Murdered Dates

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Kai's POV:

Five months ago, there was this girl I saved. She had asked me for my number so I gave it to her and we started talking. After a while, she had asked me on a date for the next day. I said sure, and then the next day I get messaged by the police that she was found dead, all chopped up in the park. Some poor kid found her. The second time was a girl from two months ago. She worked at a store I used to go to all the time, so we got to talk a lot. After a while she had confessed that he has a crush on me. Later that night when I go to watch TV, I see that someone had been killed. It was that same girl, stabbed to death in the same store. At this point it was a curse. Can no one love me anymore? Suddenly I hear my door open. It was Cole.

"Sup." He walks over and comes sit near me. "Um... hey, I know losing a person you love can be hard... but, you just need to know that they're always here still. I'm not meaning in your heart. They can see you from the other world. From there, they're constantly helping you without you even knowing. This will be hard for everyone. I know what it's like to lose the most important person to you..." Silence filled the room after that. Cole had lost him mom a long time ago. Guess he's still hurt by it.

"She wasn't the most important person to me so I guess that's a plus...." It kinda hurt saying those words, but they were true. There were people more important to me in my life, but, what if I make it so they get hurt too?

"See! Just look for all the positive. We can't just brush it all off, but we can push through it all." Cole was trying so hard to make me feel better. It was honestly really nice. Having someone care for me like I have for others. He's one of the most important people in my life. I know I'm not anything to him though, and maybe that's a good thing. "Get some rest. I'll get out of your hair now." He laughs trying to lighten the mood and get up, heading for the door. Some part of me wanted him to stay, but I can't have people doing to much for me now. I'll cause enough problems with the sadness of Skylars death. A shiver goes down my spine as I remember all the blood. She was mangled up. The only thing that helped me recognize her was the red hair and the cloths that were torn apart on every cut up part. I've been through a lot, so much has left me with mental scars. Guess another can't hurt to badly. I made my way up to my pillows and hold onto one while my head rests on the other. No one can love me. I need to make sure of that. This only seems to affect the people that love me in a romantic way, whether I love them back or not. Why? Why is it that as soon as people finally start loving me they all get killed? Is there just something wrong with me? I close my eyes tightly, hoping that everything would just go away tomorrow. Please, let everything go away tomorrow.

She was there. Everywhere. She's been everywhere. Wherever I am or have been. It's her. Her with that long blonde hair and metallic like eyes. Eyes that stung right through me. I can see her. Almost, she's so close, watching me everywhere I go. The blood of others being spilled for it. So much blood. Everywhere. No one is safe. No. Not with me. I am unsafe. I'm a danger to them all.... to him.

I wake up with a gasp, looking around frantically. A dream? It was all just a dream. Well, more like a nightmare. A shaky sigh leaves my lungs as I lay back down. Who was her? Is this her real? Then the him. Is this him who I think it is, or someone else? I shake my head. It's just a stupid nightmare. Not a message. Everything is fine. Perfectly fine. I bring my legs off the bed and get up, stretching. It was eight am. Good enough to get up. Slowly I walk downstairs. No one. Weird. My step echo as I walk past the halls. Only other noise to be heard being the wind. That was until I heard someone yelling stuff out. It wasn't like an angry yell, more like they were telling everyone something. I rush my way out of the monastery to see what was going on and see all of Ninjago standing right infront of me. Nya was ontop of the monastery. She was the one yelling. On the side was a large picture of Skylar. They were giving their respects to her, showing that they know what happened. By the time Nya saw me she had already finished and jumps down.

"Kai." She walks up to me, smiling sadly. "I though this would be a good idea. Almost everyone knew her and lots of people loved her. I just though it would be right. I'm sorry if-"

"It's perfect." I smile at her and give her a big hug. She always tryed to hard. This was just perfect. I hope Skylar knows how much we will miss her.

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