11😱Unexpected visitor😱

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Diamond's POV

I sat in the chilling area, waiting for Xavier to finish sorting out the box issue. Makayla smiled at me so I shrugged my shoulders waiting for her to speak up.

"So, when did he ask you to be his girlfriend?" She smiled.

I scoffed rolling my eyes. "He didn't."

She looked at me, analysing me. "I can't believe this." She chuckled. "Iron heart really likes you, he basically claimed you in front of everyone."

I shook my head. "But that's not how it works babe." I chuckled. "He needs to pop the question or else we'll remain friends."

Makayla sniggered but suddenly stopped when we saw Becca and Daija approaching us. They took a seat on the sofa, facing each other as they started talking.

"She's no competition my love." Daija said to Becca. "Don't even sweat it."

Becca scoffed. "Why will I sweat it? We all know how Iron heart is." She smirked.

"Yeah." Daija agreed. "I know my brother very well and I know that he doesn't do love."

"Everyone knows that girl." Becca smiled.

"He'll surely show her why they call him Iron heart." Daija laughed. "He'll legit use her then dump her like all the others."

"Not me though." Becca winked at her. "He can't get enough of this mouth."

Daija gagged. "Y'all are so cute yet so disgusting at the same time." She rolled her eyes.

"We're cute, you can ask Diamond." Becca said. "She literally walked in on us, just when he was about to cum."

They both started laughing like witches. "Come help me Becca, I really want Rakim." And with that they both stood up and left.

Makayla glanced at me and we both burst out in laughter. "What the fuck was that?" Makayla asked.

"They were literally talking about me, in my face." I laughed. "Should we call that gossip?"

Makayla scoffed. "They're just trying to provoke you, they're always like that." She said. "Just don't give into them."

I sighed, this is really cutthroat. I've never fought for a guy before so this is all new to me, I don't even know how to react. "Daija really prefers Becca for Xavier." I said.

Some of the things they said touched a nerve but I don't think I should start overthinking. "She prefers Becca for Iron heart but Iron heart prefers you." Makayla said. "As I said, don't let them get to you."

Makayla sighed with her eyes on the stairs as the men walked down, Xavier's eyes instantly found mine. I bit my lip, slowly looking away in a seductive manner cause he's so hot.

How did I get so lucky!

I was about to say something to Makayla but I couldn't cause Xavier placed his hands on my waist, pulling me up in the process. "Let's go." He whispered in my ear.

I nodded with my eyes locking with his. Xavier is everything a girl would want in a man, he's got it all and I feel like such shit for doing this to him.

He's got the most intense cold eyes I've ever seen yet I find them so warm and intriguing. I felt butterflies appear in my stomach so I stepped away from him, looking down in order to catch myself.

What the hell was that!

I'm low-key starting to feel some type of way about Xavier and I don't like it at all, I don't like it. I need to stop feeling like this or else I'll ruin the whole mission.

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