16🫡Shooting Range🫡

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Diamond's POV

It's been 5 days now since I last saw Xavier, I haven't seen him ever since our hot air balloon date but we've been communicating with each other.

He's been very busy with the whole trap stuff and I've been avoiding going over to the trap house cause he might want to have sex then he'll see the bruises on my thighs, I really can't have him seeing that.

I'm grateful for the alone time I've had though cause it helped me heal physically, the day Jacques slept with me was horrible cause I couldn't sleep from the pain. I had to drink ibuprofen just to ease the pain and thankfully it worked.

Jacques hasn't reached out to me but I did call Kimberly to let her know that I haven't seen Xavier cause he's busy. The mission has to go on, I'm just tired of playing both sides, it's really stressful.

I've now completely healed from the pain but the bruises are still there and that's driving me insane cause it's constantly reminding me about that day.

I'm missing Xavier though, it's been lonely just talking to him on call and text. He couldn't even video call cause he was having private meetings with clients and gang leaders from other states.

What I love about Xavier is the fact that he builds connections with other gangs than just standing alone like Jacques. Jacques thinks making deals with other gang leaders makes you look weak so he prefers not to.

My phone started ringing on the nightstand so I picked it up. "Hey baby." I smiled.

"I'm outside your apartment ma." He said making me sprint to the living room.

I opened the door with no hesitation cause I've missed him so freaking much. He smiled when he set eyes on me causing me to jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"I missed you Zavier." I said with my arms going around his neck as he walked us in.

"I missed you too baby." He pecked my lips.

"Come on guys, it's just been 5 days." I heard Flacko say.

I was so caught up with Xavier to notice that Flacko was here with Makayla. "5 days too long." I chuckled while jumping off him.

I approached Makayla, pulling her in for a hug. "I missed you too boo." I pecked her on her cheek.

She rolled her eyes. "No you didn't." She pouted. "You just called me 32 times in 5 days."

"Really babe, 32 times?" Flacko shook his head in disbelief.

"I could've done 50 but I didn't wanna disturb you." I held both her hands.

"I want you to disturb me, disturb me all you want." She pulled me back in for a tight hug.

"Ohkay." Xavier said. "Baby, go get dressed." He held my waist pulling me away from Makayla.

"Where we going?" I questioned.

"You're going to learn how to shoot." He said, pecking the corner of my head.

We arrived at the shooting range, all I could hear was shot after shot and that excited me. Xavier held my hand as we made our way in with Flacko and Makayla behind us.

It's basically like a "double date" situation. We walked into the room where I saw about 3 people in their own cubicle, shooting at a target.

"Iron heart, I've been expecting you." Some guy walked up to us, dapping Xavier and Flacko.

"Yeah." Xavier chuckled. "Are the stations ready?" He asked the guy.

His name is Jack and he's the manager. "They're definitely ready." Jack answered. "Right this way."

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