27😣The betrayal😣

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Diamond's POV

I woke up feeling sick so I instantly got up on my feet and ran to the bathroom. I went on my knees as I started vomiting in the toilet.

What the hell!

Once I finished I flushed the toilet then sat on the floor. Xavier walked in looking confused. "You okay baby?" He asked.

I nodded my head, forcing myself to stand up. "I just felt nauseous but I'm fine now." I said while walking passed him.

"Are you sure you're fine cause you've been burning up since yesterday?" He asked, helping me lay on the bed.

"I'll be better Zavier." I smiled covering up my body. "I just need some more sleep." I whispered.

He nodded pecking my nose than walking back into the bathroom. There's something big that's going to happen today, I feel it in my gut and I honestly don't wanna find out what it is.

"My love." Xavier whispered in my ear causing me to stir in my sleep.

I opened my eyes to see him dressed and looking very good. "What time is it?" I asked, slowly sitting up.

"It's now 14:22pm, we woke up pretty late." He said.

"Where are you going?" I asked curiously.

"So there's this friend of mine that makes music, his name is Lyriks." Xavier said. "I'm going to meet up with him now cause he has invited me and the team to come to his studio around 20:00pm to just chill and catch up."

"So why you going now?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Cause he's my friend and I've gotta catch up with him privately." He shrugged his shoulders while picking up his gun.

"Wait, you're going with the team tonight?" I asked in confusion. "Including the girls or only the guys since we're on suspension?"

He eyed me. "I need him to meet my entire team so the girls will be there too, including Becca." He sighed.

"How do I know that you're not lying to me?" I said with my arms crossing over my chest. "How do I know that's where you're going?"

"Okay baby, I'll send you my location when I get there so you can see for yourself." He lifted his hands up in surrender.

I nodded in understanding. "I won't be able to be there though cause I'm really not feeling good." I spoke honestly.

"I can tell, you look very pale baby." He walked up to me. "Tomorrow morning we'll have to go see Dr Williams." He said.

I nodded. "What time will you get back home?" I pouted my lips cause I'll be left all alone.

"I'll be back as soon as possible." He pecked my lips. "I need to come back early so I can come take care of my baby." He kissed my cheek then moved away.

"You forgot my nose." I chuckled.

He smirked, coming closer to me and pecking my nose multiple times. "I love you baby, let's stop this fighting and let's just love each other." He whispered. "I can't loose you ever, I don't wanna loose you, I wanna love you for the rest of my life so please stop pushing me away."

I smiled feeling my heart flutter. "I agree." I pecked his lips. "I love you too."

He stood up and picked up his phone, blowing me a kiss as he walked down the stairs. "Call me if you need anything!" He yelled before walking out the door.

I smiled feeling giddy from the little speech he just gave me but that feeling disappeared when I realised something.

This realisation gave me a sinking feeling, I instantly felt sick again but I couldn't stand up cause I was paralysed in my spot.

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