few knocks she finally opened the door. „Hi" I said, smiling at the blonde in front of me. She wore a grey oversized hoodie and a shorts. Absolutely stunning. „Come in when you finish staring at me" she joked. I blushed and came in.

No one was here yet. „Where is Beth?" I wondered. „Hey, I thought you came because of me" Leah made her way to the bed. „Im kidding, she is getting changed." She said after seeing my confused look. „Come here" she patted on the empty space next to her on the bed. As soon as I reached her she grabbed my wrist, causing me to stumble and fall on her. I let out a surprised scream, starting to laugh. The blonde wrapped her arms around me. I pulled away so I could look into her beautiful eyes, immediately greeted by her lips on mine.

„Eww. What the hell are you doing?" We heard a shocked voice from across the room. Beth. She had her hands over her eyes. „Chill Beth, it was just a kiss" I explained, a bit annoyed, rolling off of Leah. „Next time when you almost have sex, give me a warning" It was such an awkward moment. „Beth we weren't-" Before she could finish there was a knock. „Thank God" I whispered, thanking God silently for rescuing me from this situation. Leah and I created some more space when Beth opened the door and a few girls came in. They sat down on the ground and on the beds.

„Lets wait for the rest and play a game" Beth said, smirking. Oh no. She had something planned. Surely. Moments later the rest of the squad came into the room making theirselves comfortable. „Lets play Truth or dare but only with Truth" Beth suggested. „Where is the point if you only have truth?" Keira asked. „Something you don't understand" Beth shot back, jokingly. „Beth, don't be mean do my girl" Lucy said, hugging Keira from the side. „Viv could say the same" Beth answered, feeling attacked. I watched their conversation with a smile on my face, loving their whole friendship.

We decided to let Beth have her idea and started playing it. I was the third person to get asked, by no other than Beth. Shit. Helpless I looked over to Leah, but she just let out a laugh. „Sophia. What's your type"
„Seriously?" Rolling my eyes annoyed at her. My answer is Leah clearly. She is my type from the bottom to the top, in and out. „Well, I really like blondes. Blue eyes or green. The person should be taller and just have a nice character" I answered honest, thinking about Leah. I grabbed my water from the nightstand and started drinking from it.

„So basically Leah?" Beth said. I spat out the water I was about to drink and started coughing. She did not say that, I looked into Leah's shocked face. „Why would Beth say that?" Keira asked curious.

„She is just messing guys." I tried to save myself out of it. „Are you sure?" Now Lucy too? I groaned. „Yes guys. We are just really good friends" Leah helped me. I shot Beth a death glare. If looks could kill she would've been dead by now. It was now my turn to ask, so I asked Keira. „Best spot to have sex?" she blushed instantly. „Thats a hard one, but I would say shower" she gave Lucy a smirk.

„I agree" Lucy said. „Enough Enough." Ella shouted, from her seat next to Alessia. Everyone started laughing and we went on. At some point it was Alessia's turn. She chose Leah. „Go on" Leah said. „Uh, do you fancy someone from the squad." I saw Beth smirking from my side eye and in my mind I went through all my options to kill her, which were exactly zero. A blush made its way on Leah's cheek. „Why are you blushing like that?" Rachel (Daly) asked. „I am not!" The blonde next to me said in defense. „Then answer the question" everyone looked at her, waiting for the answer. „Fine. There is someone who I like" she said. And my stomach made a somersault. „Who is it?" Ella screamed. „That wasn't the question.."

„Guys, if she doesn't want to say it let it go" Georgia said protectively. And I thanked her for it. For the rest of the evening the topic was forgotten, to out luck. We put on a movie and wer half way through. The first ones left the room, leaving behind only Beth, Leah, Georgia, Ella, Luca and Keira in the room.

Keira yawned. „I think its time to go to sleep" Lucy said, taking Keira's hand to get up. „Good night guys" they said before exiting the room. „I think I will go too." Georgia said, then hugging me and Leah before leaving. Shortly after Ella left too. „Sophia are you coming too?" she asked me, holding the door open for me. „Im coming in a few minutes, you can go though" she nod and walked away.

„Beth was that really necessary?" Leah was really annoyed by now. „Didn't I told you that we didn't want to tell everyone immediately" I got that she was mad, I was too. „We have not been together long and I want to protect what we have" she said then, with a little smile. „Im sorry I thought it was fun" Beth apologized. I saw that she felt a little guilty. „don't worry, Beth. Just don't do it again." I gave her a quick hug before walking to the door. „I will bring you out." Leah said. „Good night Beth" I said before leaving. „Bye" The other blonde said from her room.

„Im sorry, Beth can be a little too much sometimes." Leah said with an apologetic look. „It's not your fault" I took her hand and we walked to my door together. I looked if someone was around before leaning in and placing a kiss on her lips. She immediately kissed me back, dragging me closer. „Good Night Leah" I whispered. She pulled away and started walking to her room. „Good Night. I love you" I was about to open the door before I realized what she had said. Leah stopped death in her tracks. „Say that again." I needed to hear that again. Did she really said that, or did I wanted her to say it. „Oh my god" Leah turned around shocked. Taking a few steps into my direction.

„It came out accidentally, Im sorry Sophia."

„Say it again, please" I said looking into her eyes. Hers were sparkling. „Did I just imagine what you said, if so I would be really embarrassed" I laughed nervously. „You heard very well, Soph" she paused. „I was meant to say it at a more special occasion" i heard her sigh.

„But Sophia Jones, I love you." i felt all emotions. My heart jumped at the sound. Hearing her say that was all I ever wanted. „I love you, Leah Williamson" She leaned in and connected our lips. I felt the sparkles. This kiss meant so much.

„I wanted to say this for a while now." I grinned. „Me too"

They said it finally.

You belong to me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now