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Over the last two weeks Leah and I went back to normal. Only there weren't any touches that could've crossed the line or any deep conversations. I wasn't quite sure whether I liked this change or not. Sometimes I wish I could talk to Leah about things that deeply impacted me. She has always been a great listener.

At training we mostly didn't practiced together, I was glad when we shared a glance in between. Eye contact through coincidence. Thats what I told myself at least. Yesterday's game against chelsea ended 1:1. Jonas put me im the start eleven. It was my first time.

The result made me unhappy, I hadn't even scored. Beth kept saying, I gave my best. But I didn't believed her. It was the night where I cried myself to bed, overthinking my whole transfer to Arsenal. Was I even good enough for the team? I couldn't even score a goal! I called my best friend Georgia Stanway, who I missed endlessly. Since she is playing in Munich I only got to see her twice in a year. It helped me because she always seemed to find a way of comforting me. Starting in summer camps when we were young,

Today was Saturday, which meant day off. During the morning I lay on my couch watching the new season of outer banks, while eating my delicious breakfast. Some bacon with eggs never failed. And the tea obviously, most important part of the morning.

At midday Beth texted me.

Would you fancy a movie night at our place? Viv is here too if you don't mind.
Don't disappoint me.

Why not? I had no other plans and would be here bored anyway. A great Movie night sounds fun. Beth and Viv are my comfort place since I didn't had Georgia here.

Sure! I don't have any plans yet.
When should I come?

Great! Be here at 8.. See you later :)

I really missed company. Sometimes this house is too much. Too big. Back in Liverpool, I had a flat. Not small but not big. The space was enough. But now I felt lonely. There were barely any visitors here. Only Beth comes occasionally.

Later I took a quick shower, enjoying the warm water. The hot foam was already spreading through my bathroom. I made myself two braids and put some light make up on. Beth and Viv didn't care but I felt way more comfortable with it. Then I put on some beige suit pants, the most comfortable ones I own. With a dark blue hoodie, a huge one. The time flew by and it was already 19:45. At this point I knew I was coming late but they don't mind.

My car entered their drive way, where I noticed a foreign car. Did they asked another person? Why didn't Beth told someone else was coming? After I knocked, Viv opened the door welcoming, letting me in real quick. „You are late" she grinned, showing me her tongue.

„Come on in!" She took my jacket and I slipped out of my shoes. The house had all lights out some candles and a small lamp were glowing in the living room. Vivianne and I entered the room and my eyes immediately noticed a person sitting on the couch.

„I hope you don't mind Leah." Beth winked, while pointing to the person. Is she kidding me? I wanted to be polite so I nod. My heart beat faster, when we locked eyes. A small smile was forming on her lips, as she patted on the couch for me to sit. For a moment I thought she meant someone else. But silly there was no one she could've meant here.

Slowly, I walked to her. I felt like there was still this distance between us. At this point my heart exploded. The couch is so small that our tights touched. It didn't seemed that small from far away though.

You belong to me - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now