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Diamond's POV

It's been 3 days since Xavier sent me flowers and guess what, he hasn't called or texted again. I'm guessing he's pissed at me for being rude to him that day but I didn't mean it, I was just acting cause everyone knows he likes stubborn girls.

What if he changed his mind?

I wanted to call him but I went against it cause it might make me seem desperate, that's far from what I want to be perceived as.

I was drinking some coffee in my comfy pyjama's, watching Bridgerton since it was 10:03am.

I'm so tired and it's freaking raining so I might as well enjoy my own company. When I finished drinking my coffee, a knock sounded on the door so I pushed my blanket to the side and walked to the door.

It feels freaking amazing to live alone, no one to bother you about anything, you're literally free to do whatever you want, I freaking haven't showered and I don't care cause there's no one to judge me.

I'm seriously enjoying this freedom!

I opened the door and instantly smiled when I saw Makayla standing in front of me with a pizza box in hand. "Hi baby." I squealed while pulling her in for a hug.

We've been talking so much through the phone, we've gotten pretty close and I'm loving it. I'm loving this sisterhood, this bond we're creating literally means so much to me cause she feels like home.

I love her so much.

"Okay girl." She chuckled, pulling away from me. "Can I at least get in." She said while walking inside my apartment.

"Welcome!" I said dramatically.

She chuckled, putting down the pizza on the coffee table. "This is one cute apartment, I'd love to live somewhere like this but Flacko would never agree." She rolled her eyes.

"So y'all live together?" I asked her while we sat on the sofa.

"Yes we do." She smiled. "We've been together for 5 years and living together for 2 years."

I nodded in awe. "Y'all are so cute." I giggled. "When's the wedding?" I jokingly asked.

She blushed. "He said we'll get married after the ambush." She said.

I looked at her in confusion. "What ambush?" I questioned.

I'm guessing that might've slipped cause she facepalmed herself. "I'm not suppose to tell you." She shook her head.

"Why?" I pouted. "Please tell me." I begged her cause this seems like something serious.

She groaned. "But you aren't part of the gang yet." She shrugged her shoulders. "If Iron heart finds out that I've told you about the ambush, he'll have my head and Flacko won't be able to save me."

I sighed. "I promise I won't tell him." I crossed my fingers. "I won't tell anyone." I smiled. "Aren't we best friends?"

With that she smiled. "Of course we're best friends." She chuckled. "Okay, so do you know this thug called Jacques?"

When she said that my heart dropped. "Yes, what did he do?" I asked clueless.

"So him and Iron heart are enemies to death, they hate each other with a passion and this war won't stop until one of the leaders die." She said.

I internally rolled my eyes cause I already know all of this, I'm not interested in all of that, I just wanna find out what the ambush is!

"So either Jacques or Xavier has to die?" I acted.

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