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Diamond's POV

"Jacques, I'm sorry!" I cried out in pain as he continued delivering a storm of punches to my face.

"When I'm done with you, you won't dare refuse giving me that pussy ever again!" He stood up and grabbed a thick leather belt from the bed, lashing it across my body.

My screams echoed in the room, and desperation filled the air, realizing that no one could come to my rescue.

He began whipping me with it. My body was literally on fire, I was screaming for dear life but I knew no one could come and save me. The pounding on the door and the cruel sound of the belt against my flesh drowned out everything else.

"Ahh!" I screamed, attempting to escape but, he yanked me down by my hair.

Kicks to my ribcage followed, and my vision blurred as pain consumed me. I couldn't really see much from my left eye cause it was swollen but what I could see from my right eye were stars.

I felt breathless, slowly slipping into unconsciousness until a punch on my lip jolted me back.

That was the most painful shit I've ever felt!

How did I not see this side of him before?

"Jacques! You better open this fucking door now!" Deontei's voice cut through the chaos.

Deontei is Jacques' older brother and he's the only one Jacques respects other than their mom. Jacques stood up and walked out of the room, and I curled my half naked body into a ball, helpless against the searing pain.

It hurts so bad.

Jacques really wasn't like this the time we met. He automatically changed when I turned 20, the aggression, temper, jealousy and possessiveness consuming him. I couldn't leave the house, he stopped me from seeing my friends and family.

Let me tell y'all about my family!!

I don't know my dad cause he left us when I was very young. My mom disowned me cause I started dating Jacques so I started living with my best friend/sister Janelle.

Janelle is my best friend, she was friends with Deontei so one day she threw a party and Jacques came along with Deontei.

Jacques was the one that approached me, he was the one that made the first move. Jacques entered my life through Deontei at a party, and everything changed.

I don't deserve this at all! I don't deserve this torment, I chose Jacques over my mom, but the love i offered turned into brutality.

"Diamond!" I heard a panicked person say. "Diamond look at me!"

I slightly opened my eyes and saw Deontei. I also saw Aunt Mary crying from the corner of the room which caused me to start crying myself.

"Please stop crying Diamond." Deontei said.

"Look what he did to you." Aunt Mary cried out.

"Mom would you please stop crying cause you're making everything worst." Deontei angrily said.

"Deontei." Aunt Mary said with a shaky voice. "She is somebodys daughter.......what will you do if Jacques kills her?"

I couldn't even focus on the conversation cause the pain was excruciating.

"I will not let this happen ever again." Deontei said to his mother but all she did was whip.

"You said that the last time but it happened again." She sniffled. "She doesn't deserve this."

"Diamond." Deontei softly said. "Diamond don't close your eyes ma, you need to stay awake."

I felt so weak but I tried my best not to let the darkness consume me. "Mom, help me take her to the bathroom." Deontei said.

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