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Kai's POV:

It's now been a few months since Skylars death and everything seems to be a bit happier. Sure, lots of us still miss her loads but we're now drifting away from that bad moment. Like Cole has said, she's still here, watching us from the other world. What in really loving about these past few months though is that no one else has died. No one, and no one had confessed their feelings for me or asked me on a date or any of that love stuff. That means people are safe. For now at least, people need to learn to not like me as more then a friend. I can't have people loving me in a romantic way. It would put thrm a risk. How do I make sure I don't get crushed on though?

"Hey Kai." Cole comes to sit with me on the roof of the monastery. It was one in the morning but I couldn't sleep. He's caught me up here a few times before, so I wasn't suprised to see him. "What's wrong? Are you still sad about-" He didn't finish. I knew what he was going to ask though. Are you still sad about Skylars death? Of course I'm a bit sad. Who wouldn't be sad?

"Nah, I'm all good. Just can't sleep." I look up at the stars and smile a bit. Nya loved this story our mother used to tell us. The girl in the stars. It was about this girl who lived above in the stars, she would be able to see the humans below but never speak to them, and listen to the angels above but never see them. This girl was in the world where you went to before heading to the other world. So she usually only got company from the older ones. One day though, there was this boy. He was the same age as the girl wirh had surprised her. Why are you here so early? The girl asked him. He then looked down. Because I couldn't handle seeing you alone. He replied. When that little boy would look up in the stars he could see one that shined brighter then any other. That was the girl. Can I stay with you? Please? The boy begged. This was very strange to the girl. Most people rushed their way to the after life but this boy, he wanted to stay with her. I don't know. She says to him, making his hopes grow thin. He had made his way here just to be turned away. Seeing the hopelessness in his eyes the girl grabs onto him. Take me with you. She says. By that, the girl ment that maybe she could come with him to the after life. They tryed and tryed but couldn't take her there. It was impossible. Soon the boy began to cry. He had left his family and friends to keep this girl company. Now it was for nothing. As he cried something began to build under him. The moon. With every tear he cried the moon grew bigger and bigger, until he couldn't cry anymore. Look! The girl says. You've made us a place where we can live forever! She was so excited. Then the two lived there on the moon. That's why there's sometimes faces on it. At least, that's what our father told us. Nya loved the story. She said that if she ever saw someone like the girl, she would got up there and keep her company, just like the boy did. Her heart was adorable.

"Kai..." Cole look down to the bottom of the monastery. "Can I... ask you something?" The way he said that made my gut churn.

"Um, sure..." I take a deep, silent breath in, getting ready for what he was about to ask.

"Do you blame yourself for all these girls deaths?" The question hit me like an arrow. Why would he think that? How did he know? I've never told anyone ever.

"I- um, w-why do you think that?" I look away from him, avoiding all eyes contact. How did he find out?

"When... when I was walking by your room one night for some water I heard you talking in your sleep. You were saying that, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, over and over again. After you'd say, the three, their dead because of me. Please let him not be next...." His words struck me hard. I don't remember that dream.

"I...." I look to Cole, trying to find their words to explain.

"Why do you think it's your fault?" Our eyes meet and I feel my gut churn again.

"Because...." I look down to my hands. "Because each one died after they confessed to me or asked me on a date...." Now that I said it outloud it sounded stupid. How could that ever affect something so serious? Maybe I'm just being self centered again.

"Kai." I look back up to him as he speaks. His eyes grew to this beautiful hazel nut brown in the moon light. "You don't need to blame yourself for anything. I'm sure none of this is your fault. Trust me." I give him a quick smile before looking back up at the stars. He was so comforting. So safe. Suddenly I hear him get up and I turn my head quickly to him.

"Where are you going?" I must have sounded so clingy cause he chuckled at my words.

"To sleep, like you should too. Don't stay out here to long." He smiles his heartwarming smile at me and heads back to his room, leaving me on this rooftop alone once again. My body felt a warm sense of happiness. One I didn't want to go away. My heart hopes for him to feel this happiness too with me, my brain prays for it to never happen.

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