Chapter 2

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The contact was late. Seraphina didn't like being out on the street with her bow and arrow. It gained too much attention and often led to the wrong kind of person approaching her. She didn't need the mission blown because someone had called the cops.

A motorcycle sped down the street, screeching loudly as the rider moved in and around the cars. Seraphina leaned on the wall near the corner of the building. She watched as the rider swerved into the side street and stopped next to her. The visor rose and she saw the amusement in his eyes.

"Traffic is a nightmare, am I right?"

"You are late, and if I fail because of that, I will blame you."

"Yeah, I figured that. Hope on."

The rider watched the raven fly down to the assassin's shoulder.

"Oh, no one said anything about a feathery sidekick."

"That is why you were told to be here by a certain time. Bram has separation anxiety and I cannot leave him at home."

"And I take it that he's not a wild bird?"

"Not anymore. He injured a wing and can only manage short flights."

The rider nodded, watching as the assassin pulled out a sling and helped the bird into it. When the jacket was zipped up, and the bird was safely stowed, the rider offered a helmet.

"I'm Jackson."


Slipping it on, Seraphina hoped the journey would be short but not as wild as it had been when Jackson tore up the street.

Continuing down the street, Jackson turned into the traffic. He would weave through the cars and trucks, making the journey as short as he could manage. It was common for drivers to deliver their packages on the back of a motorcycle. The mode of transportation was efficient and could get through many places that a car could not. This was the first time he'd delivered a package with a mascot though.

Pulling into a side street, Jackson slowed next to the sidewalk and turned off the light. In the shadows of the buildings that towered over them, he moved closer to the street corner.

"That's the building over there. You can take the street on the left we just passed, go around the block and find your access point from there."

Turning the motorcycle around, Jackson moved to the side street.

"I'll wait here."

Seraphina pulled the helmet off, giving it to Jackson.

"Did you want me to look after the bird?"

"No. He'll fret without me. Thanks anyway."

Jackson nodded and watched as Seph walked away. He'd never met anyone as strange as she was. There was something that he just couldn't figure out. He wondered if it was the pet bird.

Seraphina pulled the hood over her head before checking in with Bram.

"How are you doing, bud?"

The bird cawed softly.

"Okay, good. We're going into stealth mode so I hope you've done all your singing for the night."

Bram tilted his head, almost like he'd taken offence to what Seraphina had said. With a soft chuckle, she zipped her jacket a little higher.

Watching from the shadows, Seraphina waited for the opportune moment to cross the road. The blur of black remained unseen as she lifted over the high fence, entering the garden. Hidden in the shadows of the area, Seraphina watched as the guests arrived. A mixture of humans and vampires, they were either the elite or the invited.

Despite their efforts, Seraphina knew that the General and his team could not get an invitation for her to attend the ball. She warned them against making a fuss about it. It could blow their plan, and there would be no second chance at this, regardless of what General Harvey thought.

Seraphina threw out the line and waited for the hook to catch on something sturdy. With a tug to confirm it would hold, she climbed up to the balcony.

When she reached the top, Seraphina was about to climb over the rail when she heard a noise. It was footsteps. Quietly she pulled the hook out of sight and held onto the pole. It was wide enough to hold the sides and not be seen. That would be, of course, if the guard didn't look over the rail.

When he was further along the balcony, Seraphina climbed over the rail and slipped into the building.

The inner area of the building was a mixture of wide sitting areas and thinner walkways. Seraphina slipped through the shadows, hiding behind pieces of furniture and columns as she moved. Finding an ideal position, she climbed up to the spot and settled in.

In the eaves of the building, she was hidden. Aside from a gap she would use to watch and take the shot, nothing else exposed her to the guests below.

Pulling out the bow and an arrow, Seraphina laid them out and waited for Hawthorn to appear.

Ball gowns and tuxedos were the order of the evening. Seraphina imagined that everyone would look perfect for the king.

As trumpets blew and the crowd quieted, the man of the hour entered the ballroom. Seraphina picked up her bow and arrow, shifting into position.

"You and I have waited a long time for this, Bram," Seraphina whispered.

Hawthorn walked into the crowd, greeting guests as they approached. The only shot Seraphina had was his back, and she considered it a low act but with no other option, she would fire the arrow. Seraphina's mind would remind her that she believed it was cowardly not to face the enemy when relieving them of their life.

Inhaling deeply, Seraphina focused her mind. She pulled back the bowstring until it was taut. The shot was perfect. His back was open and exposed enough that she could have her pick of places to hit, even if the long blonde hair was wildly hanging over his jacket.

Then the unthinkable happened. Hawthorne turned and looked directly at Seraphina. It had been a long time since she'd seen those crystalline blue eyes. A wry smile crossed his face, and with a devious wink, the king turned back to his guests.

Seraphina lowered the arrow, her heart racing fast. She'd never faltered in the past, and one little moment had broken her perfect world. If that wasn't bad enough, Seraphina turned to the opening where she climbed into the eaves and realised she was not alone.

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