Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

    Ning Yao was extremely regretful, she scratched her hair, and asked in disbelief: "But how did this happen?"

    Lu Zhi gave her a cold look: "Shut up, you still dare to ask?"

    She felt a thump in her heart.

    That's right, she is now like a big scumbag who forced the victim to recall the victimization process.

    The victim obviously showed resistance, and she kept asking, which is simply too much!

    Ning Yao thought about it, probably because she was ill last night, greedy for her body, sneaked in to sleep with her, and Lu Zhi suffered from the blood curse again, her spiritual power was restrained, and she had no resistance.

    Only then...

    "I was wrong, please accept my sincere apology," Ning Yao calmed down, "I promise there will be no next time."

    Lu Zhi: "How dare you?"

    Ning Yao felt that there was something wrong with his words. It's weird, and I can't say it.

    "Don't dare." She only had one last question. Didn't she say that she was allergic to Lu Zhi's spiritual power, but this time it was not as uncomfortable as the previous few days. Could it be that she is gradually desensitized?

    She didn't bother to ask.

    And at this moment, another loud noise came from the next room.

    When Ning Yao got dressed and rushed to the door, she realized that her room was in a mess, the bedding was torn apart, cotton wool was flying all over the place, and tables, chairs, teapots, and cups all fell to the ground.

    And the instigator was squatting on the ground with a look on his face, and when he saw Ning Yao, he wanted to pounce on her and lick her again.

    As soon as she arrived in front of her, Ning Yao issued an order with a sullen face: "Xiaoha, sit down for me!


    He stared at his master guilty, knowing that he had made a mistake, so he winked at her flatteringly.

    Xiao Qi didn't expect Ning Yao to come out of Mr. Lu's room. She was overjoyed and understood why the little fairy went crazy early in the morning. It turned out that she couldn't keep the princess, so she smashed things to vent her anger!

    "Your Highness, look at him, he smashed everything in his house and has no education. How can such a person deserve to stay with His Highness?" She seized the opportunity to complain.

    Ning Yao rubbed her temples with a headache.

    It's really troublesome, Xiao Ha is a dog after all, and he can't change the instinct of tearing down the house brought in by his genes, even if he spanks his butt, it won't help.

    "Let's pay the price to Li's family." Ning Yao helped Xiaoha up from the ground and patted his head. "This is someone else's house, so you can't dismantle it randomly. You can slowly dismantle it when you return to the palace, understand?"

    Xiaoha's eyes suddenly lit up, and his tail wagged wildly.

    Xiao Qi crumpled the small handkerchief in his hand, unexpectedly, this little goblin has some skills, it seems that it is not so easy to drive it away.

    She saw Mr. Lu leaning against the door, with a handsome face, like a banished fairy above the nine heavens, but his face was too pale. He looked at the little princess with eyes as light as feathers, so indifferent to the world.

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