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Xavier's POV

The truck came to a halt after an hour or so. Kimberly put blindfolds on our eyes while Deontei held both guns, once she finished they led us out of the truck.

We walked for a hot second, even going down some stairs. We stopped at some place that had such an awful smell, it smelled like dead bodies and blood so I instantly knew that we were in a dungeon.

Once the blindfolds came off, I saw us standing in somewhere that looked like a basement with a dime light. "Welcome to my basement!" Jacques exclaimed.

I saw some guys walk up to us, they instantly grabbed us and started dragging us to the wall where multiple chains where hanging from the ceiling.

The 2 guys dragging me and kicked me to the floor then they lifted my hands, placing handcuffs which were connected to the chains on the ceiling.

Once they finished cuffing my hands they were about to walk away but Jacques stopped them. "This one will need a collar." Jacques said while pointing at me so they walked up to me, placing a heavy metal chain around my neck.

It made it really hard for me to move, it was really uncomfortable but I didn't mind cause I've been through worse. "So y'all might be wondering why you're not in the dungeon yet, well since you're my special guests I had to give y'all a little tour."

Deontei snickered. "Carry on cause they seem confused."

Jacques chuckled. "Well, only the fittest will survive to make it to the final stage which is the dungeon." Jacques spoke looking very proud. "In here, you'll be tortured and pushed to your limit but not all of you will make it to the dungeon, especially that one, he isn't looking well at all." Jacques said while pointing at Flacko.

Since he was shot they chained his body against the wall instead of his hands. "Don't worry ma, Doctor Bangeri is on his way to treat your man." Deontei said to a distressed Makayla.

She hasn't stopped crying, I've never seen her like this and I feel for her cause all these emotions are coming from the fact that Flacko got shot and he's loosing a lot of blood.

"Anyways!" Jacques yelled. "You'll spend a week in the basement then from there, you'll graduate to the dungeon. I can't wait for our wonderful journey together." And with that he walked out of the basement along with his brother.

His 10 gang members also followed after them, climbing up the stairs then locking the door behind them. "This is a fucking joke!" Tevin yelled. "What the fuck just happened to us? I still can't process it?"

"Y'all's darling bitch face Diamond betrayed us." Becca took the floor. "I never liked that bitch, I did all I could for her to just back off and leave us the fuck alone but no, everybody loved her and Becca became the bitter bitch instead."

"Okay Becca, you were right and we were wrong but all that doesn't fucking matter now does it? So please just shut the fuck up and let us think." Rakim snapped on Becca.

I just sat there in silence, still finding it hard to believe that my girlfriend, the girl I fell in love with, my Diamond is the one that betrayed us. She betrayed me!

"How could we be so stupid." Flacko said while groaning in pain. "How did she play us so well? How did we not see this coming?" He questioned.

"Point of correction, she didn't play us, she played boss a..." I immediately cut Becca off.

"You better shut that fucking mouth up." I said in a warning tone. "I don't wanna hear your voice until further notice."

She nodded her head, finally keeping quiet. "Flacko, will you be able to explain to me exactly what happened? I need to hear it from my second in command." I said with my head down.

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