Chapter 16

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"Let's do a natural one first—just smile!" the photographer said to them, and MJ took the lead by putting her arm around Peter and pulling him closer

They both smile then, and she takes the picture

it was a bit awkward for MJ becuase she isn't big on public affection mostly when its front of her family and for peter it was okay but nerve wreaking since he felt they were judging him

The next pose is a kiss, which feels extremely awkward to do in front of the whole family

But again, MJ takes the lead and grabs his face, making a point to smile into the kiss and wrap her arms around his neck

He's glad that she's basically doing all of the work because it makes him feel significantly less awkward about the whole thing knowing that he doesn't have to do it

then the next one they have to do one where they stare into each other's eyes which they didn't mind if it wasn't put on display for The Waston family

Peter was worried about how Madeline and how Kevin and Tommy had been giving him dirty looks the entire time how uneasy it made him feel getting that

it felt like it was when he was spiderman how so people gave him judgmental stares he sees it and it bothers him how people see differently from it nothing much changed with this

but he did anyway despite how uneasy it made him plus this was MJ he was with he to pretend there was no one there

Then, later on, finished the photo

After that Tommy was talking to peter as he was sitting down by himself waiting for MJ

do you love her Tommy said concerned

um uh y-uh Peter said shamelessly nodding his head

oh sorry if i misjudged you earlier i was just worried that my cousin was gotta get hurt so i sort of could tell that you love her so best if you dont tell any of the aunties that there pretty judgy people especially my mom Tommy said worriedly

oh its okay man its cool Peter said with a shrug

oh okay good i just didn't want you to be scared of me Tommy said concerned

oh no im not scared of you i just didn't know you at all but its cool man no worries Peter said sympathetically

oh ok man that's it have fun Tommy said nervously then walking away from peter

what did he say to you MJ said confused

um nothing much but he said he was sorry for judging me so quickly Peter said bluntly

oh MJ said shocked

stop looking at me that way MJ said annoyed with a smile

umm I can't help it youre beautiful Peter said with a smile

ugh shut up MJ said with a laugh

It's true Peter said with a smile

get a room you two geez Kevin said annoyed with them

when did you get here MJ said surprised not even noticing he was there until he said something

a while ago when you two were talking about Tommmy that's when Kevin said annoyed

geez dude quit the attitude MJ said confused

i never actually thought that day MJ has a guy liking for her Kevin says surprised

what's that supposed to mean MJ said defensively

Hey MJ Brad said with a smile

are you fucking kidding me MJ said angrily to Brad

what did i do Kevin said in shock

no not you you didn't do shit it's Brad MJ said annoyed

oh what did he do Kevin said confused

what Brad are you stalking me MJ said shocked in disgust purposely ignoring Kevin's question about him

no of course, not it that's your parents and my parents so I got invited here please youre mom said to hang with you guys Brad said with a smile

im out MJ said annoyed then took Peter's hand

Peter went with her not sure if he wanted to say anything to him anymore so went with MJ too

MJ was upset that her mom invited someone who was constantly harassing her sexually, especially after the party she lost all her respect for him and that he would understand that they were friends and nothing more

but he didn't respect it after that he made up a rumor about her a false sex rumor but of course, she thought that she didn't have to deal with it anymore just for her mom to invite him

MJ wanted to go somewhere anywhere somewhere to cool off then she heard a shout from Liam

why is he here Liam said annoyed with Madeline

what who are you talking about dear Madeline said confused

him Liam said pointing directly at him as Brad noticed he was pointed at and so did the others

because he's a good boy with a future and life ahead of him and isn't a school dropout plus i think our daughter should give him a chance just becuase shes dating someone doesn't mean Peter owns her Madeline said concerned

you think that's what it's about Liam said disgusted with Madeline

yes isn't that it Madleine said confused

no that's not it he's been harassing our daughter for a long time she made it very clear that they were friends and he kept pushing it further does that sound like a good guy to you Liam said annoyed

what you know he likes her his feelings for her shouldn't be pushed away she didn't even give the guy a chance but our daughter was willing to open her legs for some random homeless white high school drop out Madeline said annoyed as Peter overhears the conversation

MJ wasn't paying attention she was listening to the music of her own sitting at a different table with Kevin and Peter

There's soft music playing from the speakers all around them and when the DJ sees the group arrive, he lets everyone know over the microphone that it's time to be seated which some already are


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