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Kai's POV:

After dinner we all headed to our room for bed. I couldn't sleep though. It was about Cole. He was trying to tell me something. By the red on his face it was probably something embarrassing, or maybe he was just really nervous to tell me it. Oh God no. Please say he doesn't like me like that. Please no. I love him so much, and him feeling the same would be amazing but no. Based off everything else that's happened, he would just be killed like the rest. Something is happening, and it's connected to me somehow. Maybe I should ignore him for the past few days. That way he might lose any feelings he much have. Yeah, I'll do that. I go the lay down in my bed finally but jump back up when I hear a large crash sound come from out my room. What happened? I rush out of my room and hear anything crash. It was coming from coles room. Shit. I rush to his room, passing a very tired Jay who came to see the noise as well.

"Kai? Whats-" I rush right past him though. Jay was left there confused. We'd probably been seeing him again soon though. When I rush into the room I see her. The girl with blonde hair and metallic eyes.

"This works a lot better for me." She says giggling. "I just need to get rid of you before you can say shit!" She was holding a large kitchen knife in her hand, pointing it to Cole, who was now on the ground. Neither had noticed me yet. "People just keep getting in the way! Why won't people learn!? He is mine!" Sbe lunges for Cole, but failed as I pushed her away in the air. "Ow!" She had hit her head on the walls. "Who-?" She stopped when she saw me, and Cole just looked up at me.

"Kai?" When I look down to him he had a large gash on his cheek that was bleeding out.

"My Love..." The girl was getting closer and I immediately put my attention to her, fire blazing in my hands. "Y-you dont need to protect him. I'm doing this for us." She was getting to close for comfort. "Please, let me handle this and-"

"Your not going to do anything." He stepped forward, scaring her a bit. "And don't ever call me your love again." I blast fire at her, making her duck, only to be pushed back into the wall by Nya. Nya! Jay must have gotten her.

"Who the fuck is she!?" Nya looked tired, but she was probably still up anyways since she wasn't ready for bed at all. We both watched as Cole slowly got up.

"I don't know, but she apparently is inlove with Kai ans tryed to kill me." He rubbed some blood off his cheek and got into the better fighting position. Suddenly Jay, Zane, and Lloyd show up. Pixel coming through the window with her Samari X mech.

"Gotcha." She was surrounded and she knew it. Breathing heavily her eyes turn to me.

"You can't do this... I did this all for us! All those people! You must let me-" She tryed to step closer but the increase in fire that I held in my hands put fear in her eyes. "Y-you don't even like him! It must be weird having him love you in this romantic way!" She pointed to Cole. "Look at him. Pathetic!" She glared at everyone but me. "Me though, I can protect both you and me." She was crazy, knife still dangerous in her hands. Pixel was ready to shoot at anytime.

"Your going to need a lot of protection when you in prison so good to know." Nya smiled angrily as she started to walk over to the girl, Jay close behind just in case.

"Dont come any closer!" She held her knife up. Nya froze for a second. Silence filled the space. Suddenly Nya jumped for her, dodging the knife and pulling her down while Jay went to retrieve the knife. The two girls struggled on the ground, my strong sister obviously winning. A loud scream leaves the blonde haired girls lips.

"Kai! Help me! Please I beg of you!" She looked as if she would cry. "Help your love!" I walk over to them, neeling to meet eyes with the girl.

"You are not my love. Never say that. You've killed so many that didn't deserve it. Now your trying to kill one of the people I love most. Fuck, how can you even say I love you. Your just some crazy girl I don't know." I get up and Jay and Nya drag her to Pixel, tears forming in the girls eyes. Pixel locked her up in chains and went off to the police with the girl as she screamed. All those people killed, all for something so pointless. I clench my fists at the though of it. Bastard.

"Relax." Lloyd put a hand on my shoulder. My body slowly intensens and I turn around to see both Zane and Cole. Zane had a very suprised looked on his face while Cole's cheeks were a slight shade of red. Not just from all the blood, most from his own blush.

"What?" I look at everyone confused and Lloyd giggles. Nya and Jay wall passed.

"Sometimes you don't hear what you say." Nya rolls her eyes as everyone but me and Cole follow her out.

"What!?" I watch still completely confused. Cole just looked at me with disbelief. The room was silent for a bit until Cole slowly started walking closer, stopping a foot or two away from me.

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