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Cole's POV:

Sometimes Kai was so stupid. So oblivious. He stared at me confused and I took a deep breath in before talking.

"Kai, think to when you were talking to her." I watch as he thinks for a bit.

"What? I said how she's not my love and I don't even know her and that she could never have my heart by killing everyone, especially trying to kill one of the people I love m-" The realization cut him off. His cheeks go a shade of pink and he looks away from me immediately. "Shit! I um- l-listen it's just that I was in the moment and saying stuff and-" Then he suddenly turned back to me. "She said you loved me." His eyes narrow on me and I feel a loss for words. I had thought he forgot about that.

"I- stick with what we were talking about before!" I step back nervously as he came up closer to me.

"Nah, I think we should talk about this now." He got closer ans closer, a sly grin on his lips as he did. "You love me~" Guess now that no one was out to kill the people who loved him, his flirty personality was back. I sigh, laughing a bit as a smile form's on my own lips.

"Who wouldn't? Now none of us have to worry about getting killed for loving you." My response suprised him and he straightened up.

"Uh- yeah, guess your right." He laughs nervously and I walk over to him, placing my hand on his cheek. His eyes immediately look into mine.

"I love you, Kai Smith." My words make his face turn as pink as Zane gi did when Lloyd dyed it. Slowly, I bring my face closer to his, connecting out lips. When I pull back he looked like he was in a daze. A daze that he soon snapped out of because of clapping.

"Good job love birds! Finally!" Nya raised a brow at us while Jay and Lloyd clapped. God, this was kinda embarrassing.

"Zane! Do you record everything you see!?" Jay jumped over to Zane as he questioned him.

"Uh- yes." Zane was confused but Jay just jumped up.

"Yes! We'll have it forever!" Jay was to excited for this.

"Well, we won't need to rewatch it. I'm sure they'll be doing it a lot more often now~" Lloyd was mainly trying to tease Kai.

"You little brat." Kai took a deep breath I before chasing after the Oh so great green Ninja. His hair was gonna be so messed up by Kai giving him noogys.

"Ha! Told ya Cole." Nya comes over, leaning on my body. "This is why people should listen to me."

"Yeah, but if I did then someone would try to kill me a lot sooner." She seemed annoyed by my comment, making me feel successful. "I win."

"How about we sleep nya?" Jay nervously takes her away. "Before going explode on me and Cole." A laugh a bit at Jay's words and watch as everyone leaves my room. God it was a mess in here. I look to my door as I think. Maybe Kai would let me stay in his room. I blush at the though of it. God, I was finally brave enough to tell him. This feeling of happiness was so great that it almost covered the sting of my cut. That was an almost though. The cut hurt so bad. First fix up my cut and then talk to Kai. That's what I'll do. I start heading out of my room to get everything done, cheeks red. I loved him so much, finally he knows. Even better, I know he feels the same.

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