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Diamond's POV

After the madness died down, Xavier came to get me cause I was still at the spot he left me at. "Where is Tevin?" I asked.

"Flacko took him to the car." He said while leading the way with his hand in mine.

We went downstairs to find the club empty, I could hear Storm shouting from the outside. My heart dropped when we stepped out to find the security that refused for Makayla and I to enter laying on the floor, in his own pool of blood.

"I need someone to tell me what the fuck happened!" Storm yelled at the other security guards and other employees. "How did bloodshed gang know that The Crips would be here?"

Shit! Kimberly is such a bitch, I told her about the club but I didn't think they'd come and attack. I didn't think of that at all, how could I be so stupid?

So is this her new way of getting information out of me? By luring me in for a friendly conversation? She's definitely going to get it tonight, I won't sleep until I speak to her.

"How do you know it's bloodshed gang?" I asked him feeling very nervous.

"They left their mark on Tevin once he was shot." Storm said looking upset. "Someone is a snitch here and I need to know who."

I flinched when he pulled out his gun and pointed it at his employees. "What are you doing Storm?" I asked, my heart pounding.

"Someone needs to die in order for them to confess." He shrugged his shoulders.

I could feel my hands start shaking cause his employees are innocent, I'm the snitch! Now someone's going to die all because of me.

"Baby, please do something." I said to Xavier cause I can't let these innocent people die because of me.

"What do you want me to do ma?" Xavier asked. "Someone snitched and we do not tolerate no snitches."

I shook my head, holding his arm with both my hands. "Please Zavier." I begged him.

He sighed. "Just leave them bro." Xavier spoke up. "There was a lot of people here tonight so it could be anyone."

Storm chuckled while putting away his gun. "Only because you say so brother." He said, walking back in the club.

I could see the relief on their faces and that made me really happy. "You guys can leave now." Xavier said to them. "But if I find out that one of y'all was a snitch, I'll personally kill you."

They nodded then walked away. Xavier held my hand and led me to his car, he didn't waste anytime driving off.

We arrived at Makayla and Flacko's apartment in a matter of minutes cause the club is closer to their apartment.

I instantly felt nauseous when I stepped into the the apartment cause the floor was covered in blood. Tevin was screaming on the counter as some man poured some alcohol on his abdomen.

I saw the bullet hole which was oozing out blood, that immediately mad me run to the bathroom. I went on my knees and started throwing up, I vomited everything I had today and more.

I'm guessing the nervousness is making me puke like this, plus the thought of Tevin's bullet hole made me throw up even more. I felt someone rub my back and from the way my skin tingled, I could tell it was my baby.

"It's okay baby." Xavier said while rubbing my back in slow circles.

I started feeling better so I flushed the toilet then sat on the floor. Xavier crouched down next to me, he sighed while taking off my heels. "Thank you baby." I gave him a weak smile.

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