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Diamond's POV

It's been a week since the yacht party and I still haven't heard from Xavier. It's crazy cause I was so happy, I thought we bounced back from what happened but I'm guessing I was wrong.

Now the thought that's currently running in my mind is whether I did not satisfy him cause why hasn't he called me ever since then.

I guess he just doesn't wanna be with me anymore and that really sucks cause I love him. I huffed when my phone started ringing so I picked it up to see Kimberly calling.

"How you doing ma?" I asked with a smile forming on my face.

"Baby, Deontei sent me to call you." She said, breathing heavily. "He said you should tell Xavier that Jacques is at Summer Pub with 2 of his friends."

"Ohkay." I said in confusion. "Why should I tell him that though? What will he do with that information?"

"Diamond!" She yelled. "Jacques is finally alone with his friends and this is the only day he'll ever be alone so this is Xaviers chance to finally get Jacques."

When she said that, my blood went cold. Is this really happening? Could today actually be the day that Jacques dies? Could today really be the day that I'll be set free and finally live my life to the fullest without being scared that Jacques might find me?

"Okay, I'm calling him now." I said while hanging up the phone.

I went to Xaviers' number but stopped myself when I thought about how he has been silent. Should I call him? Will he even pick up? I really don't know what to think at this point.

I sighed, dialing his number. It rang and rang and rang but he never picked up which made me feel sick cause he's clearly ignoring my calls. "Fuck him." I whispered to myself while dialing Flackos' number.

He answered on the second ring. "What's up mama." He said sounding cheerful as usual.

"Is Xavier there with you?" I asked.

"Yes, he's right next to me." He admitted not holding anything back which I'm grateful for.

At least now I know how much of a douchebag he is. "Since he's not picking my calls, please tell him that Kimberly just called me and told me that Deontei said that Jacques is alone with his 2 friends at Summer Pub so this is the only chance he has to catch Jacques without his men around." I said then hung up.

If he doesn't get it then fuck it! I tried calling the leader himself but he refused to pick up so what do you expect me to do? If he misses this opportunity then so be it.

I stirred in my sleep from the sound of the doorbell. I checked my phone to see multiple missed calls from Makayla. "Shit!" I said while getting out of bed.

It was pouring outside, the rain was going crazy so I ran to the living room and unlocked the door. "Sorry mamas, I was fast asleep." I said while letting her in.

"I figured." She chuckles while stepping in.

"How long where you standing there for?" I asked.

"About 5 minutes." She slowly took a seat cause her belly was in the way.

Her tummy grows each and everyday, it's really wonderful to see. "I'm guessing you didn't simply come to visit me cause you still haven't said anything." I said. "What's wrong?" I questioned curiously. 

"You'll have to sit down for this." She sighed.

I took a seat next to her, giving her my full attention. "Jacques is dead." She said in all seriousness.

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