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So sorry I keep adding some many series since it's not enough for it to be completed I don't how many I keep going to but I promise it's worth it plus I didn't want to finish off just yet mostly because there are more it doesn't feel finished I don't want to end it with a cliffhanger just to let you know there's more this might be the last until they get to college that's sort of when I stop when Peter and MJ get married eventually get some point I might 

but there's more story I want to share so this is there's more coming I promise so I hope this doesn't bother you that im adding more to it 

But I am so im sorry for doing that also if you dont have any idea what's going on I wasn't sure if I was supposed to spoil it for you 

if you want to read it in the case since I want to know what's going on if you haven't read Part 4 of No way home continuation 

I might recommend you to do so but the last one if you dont get the ending of it spoiled 

The fan casts for some of my characters are on The Continuation of no way home P3 the first chapter to the site of The Continuation of no way home P2 for fan casts for it and then P4 and P5 somewhere im too lazy to know honestly 

My stories aren't just stories to me I try to put value and meaning beside them connecting them with serious issues still facing people experience in life really as racism sexism depression anxiety and mental health how serious it is

I hope you guys like them and loved my creativity and hard work on them

I never try to offend anyone or anything like that so please don't take my stories offensive or if I do please let me know so I can fix it since I'm willing to accept constructive criticism from you guys try to understand it

Anyways hope you guys really like let me know any suggestions or ideas you have you wanna share with me let me know

So thank you guys for all your support I'm really glad to know my work has been enjoyed by a lot of people especially my first one of no way home

Anyways if you read parts 1 and 2 and 3 are y'all excited about reading part 4 and then Part 5 or those you haven't you can still enjoy it then

but I'm trying my very best on it so it might not be the best let me know or correct me if I made any mistakes since I do make a lot of grammar mistakes

Anyways let me know what story I should next if this story isn't like your cup of tea or if you want to make another one I will do it I don't know how many chapters I will be doing let me know how many I should make at least

The fan cast for johnny Jameson isn't there because in this universe he's just a little boy whos a huge fan of spiderman

whos dad isn't much of a fan of him but I don't know who to put there so yeah it's what i put for him 

there's a warning for it  

!SPOILER WARNING!  if you want to read without knowing dont do it if you dont want it to get spoiled for you 

part 1 was a Christmas movie series where peters friends are starting to get memories remembering Peter also facing challenges with villains like shaker and scorpion thugs just typical things exploring them Peter having the challenge to want them back in his life or keeping them safe and so on

Part 2 is about venom the symbiote Oscorp fisk meeting new characters going to be introduced in the story

Part 3 was about Betty's party and the whole school drama there along with MJ getting a new job as well

If you are curious to read them feel free to since I don't want to give too much information away to those who are interested in reading them not wanting the whole plot spoiled for them I leave some things out

The Continuation of no way home P6Where stories live. Discover now