34😭Wrong timing, baby😭

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Diamond's POV

I've been living in Flacko and Makayla's apartment for 2 days now. These two days have been the worst cause I've been sick.

I've been nauseous, throwing up left, right and centre. I have a fever and no appetite at all. Flacko got me some fever medication but it isn't working, I'm currently throwing it all up right now.

I flashed the toilet for the 5th time today, laying on the cold floor to cool off my burning body. I've got no idea what's going on with me! What's wrong with me?

"Diammy." I heard Makayla say while walking into the bathroom. "Shit, it smells like vomit in here." She gagged.

Diammy is what she started calling me 2 days ago and I'm not complaining cause it sounds good when she says it. "Are you better?" She asked while kneeling down next to me.

I moaned, feeling sick to the core. "I feel so weak." I whispered, finding it hard to talk.

"You haven't eaten anything in 2 days now, try eat something then we can go to the hospital after you've taken this pregnancy test." She said making me look up at her.

"Why do I have to take a pregnancy test?" I asked in confusion. "I'm not pregnant, I'm just sick."

She sighed. "I'm a pregnant girl." She started. "And I can assure you, everything you're feeling right now is symptoms of pregnancy cause I went through the same thing."

I sat up, shaking my head. "My mom thought the same thing just cause I started craving spicy food." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not pregnant Makayla."

"Okay, let's do this." She said. "Take the pregnancy test then if you're not pregnant, we'll go to Doctor Williams hospital and he'll assist you." She said.

I sighed, giving in cause it seems like she won't be giving up anytime soon. "Please help me stand up then." I said.

She smiled while standing up then placing her hand in mine. I stood up with my own effort cause she didn't even try at all, I took the pregnancy test box from her hand.

"Okay, let me know when you're done." She said while walking out of the bathroom.

I opened the box and pulled out the pregnancy test. I'm not nervous at all cause I know I'm not pregnant, I'm just sick and it's probably from all the stress.

I'm bound to get my period anytime now cause I didn't get it last month. My body works differently from other girls, sometimes my period's late, sometimes I get it twice in a month so I'm not stressing at all.

I sighed while peeing on the stick. Once I finished, I placed the test on the counter and walked out of the bathroom to find Makayla sitting on the couch in the living room.

"What does it say?" She asked.

"They said wait for 2 minutes so I left it there on the counter." I took a seat next to her.

"I'll go get it for you then." Makayla said while standing up and walking away.

I rolled my eyes cause I'm so going to prove her wrong. My heart sunk when I heard her scream. "What the fuck Makayla!" I yelled when I saw her running towards me.

"You're pregnant!" She yelled while pointing the stick at me.

"What?" I asked while standing up.

"You're pregnant mama." She said with a big ass smile on her face.

I took the pregnancy test from her hand and saw the words pregnant written in bold letters. My stomach knotted up as the test fell out of my hands. "Oh my God." I said with shaky hands going to my stomach.

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