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Cole's POV:

Kai was looking out the window forever. Both me and Nya were very worryed and very confused. He looked looked he was something. Something dangerous maybe? I get up and walk over, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"You ok? You've been acting kinda werid." He didn't respond for a while. His eyes stayed on the window. Then Nya came over, angry and annoyed.

"Hey!" She yells, hitting Kai in the back of his head. Guess that got his attention since he turned straight to her, yelling back.

"The hell was that for!?" He was rubbing the back of his head and Nya had the look of success on her face.

"How abour you stop seeing things and focus on what's real?" She raises her brows at him and then heads back to the table. Kai groans angrily and starts to walk away. Quickly, I go to stop him, grabbing his hand. As soon as our body's made contact he immediately looked to me, cheeks slightly red. He must have really not expected it. Honestly, I didn't think I'd do that either.

"Kai, If there's something bothering you then you can come talk to me about it. You know that right?" He just stares for a minute before a smile form's on his lips.

"I know..." Then he pulled away gently, heading up to his room. These past few months he's been so distant. Something is definitely wrong, but he's so stubborn that he won't tell anyone. A sigh leaves my lungs and I turn back to the table and see Nya's  smirking expression.

"Damn~ had to go for the hand." She giggles and sips a drink she had. Of course she was gonna tease me for this.

"W-well yeah. That was the closest thing to me." I walk over, trying to stay calm but she could tell all this was a lie.

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes playfully. "Enjoy holding his hands~?" She bats her eyes and I laugh sarcastically.

"Ha, ha. Very funny." I go to sip my own drink. Nya knew I liked Kai, I was just good at hiding it. Why was I being so obvious now? Have I always been like this? Was it cause Skylar is gone? Does that make me feel like I have more of a chance? Nya's been filling my head with so many things, maybe that's why. All thus fantasys with me and him, all cause by her saying stuff. God, sometimes she was annoying. Where was Jay when he needed to take his girlfriend away?

"I know, I'm a comedian." She smiles proudly knowing it'll annoy me. I roll my eyes and get up, heading to my own room. "Bye~" Yeah, she was annoying. I walk down the hall, passing room by room, but stop at Kai's. Should I see if he's ok? My hand hovers hesitantly by the knob as I think. What if he wasn't ok? I should at least check. My hand lowers onto the knob, going to open the door, but when I do he wasn't there.

"Kai...?" I walk in, looking into the open bathroom. Where was he? As I look around the room I notice the window open. His escape place. I smile sadly to myself ans head our the window, walking to where Kai rested on the roof. No one knew this was where he went but me. It was his special own place. "Hey." I go ans sit by him but he doesn't say anything. He doesn't even move. His chin rested between the knees that went up to his chest. The fire filled spark that's always in his eyes was now gone as he stared blanky off at the sights around the monastery. Arms wrapped around his legs. What could I do? Say something? That might just make things worse. He always protected others, being the big brother of most, but he needed help too. More then any of us did. Suddenly an idea pops into my head. Slowly I scoot closer to Kai. "Guess I can't make you laugh." I say making my voice dramaticly sad. "But my hands sure can." Immediately I go and tickle him everywhere. Bursts of laugher come from Kai's lips as he falls to his back.

"Cole!" He laughs and trys to get away but I get on top of him, still tickling him. "Stop!" It was rare to see him laugh this much, acting like a happy little kid. Still laughing, he moves his hands to push me off but I just end up pinning him to the ground, both of his wrist in each of my own hands. He catches his breathe, still giggling a but before looking up to me again. When he does our eyes lock. Silence filled the space around. My eyes switch from his eyes to his lip, and back again until I notice the red blush forming on his cheeks. As soon as I do, I jump off him, my own face going a slight red.

"S-sorry!" I laugh nervously and he sits up, a flustered expression on his face.

"I-its fine. Honestly." He smiles at me and the embarrassment that filled me immediately left. Nya had told me that Kai liked me, but then again, she might just be saying that so he knew how I felt. Should I risk it? Is it a good time to tell him now I feel? He was smiling, blush still on his face and I take a deep breath in.

"Kai can I tell you something?" I can feel my face go redder as he turns to face me.

"Uh- sure." He looked to innocent as he sat there, just staring at me.

"I- um, Kai I-"

"Guys food is ready!" We could hear Jay calling from inside the monastery. He probably didn't know we were up here. Damn it, great way to come back and ruin my moment.

"What were you saying Cole?" He still looked so interested. Shit, guess I'm chickening out.

"N-nothing. It can wait." I get up slowly.  "Let's go eat." He nods and we head back inside, going straight for the kitchen. God, when will he ever know?

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